What finally made you say "enough is ENOUGH!"?



  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    I started at 186. Me and my husband went to the fertility clinic and the doctor said before we do anything he wanted me to loose at least 10-15% of my body weight. (I was so embarresed because with my last pregnancy they kept insisting I needed to gain more)..

    I crash dieted and did the unhealthy way and got down to 142. Went for my annual bloodwork and physical and I have elevated blood pressure and I also have elevated bad cholesterol... Uggg. Im 23. I stopped watching what i ate and got back up to 158. I started noticing the "pudge" coming back and thats when I realized I need to get healthy the right way. No way do I want to be on blood pressure and cholesterol medication. I am hoping in September everything is back to normal.
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    For me, well I'm just sick of being trapped in this body. I was finding the simplest of things were getting harder and harder to do. I never had a problem with my weight until about 10 years ago, and I miss the old me before I got heavy. I had planned to start losing weight on my Birthday in November, and I did lose some, but I was starting to slide back again...I realized I was getting close to gaining what I had lost back again, and I just refused to let that happen.
    This was Tuesday April 12th. I had just finished watching Biggest Loser, and came online to start logging my food into Fitday, and happened across this site. I'm not really sure how I found it to be honest, but I'm glad I did! I signed up that night and logged my food I had eaten and decided that moment things would change...This time I refuse to fail!!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    For me it was when I had to have knee surgery 5 years ago.I weighed 300+lbs.The dr said I had to go to the hospital instead of the same day surgery place because of my wt.I was a bigger risk for problems.After the surgery I vowed I would get the wt off and have been working on it since.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Honestly...When I was 6 months pregnant I really badly wanted McDonalds When we were there I saw a 5 year old that was really overweight. I just about cried. I looked down at my tummy and said tonite is the last nite that I'm going to put bad food in my mouth. I decided from that day forward I would eat even healthier than I already was for my baby but then also to stick with it after she was born. I want to live a healthy life style and to show my daughter how to eat healthy and stay in shape. I want to be able to play and run with my daughter and I want her to be able to play and run like I use to when I was young. I don't want her to see me eat garbage and think its ok too.
  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    For me it was when I was diagnosed with Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and my blood work showed that my triglyceride levels were through the roof! For me it came sown to a choice.... slim down or die young. I have a wonderful husband and 7 beautiful kids. I want to be here for them! And I just got so tired of hating who I saw in the mirror.
  • abeautifulvoice
    It was gradual for me, but when I started looking at pictures from recent friends' birthdays and realizing I wasn't as cute and thin as I thought I was, I kicked it into high gear. I also am starting a career in the beauty industry and daily we are reminded of how we as stylists have to set the trends and be beautiful and look good all the time. I have always been "beautiful" to the eye, but I never have felt beautiful inside until I started dropping the pounds. I can't wait to be fit and skinny and to feel beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside!
  • TheDeviation
    Decided I was going to run the Warrior Dash in June. Bought my ticket and got rolling. I've never been more than a bit overweight myself. Most of my younger years I was the skinny awkward kid who wasn't good at sports. Got picked on a bit and couldn't do much about it. Self esteem was always low.

    I did it for me. Not to look great to others, but to feel better to myself. It's been good therapy. Working out lets me get out any frustration or things bothering me. Mentally I feel sharper. Physcially I feel stronger. And my confidence is way up there now.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I was in my boss's office one day, wearing a short-sleeve shirt, with my arms crossed. I caught a reflection of myself in the window and was just digusted by how HUGE my arms were. I was in denial for so long. I knew I had a big belly, but seeing my arms in that light was truly eye-opening. Also, I hate having my picture taken being overweight. Therefore, I don't have many pictures of my daughter (8) and me. And I KNOW I am going to regret that one day. Enough is enough.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    I was tired of being the fat friend. All my friends are skinny and in shape, and they look amazing. I hated taking up half of the space in pictures and not being able to shop with them when we went to the mall.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    for me....when every excuse I had been using got taken away. I've always blamed work schedule, stress, lack of time...etc. Well...work situation totally changed (now self employed). Love what I do...totally happy in my work situation = no more stress. I set my own schedule = no more worries about time. So...I had run out of the excuses I told everyone else for my laziness. So...now that everything else is in order...it's time to put me first. I don't have lofty health goals (although it's a nice side effect). Mine if pure vanity. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to go to Vegas with friends and not be the fat chick. I want to not worry about the size of airline seats and travel whenever I want. I want to ride the coasters at Cedar Point. I want to be happy in my skin. :) so...the journey started Feb 28th. And I'm not stopping.
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    I knew I was gaining weight after I graduated college and moved in on my own...I mean I could feel it ya know...but then one day I finally decided to get on the scale( I hadn't weighed myself in about a year) I weighed 17 more pounds than I estimated...that was it..I knew right then I had to lose weight. I have always been fat...ALWAYS...I can't wait to just be normal. I still have a long time to go until then...but I want to wear normal sized clothes, not think about if I can squeeze through the desks in my classroom (i'm a teacher), go for runs with my best friend who runs marathons. I just can't wait to be normal for once.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    My father died a month after my son was born. He never got to meet his one and only grandson from me. He had for years struggled with his weight and didn't take is as seriously as he could have. Diabetes, heart disease, quad bypass surgery and then cancer caused renal failure and he died at 61. Too young. I was diagnosed with preclamspia during my pregnancy but I had high bp for years and ignored it and swore no doctor ever told me I had high bp. I was in denial. I was on bp meds then I had my son and i had to stay on them. Watching my father pass away after being brought back after flatlining was horrible, his soul was gone and all that remained was a body and brain that sufferred siezures any time any of his family or friends touched him or talked to him. We had to let him go. There was no real hope of having him back. I went into a DEEP depression, went onto antidepressents and it allowed me to realize with a clear head that I was headed in that same direction and since I had my son later in life (I was 36) I might not see him grow. He was also born 6 weeks early by emergncy c section due to stroke level bp during pregnancy. He was also born with Spina Bifida and I felt guilty as if my weight caused all of his issues.Too make a long story longer, my body was ruining not only my quality of life but was killing me slowly. Thats when I decided, NO MORE.
  • kat33321
    kat33321 Posts: 3
    I checked my weight/height and my BMI was 30 for the first time, I knew that I let myself go but for the first time ever I was obese, with so many health issues that come out of being obese I knew it was time to change.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Went for my physical last year and got blasted with high BP and cholesterol pills.. I had NEVER had high BP before, even during either of my pregnancies so that was a huge wake up call. Also not being able to run with my kids and being too tired to play with them was huge.
  • PoppyinBoulder
    When I could no longer wipe my butt! Well, I do get the job done :blushing: but it's a whole lot harder than it used to be.

    I quit drinking (another story for another time and place) two years ago this coming Monday. I went from fat to super-fat because I ate whenever I had the urge to drink. I had "entitlement" issues. I am doing "damage control" after going through menopause and drinking heavily for several years. I also just turned 60-years-old a few weeks ago. I've managed to get the other aspects of my life: finances, depression, health issues, dental issues, taken care of but I left my weight for last.

    THE TIME HAS COME!!! I'm so sick of trying-and-failing, dieting and binging, weighing and not weighing . . . you've all been there, I'm sure. I weighed in at 240#'s :frown: (I got up to 250 20 years ago when I quit smoking, I guess I had entitlement issues then too, lol) and have already lost 1 pound. This time, I just know I'm going to do it. It's just something that HAS TO BE DONE!

    i'm so happy to have found this website because I know how important support is for behaviour changes and I love how easy it is to track everything that goes IN. I just read an entire thread on drinking water (really hard for me) and it prompted me to get up and drink 16 oz right at the water cooler. I'm not much of a sipper :drinker:
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    The short version: Being fat is miserable but being fat AND bed-ridden with pneumonia is unbearable. During the brief waking moments I had, I thought about what it would be like to be hospitalized for any reason (surgery, accident, health complications) while I am still FAT! Realizing most of us end up in the hospital if we live long enough I could not bare the thought of reliving what it feels like to be fat and sick. I wanted to be thin enough that a family member could "share" my little hospital bed if needed. I wanted my husband be able to carry me if needed. And the reality of having health problems and illness and disease and surgery became real to me for the first time. I had enough and, God willing, nothing is going to stop me until I am at a healthy weight. I want to run FAST again. I want to be athletic again. I want to be strong again. I want to LIVE again.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    It was a pile-up of things towards the end. Realizing that I was waddling instead of walking. Thinking I was going to have a heart attack while hiking up in the hills with my sons. Finding it so difficult to get into and out of the seat at a football game that I finally gave up standing up to cheer. Suspecting that I was getting diabetes like many around me. But I think the last straw was when I started getting blood clots in my legs and knew that my risk of stroke was terrifyingly high. That scared me big time!!!
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    When someone asked me if I was pregnant! That, coupled with the fact that I thought I was a bit overweight but technically I was obese!
  • skinnyb450
    skinnyb450 Posts: 288
    My "Enough is Enough moment came when me and my hubby went to Bali for our 25th Wedding anniversary. We were pool side most days and I couldnt believe how in shape all the women around the pool looked - They were all stunning!!! All different age groups and nationalities - I was so ashamed of my body - I had put on around 30kg altogether - 15kg from giving up smoking and another 15kg simply from not eating properly - not exercising - just being darn right LAZY

    With the digital camera we had every night I would be pressing the "delete" button on the photos that my hubby had taken of me - I hated the camera and was always blaming him for taking "awful shots" when in fact it wasnt his fault at all - it wouldnt have mattered who had taken the photos - I was obese and that was the truth of the problem -

    After losing both parents I guess some of my ways of dealing with the "sad days" was turning to food - also after giving up smoking I definately rewarded myself with food - I remember going to the bakery EVERY day after work and not having a ciggarette I would buy a cream bun- sit in my car - stuff it in my face - have sugar all over my face - and look in the mirror and say "You so deserved that" good girl for not smoking - What an idiot!!!!! - Now I have decided to take control of my eating habits, eat healthily and exercise - I told myself "Enough is Enough"

    Thank you for sharing this topic and making one think about there "moment" that changed their life :):flowerforyou:
  • willowyn
    willowyn Posts: 10
    Mine was when my FFIL in passed away suddenly. He died from compliation of heart disease and type 2. It took a few months to get my butt in gear, but it is the main life changing event that made me want to get my weight in order. Another one is my wedding/general wellness.