What is the best excercize for a woman 33 that is over 300lb



  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I started with a gazille glider, a good work out and easy on the knees.
  • 000angie000
    000angie000 Posts: 152 Member
    Defiitely just get out there and walk, each day going a little further and little faster. You will be amazed at your progress. But also consider spending time perfecting your nutrition as well. Take time to change your relationship with food, try to think of food as fuel and not as pleasure. Once you drop some weight, your body will tell you whn it is ready for more. This is what happened to me. I started at 275, and did not exercise at all for 2 months, when I dropped 40 pounds and my body was screaming at me to start exercise. And then at 4 months when I dropped 60 pounds my body knew it was time for weights. My body really was talking to me.
    How did u lose so fast?
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    In addition to the exercise, you log EVERY BITE OF FOOD that you eat. No matter how small, log it. In order to do this, the first piece of equipment that you need to buy is a digital food scale. The second piece is a set of measuring cups. Weigh/measure EVERYTHING!!! Try to stay within your calorie goal, and be sure to drink LOTS of water. Just to answer the next question in advance, diet soda does not count as water.

    I recommend trying to stear clear of the frozen dinners. They're so full of chemicals and sodium, that they defeat my attempts to be good. Fresh (or frozen) fruits and veggies are your friends. So are lean meats (turkey, chicken and fish), unless you're vegan -- that's another chapter. This doesn't mean you can't have a steak or a burger ever week or so, you just can't have them every day. Again WEIGH all your food.

    In the beginning, if you want to eat out, I recommend getting carry out. That way you can weigh and measure the food. For example: My hubby is hooked on Mexican food, I only allow myself and ounce or two of tortilla chips (depending on my calorie count). In a restaurant, it would be VERY easy to go over that amount, so Mexican food is on a carry-out basis only.

    Something that keeps me on track is a thing I call "planned indulgences". I allow myself a small treat every day. My personal addiction are these little milk chocolate pearls by Godiva. I measure them out, and savor them as desert after dinner every night. Since they're a high grade chocolate, I don't feel a need to eat more. Oftentimes, I just let the choco melt on my tongue, so that I get the maximum chocolate enjoyment. Whatever your 'planned indulgence' may end up being, eat it slowly... enjoy it.... and add it to your food diary. Yes, this is sugar. However, I don't have high blood sugar issues. ANd if a 100 calorie treat keeps me from going overboard, then it's a great treat.

    P.S. I have my calorie intake set for 1600 per day. This gives me an average 2.5-3 lbs per week weight loss. Don't set your calorie limit unrealistically low. If you're 300+ lbs, there's no way you can start off at 1200 cals per day. It's a MAJOR transition that you're starting.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Fisrt, welcome to the site and congratulations on taking the step to becoming a better you.:flowerforyou:
    My advice. just focus on walking for the first 6 weeks. As your body gets stronger, then start going longer and fatser and may be even add some hilly parts.
    After 6 weeks and if you are feeling good, then start incorporating some "jogging" but listen to your body and how it will reacts.
    Wishing you all the best and know that we will be here to support you.
    To your health,
  • Once you get to the point that you can jog.....About.com has a training regimen to introduce you to running. I did it and it is a reasonable approach. Walking is supposed to be just as good; but for me personally the running kicks in the endorphins and energizes me more. Good running shoes go a long way towards preventing injuries. As others have said; listen to your body.

    I am trying to get in the habit of thinking "Eat to Live, Don't Live to Eat".
    Good Luck,
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    you could start out just by walking. Leslie Sansone has a whole mess of stuff designed around walking. Good for you for wanting to take charge of your health. Good luck on your journey!

    I agree I use to do Leslie Sansone dvd untill later I bought a treadmil I don't do the Leslie Sansone tapes..... Good luck
  • jenndelgado
    jenndelgado Posts: 14 Member
    I know everyone already said Leslie Sansone and I have to say I agree. I wasn't over 300lbs when I started but I was 170lbs out of shape and didn't workout since leaving the military and even then I didn't workout as hard as I should have. I was still overweight and over ate and did all the things people shouldn't. Leslie Sansone was a great base to start off on. I started slowly implementing the one mile walks, then added one pound weights on the one miles walks. When I felt I was ready I increased it to another mile until I was doing her 5 mile walks. She help me shed the first 12lbs of my weight loss journey and then I was able to graduate to more intense workouts starting from Turbo Jam all the way to P90X and Turbofire. It took my about 2 years to get to the level of workout intensity that I can do now. Thinking back on it I'm pretty proud of myself :D. You will do phenomenal and Leslie is a great workout and the best thing is Target always has sales with her videos sometimes they are 10 bucks. Also sometimes you can score some at Marshall's or TJ Maxx.
  • When I started my weight loss journey I also was 33 and over 300lbs. I started with walking and the elliptical. My knees where not the best so I really couldn't do anything that was too high impact. I have to agree with the previous posts to hold off on the running/jogging for now. Although everybody is different, I had to wait till my knees cojuld handle it. Didn't stop me from wanting to just take off and run though:)
    The key though is really to find something you love. After a while of doing the same excersize I needed something to keep my interest. Now I take classes at a local Y and do Zumba, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, lifting, and I still do the treadmill and elliptical. Just don't get overwhelmed. Make yourself small goals, and always remember you can do anything you set your mind too!!
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