Quitting smoking and dieting....HELP!!!

i've been smoking almost 10 years. it takes me 2 or 3 days to get through a pack of lights. i know i can't quit cold turkey, so i just ordered an electronic cigarette kit in the mail. it should get here in about a week, so hopefully this will be my last week of smoking :smokin: i'm kind of excited about quitting, so at least i'm going into this with a positive attitude which i think is a good start. i know giving up smoking is really important, but so is losing weight, and i really don't want quitting to affect my weight loss. i've never tried to quit before, and people say it's really hard to do while dieting cuz it causes weird cravings and stuff, but i also hear that it might give me more energy which could help with the diet and exercise in general. i really have no idea what to expect...

so i was just wondering if anybody has had any experience with quitting while on a diet or with the e-cig. should i do anything to prepare this week? any tips or advice?

thanks :flowerforyou:


  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    I quit smoking about two months ago it was also the same time I started eating healthier and exercising. I did go cold turkey and it has not been easy but whenever I feel the need I just think about the specific reasons I gave up and this seems to work for me. Good luck with it, you CAN do this and will if you are really determined.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I quit also after starting on MFP(cold turkey), but let me tell you...I DON'T EVEN COUNT HOW LONG IT'S BEEN ANYMORE:tongue: That is a huge victory and I'm so happy...I feel better and my excercising is more productive...Good luck to you and feel free to add me if you want..You can do this and it's all about the LIFE CHANGES
  • theresabell67
    theresabell67 Posts: 97 Member
    I quit smoking after i reached my goal the 1st time 3 years ago. I'm not going to lie, it was the hardest thing i have ever done!!! I increased my exercise, and actually took up running after being without cigs for 3 months. I would tell myself " i'm not quitting smoking, I'm breathing easier", it helped me when the cravings hit. I was able to keep the weight gain down to a minium until this past year when " life just go in my way." so good luck with your journey and you will find plenty of support here. :)
  • princesspayne16
    princesspayne16 Posts: 1 Member
    You should read "Easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr. It works. It's a short book and all I can say is that it makes sense. I had no cravings at all... Good luck.:smile:
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    I quit cold turkey in december, and it was TOUGH! I quit for my boyfriend, and his nagging was the only thing that kept me from going back haha. The good news: I can be around people that are smoking, and it doesn't throw me into a crazy nic-fit :) I too was super worried about gaining weight back while quitting, and it is definitely easy to replace the smoke breaks with a snack break. After awhile though, being able to go for longer hikes and not feeling like my lungs were going to explode was a great feeling, and I found helped me with the motivation to continue getting out and exercising and not over-eating. Just keep reminding yourself of your goals, and find support through friends, family, and MFP. Stay strong, it's a tough experience, but not impossible!
  • Yovnee
    Yovnee Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm new here. Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss - that is awesome! I have smoked for 39 yrs, 3/4 - 1 pack a day. I quit cold turkey with ecigs on Oct.26, 2010. I wasn't dieting then and was a chocolate pig over Christmas so I gained about 10 lbs but not because of not smoking, I was just eating waaayyyy too much & I knew it. Gained no more after that. The ecigs are great, especially if you have your head geared to quit. I haven't smoked since (although there are 2 packs in the house) I went through 2 hubby hospitalizations (vaping in Emerg, I love it!!) and my Mom visiting for a week and still managed not to smoke. I had no weird cravings or anything, just had a vape when I wanted a smoke. It's a little different but you get the nicotine if you want it and the feeling of smoke in your throat so I think it's great. You don't smoke too much anyhow so you'll be fine! Join E-cigarette Forum, lots of info there. I have not noticed any difference good or bad in how I feel but my current weight is probably preventing me from feeling really good! Nearly everyone on the vaping forums has quit cold turkey with absolutely no problems or cravings. Feel free to ask me if you have anymore questions. Good luck!
    P.S.I would NEVER have quit without the Ecigs, all the scare and/or motivational talks in the world didn't help. Also spent 3 months in the thoracic ward in the hospital when my hubby was ill, lots of lung cancer there & that didn't motivate me either! I am so grateful for the ecigs, couldn't have done it without them.
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    Oh girl! I am in the same situation...and smoke the same amount of you, how funny.

    I already had the e-cig but it didn't do it for me really...it just wasn't nearly the same. I notice how much it affects my workouts and I am looking to quit very soon, so feel free to let me know when you pick a quit date. It's tough, no doubt. But I've quit before for 6 months so I think I can do it again! And I can't wait to start C25K once I'm done!
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    I quit 2 months ago, cold turkey, after smoking for 10 years, a pack a day...One day i decided i wanted to run a 5k in May and knew i had to quit smoking to do that...so i took a weekend, stayed home, bought a bag of Wint-o-green lifesavers, and you-tubed how to solve a Rubik's cube. I stayed in all weekend, eating mints and working on that rubik's cube. now, i'm smoke free AND can solve a rubik's cube!!
    also, i joined a website that had a similar community to this one and that REALLY helped me...www.quitnet.com
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I quit 2 months ago, cold turkey, after smoking for 10 years, a pack a day...One day i decided i wanted to run a 5k in May and knew i had to quit smoking to do that...so i took a weekend, stayed home, bought a bag of Wint-o-green lifesavers, and you-tubed how to solve a Rubik's cube. I stayed in all weekend, eating mints and working on that rubik's cube. now, i'm smoke free AND can solve a rubik's cube!!
    also, i joined a website that had a similar community to this one and that REALLY helped me...www.quitnet.com

    THANKS!!! i just checked out quitnet.com and they said i would save $1000/YEAR by quitting!!! $20 a week doesn't sound all that bad, but at the end of the year.....:noway:
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    um, it kept me super motivated to log in there each day and see how many cigarettes i HADN'T smoked or how many dollars i saved...it's a great website. i had tried to quit a million times before i found that website...it was a lifesaver for me, literally...i also strongly suggest the rubik's cube! keeps your hands and mind busy :)
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Never tried the fake cig thing, however, I tried just about everything else including hypnosis, acupunture, electrical stimulation thing in my ear (weird, I know!), cold turkey, patches, gum, etc! The only thing that has worked for me is SmokeAway! No cravings or anything. Smoked for 15 years & SmokeAway made it easy!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    LOVE LOVE LOVE my e-cigs! When they came in the mail I was done smoking. I threw my remaining cigs in the freezer "just in case". My husband wound up smoking them. I was a pack a day smoker.

    My husband was a 2-2.5 a day smoker and is now down to about 15 cigarettes a day with his e-cigs. They're great. If you need a cheap site to get them I know of one. I don't want to post it publicly because I don't want to look like I'm advertising. But, no, I don't work for the site. :-)