Need advise from my MFP pals

JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
Yesterday I found out I once again have Hyperthyroidism but my doctor seems to think that my lack of energy is all in my head. I am now going on almost 10 days of no gym. I went once and could barely do the stairmaster and fought my way through my weight training workout. My biceps were very weak and they have been sore for over 3 days now.

I have no drive to go to the gym and I feel so tired all day. I have experienced this before and I gained 25lbs last time this happened.

When I get home from work all I want to do is sleep, I eat my preworkout meal and then I just say "ill go tomorrow' then stay home and pig out. Last night I had 2 pieces of stuffed/deep dish pizza and 2 bowls of Trix cereal. I am getting really frustrated here.

Any opinions as to what I should do?


  • Raimie71
    Raimie71 Posts: 11 Member
    supplements? Have you tried any? I would also wonder what the rest of your bloodwook looked like. As a nurse, I see this in teens/young people and it usually is a virus. But , I would wonder what the rest of the body is doing. Stick to the pre-planned meals, try with all of your might to avoid substitutions or drastic changes, as the extreme sugar can also make you tired.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    when i went through this i had an iron deficiency. go to another doctor or two to get several other opinions.
  • vartanfan71
    vartanfan71 Posts: 62 Member
    I sometimes have to force myself to workout especially when I am tired. The amazing thing is that after I workout, I have more energy than before! You may want to try that.
  • kmart20
    kmart20 Posts: 72
    Thats happened to me before too...I have been feeling like that all week. After having a bunch of blood works to see if something was wrong with me and then telling my doctor what my days are like (schedule wise) what my doctor told me what think about how crazy hectic and busy your schedule is, you are constantly on the go...sometimes you just need to take time off for yourself and relax. It seems to work now and then.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Either push through it if you can, but it sounds like you're having a really tough time, maybe get a personal trainer if you can afford it or a good friend to push you if you think that will help or....get a second opinion from a different doctor. But only you truly know what you need to do.

    Oh and try to eat food that will make your body feel better.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Blood has been done. Everything is in check except my Thyroid which is 1.5 times higher then normal. It is not a mental situation I dont feel. It is a chemical situation that I cannot control but I feel knowing that, that mentally I just use that as a crutch and I dont bother to even try.

    A personal trainer is not going to get me to work out, it's not that I am lazy i physically feel run down as anyone that knows me knows my diet is sick and my workout routine is on point.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Blood has been done. Everything is in check except my Thyroid which is 1.5 times higher then normal. It is not a mental situation I dont feel. It is a chemical situation that I cannot control but I feel knowing that, that mentally I just use that as a crutch and I dont bother to even try.

    A personal trainer is not going to get me to work out, it's not that I am lazy i physically feel run down as anyone that knows me knows my diet is sick and my workout routine is on point.

    Have you done much research on hypothyrodism? My mom had that and when your thyroid slows down so does your metabolism. You gain wait easily and you have no energy. I would see a specialist if you really have hypothyroidism. They can give you medication to help balance it. Sorry that I can't give you advise on special remedies but seriously I would see a specialist and see if you really have hypothroidism.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Blood has been done. Everything is in check except my Thyroid which is 1.5 times higher then normal. It is not a mental situation I dont feel. It is a chemical situation that I cannot control but I feel knowing that, that mentally I just use that as a crutch and I dont bother to even try.

    A personal trainer is not going to get me to work out, it's not that I am lazy i physically feel run down as anyone that knows me knows my diet is sick and my workout routine is on point.

    Have you done much research on hypothyrodism? My mom had that and when your thyroid slows down so does your metabolism. You gain wait easily and you have no energy. I would see a specialist if you really have hypothyroidism. They can give you medication to help balance it. Sorry that I can't give you advise on special remedies but seriously I would see a specialist and see if you really have hypothroidism.

    Last year in mid summer I had it and it went away. Doctor thinks something I eat has started to cause it, it is also stated that if you cut your carbs too much it can cause hyperthyroidism in people and I think thats what my problem may be.

    I know I do not have Graves disease as last year I saw a specialist about it.
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    Have you checked for a vitamin d deficiency. I had similar problems like you and found out after several visits and tons of labs that it was a vitamin d deficiency. Mine was extremely low and I was put on ultra high doses for 24 weeks, and now take over the counter. I feel great now!
  • Mahlissa
    Mahlissa Posts: 128
    Are you seeing a endocrinologist? if not, get a referral and seek your answers. It's very obvious from your symptoms that something is not right and off balance.

    Have you considered accupuncture as alternative medicine?

    Good luck, sorry for your pain.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism also (Graves disease). I take medication to keep it under control. Sometimes it flares, and I get fatigued and spend a lot of time resting. It's really important not to overdo it, and to avoid stress. Have you tried yoga? Don't lose hope. Let your body rest, but try not to overeat! You'll only regret it later.