I'm new- Hi!

amandarae123 Posts: 16
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody- I'm excited for MFP to help me lose weight!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Fri 04/22/11 01:17 PMHello and welcome. You can do anything you put your mind too. Good luck on your journey and all of us will be here to help.
    Log on everyday and be honest with yourself and your diary. Stop the processed foods and try to eat as close to whole as you can. Whole Wheat, Lean Meats,Fresh fruits and veggies. Watch the fats and carbs. if you stay within your goals you'll do great. Again Good luck.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Hi and welcome! Good luck in your weight loss journey--feel free to add me as a friend, if you want. This is a great site for tips and motivation!
  • rock_1206
    rock_1206 Posts: 33
    Hello and welcome to MFP. Awesome site, and even awesomer people. Good luck with your goal.
  • Welcome! There is a lot of support here if you choose to tap into it. I will send you a friend request and try to keep up with you :wink:

  • tracykym
    tracykym Posts: 5
    You can do it!! Don't get discouraged and track your measurements as well as your weight. I got discouraged when the pounds didn't leave as quick as I had hoped but luckily my husband told me to check my measurements. Now I'm down my first 30. Still a long way to go. But if I can do it anyone can. Lots of great advise to be had on here.
  • helen_baird
    helen_baird Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there Amanda and welcome, this is simply the best site around for helping people to loose weight...so good luck, and again WELCOME
  • basil77
    basil77 Posts: 2
    I am having better success with watching carbs and reducing sugar intake. MFP is great because you can easily track that into. Most apps charge more for it. Try to keep within the limits, exercise where your sweat, at least some, and you will achieve your intended result.s. Good luck.
  • KaseyWB
    KaseyWB Posts: 15
    Welcome. I think MFP is a great way to track your progress and meet your goals. You've got to be honest with yourself for this to work. There is lots of support here and there is always motivation. Good Luck.
  • Hello and Welcome to MFP! Good luck to you in your weight loss journey! :)
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