Looking for new friends and weight loss support

RainbowAces66 Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I have been using MFP for 5 weeks and this is the first time I logged into the community. I realize as much as I would like to manage this on my own I am beginning to realize I cant do this alone. Like many of you I am sure I have tried many ...many ....MANY different ways to get the weight off and be healthy....not to mention the hundreds of pounds I lost and found and the hundreds of dollars wasted on gym memberships. Hopefully this forum will be the support I have been missing and need to be successful this time. Just in 5 minutes I have seen many success stories and I hope in a few weeks I can add one myself . Good Luck all!


  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome! I joined 5 weeks ago. Love it. This site inspires me to stay within my calories and to exercise, even when I really don't feel like it. Best wishes on your fitness journey!
  • I was a member for about 2 months before I became active on the site a few days ago....utilizing MFP makes a huge difference in the way I have been eating, and believing in myself.

    Believe in yourself and the power of doing it together! You'll do great!!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome, sent friend request. Good luck on your journey:)
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    This is an amazing site because of the amazing people that you will meet and that will support you. I use it as my motivation when I am having an off day. Someone on here will always have a kind encouraging word to say.
  • Hello!!!

    So glad you are asking for our support! I can't wait to log on daily and see the support from my fellow pals...and offer it in return. I have been here 3 weeks....and lost 14 lbs...and LOVE my journey and adventure so far. This is for life and I realize it will take at least a yr to get to my long term goal of losing 125 lbs....but I have a different spirit than all the other times. I am determined to lose this weight and learn to enjoy myself along the way.
    Feel free to add me as your friend...and we can do this together!!!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Glad you're here! Good Luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome! add me if you like :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! I, too, tried them all....lost and found tons of weight. But this time its for real. I have changed my whole outlook on food, which is really the key. Everyone says you have to get inside your head too, and they are right. Its not just baout watching what you put in your mouth. I've watched what I put in my mouth for over 40 years :) I had to learn about my relationship with food and now I view food so much differently.

    Good luck to you :)
  • kgarza810
    kgarza810 Posts: 37
  • ChickenTuna
    ChickenTuna Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome...Lots of support, motivation, and ideas on reaching your goals.:smile:
  • kmusky
    kmusky Posts: 4
    welcome!! i love this site as well..i feel accomplished by keeping what i do and eat calculated. i become frustrated so easily and lose my focus every time i start to lose because i dont get fast results!!! im with you on all the wasted money .. all the suppliments ive bought and never stuck to all the dvds ive bought to lose interst in after only a few tries! this site with these great people do help with the encouragement they give and the stories they share! i hope you stay an active memeber and achieve your goals! please add as a friend! good luck
  • robin921
    robin921 Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome - I just joined as well. Like you I've lost hundreds of pounds and found them again. Add me as a friend if you would like.
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