I went to the doctor yesterday

Nkauj_Lis Posts: 70
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
for a physical and while the medical assistant lady left the room I looked at my medical print out, it says "issues: high blood pressure and obesity". It makes me feel so fat. The last time I was there, I was 180 pounds and my bp was 194/90. Yesterday, I weigh 148 and my bp was 118/78. I lost 32 pounds and my bp is normal. I am not on any medication. But, the word OBISITY is bugging me. Now I feel like I am always going to be fat and there is nothing I can do about it. So, since the clinic visit, I've been eating horribly. Even today, I can't seem to shake it off. I am hoping with me typing out my frastrations here, tomorrow, I can start over.

Wish me luck.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i hope you feel better soon. remember you're working towards a healthier you that won't have these issues due to it
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    It sounds to me like you are doing great...your blood pressure went to normal and your weight seems much healthier (wish I was there!) Don't let that bug you or bring you down!! Just keep on doing what you are doing...sounds to me like you have been kicking butt and are on the right track!! Good luck on the rest of your weight loss journey!
  • Wow 148..that's great.....good job....I think the medical term for obesity is sooooooo off.....don't let your old report throw you....keep going....ok you had a bad food day.....put yourself back on track tomorrow..you can do it...you've proven it already..:ohwell:
  • Obesity is a medical term, not a definition of WHO you are. You remember why you decided to drop those 32 pounds? Was it to escape being called obese? Or to be a healthier, happier person? Get your head and your heart back on straight and don't let a label blow all the success you have had thus far. You will be in my prayers tonight.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    148 doesn't sound obese to me! Just know the progress you have made and you are going the right direction. You should be proud of your self for your accomplishments so far!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    keep in mind the big picture.you are getting healthy.Stick to your goals and that`s what counts.
    good luck
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    You ARE healthier! The new weight and bp is just fabulous. I can't believe your doctor didn't say something positive about that. I'd say you need a new one!! Good job!
  • I agree with all of the above comments. Obesity at this point is just a word, you have done so much so far. Take this day as it is, and now MOVE ON. Keep moving and keep your goals in mind. Please don't give up because of one word. As you can see we are here to give you support.
  • tnoc449
    tnoc449 Posts: 1
    You have lost 32lbs and that is a great thing. Don't let a word get you down. You no longer have high blood pressure and you are no longer obese.

    Good Luck and stay strong
  • McPenguin
    McPenguin Posts: 67
    I know how you feel. I had to go for an ultrasound, and on the form that the doctor sent with me it said "morbidly obese"... I hate those two words. I had a day off to cry and just "BE". But then I got back on track. No one is going to make those words go away but me, so I've got to do the work.

    You can do it. You HAVE been doing it, clearly! Your current weight is lower than my end goal!! You are doing AMAZING work. Keep it up!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Obesity at 148? Even at my height (4'11"), I don't think that would be anywhere near obese!! Chin up!!
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    you will certainly achieve a healthier body. With the diet and excerise everything can be achieved if you work hard. I used to be considered "obese" and honestly I didn't think I was. But honestly 9months later I am not considered in the "normal" range. Which honestly makes me feel real good about myself and makes me want to work even harder to lose more weight and tone up. You should just brush it off and keep working for the body and healthier life you want. Good Luck!
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    I'm sure you know this but when you put your info into the BMI calculator it tells you where you fall based on generic tables. Of course there are many other factors that the tables don't account for but here's the deal. I don't know where you fall now but if you still fall in the obese catagory, set a mini goal to cross from obese to overweight by a certain date. When you cross the line. Give that Doctor a call.

    PS: I'm 10 lbs from crossing from obese to overweight. Based on the table, I would look like a stick if I lost enough weight to go into the healthy catagory. I have no intention of loosing that much. I plan to stay about the middle of the overweight catagory and my doctor can write whatever he wants.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Wow, you're really doing great. (Except for this minor set back due to your emotions). When she read off obese it was from your medical history, just like when she read high blood pressure, although that isn't an issue right now either. So try to keep that in mind and try to get your mind back on the right track. Congratulations and good luck with your weight loss/fitness journey. :flowerforyou:
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Wow this is almost exactly what happened to me on Monday. I don't have any health issues (never have) except obesity but when I went to the doc's office, the scale I weighed on showed me at a higher weight than my scale does at home. Even though I lost the weight I did (no doubt about it) it shows me that I was at a higher starting weight than I originally thought. I thought I took it well, until I got home that evening and binged (for the first time in 2 months) an extra 800-900 calories. Like you, I took that doc's visit horribly and did something I hadn't done since I began my lifestyle change. It took a toll on me apparently, so I came here, read a few inspiring threads, confessed what I did in a confession thread, and got some encouraging words.

    The next day I was back on track and today I weighed myself to find that I lost another couple pounds since Monday. Made me feel great and taught me not to stress too much about the actual weight, and moreso just continue to lose as this is for life. It doesn't matter what my weight is now and it doesn't matter that your medical record says obesity now. What matters is that we will get to our goal and we are working on it currently. But we won't get there if we take every little obstacle as an excuse to get off track. Keep it up and don't let anything sidetrack you. :heart:
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    That makes me not want to go get a physical :(
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    You have done a GREAT job so far, give yourself some CREDIT!

    -I have a feeling that you're gonna SHOW THEM what you're capable of!!!! ;)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You've done a fabulous job! Congrats! Your blood pressure is normal - which is awesome!

    According to certain charts, I am "obese". I do not understand how a 5'4.5" woman who weighs around 150lbs can be considered obese! Do I have fat I'd LOVE to burn off? Sure, but obese? Really? I think their charts are ridiculous. They don't take into account any factors - other than age, weight and height. You can have 2 people who are the same height and the same weight and one can look heavier than the other just based on how you carry your weight.

    Don't let that term define who you are. It is simply a medical term (and one that I feel is often used incorrectly). Be proud of what you've accomplished because it's amazing!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    You've done a fabulous job! Congrats! Your blood pressure is normal - which is awesome!

    According to certain charts, I am "obese". I do not understand how a 5'4.5" woman who weighs around 150lbs can be considered obese! Do I have fat I'd LOVE to burn off? Sure, but obese? Really? I think their charts are ridiculous. They don't take into account any factors - other than age, weight and height. You can have 2 people who are the same height and the same weight and one can look heavier than the other just based on how you carry your weight.

    Don't let that term define who you are. It is simply a medical term (and one that I feel is often used incorrectly). Be proud of what you've accomplished because it's amazing!

    Actually for that height and weight you are .3 outside of the healthy range and no where near obese.
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Ah the perils of sneaking a peak at medical notes. I went to my doctor on Monday for the results of my liver function test and finally a diagnosis of gallstones. I watched my doctor type "deranged" on my notes. I said, did you just call me deranged? Doctor says it's a medical term for a dodgy liver function. In your case Sharon, it is mostly your liver function that's deranged. Mostly? Lol
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