Getting married

Hey pals....I'm getting married in September and would like to lose at least 30 lbs....I really need someone to help push me...I want this for myself but get discouraged easily.....Is anyone willing to be a support buddy so we can help each other stay on track? I need some pals to help make this an interesting journey......anybody on board? and please don't get me wrong, my pals are doing a good job with encouraging but I think I need a little extra push to get a running start=o)


  • crystal10584
    have you tried dress shopping? The knowledge of a dress size will make a girl do just about anything... Just think about it... if you're a 12, imagine that 30 lbs can get you into the single digits... :D

    That's what's pushing me.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    I have and would def like to see some smaller digits by Sept=o)
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hello and welcome! Congrats on the wedding and good luck on your journey!
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks Angel=O)
  • daniellefsc
    daniellefsc Posts: 37 Member
    I also wanted to lose weight for my wedding a few years ago. I didn't like how my wedding dress looked on me so I found a picture of it in a wedding magazine and placed in on the fridge (my guy had already seen the dress). Having that constant reminder helped me want to lose the weight.

    You can definitely lose the weight in time for your wedding. I think you will find a lot of support on this site. Just remember that you can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    RainbowNtheWaterfall Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks Danielle=o)
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    :D I'll push you !! lol,
    do you want to workout together, maybe a couple of times a week?
    I was thinking of joining Gold's Gym--& you can use it to share membership with one other person. :3
    We gotta get you ready for that wedding !