To all my college students out there

Finals are upon us (or for some of us maybe not):

This brings late hours and us being unaware of what we consume. Let's keep each other in check and SUPPORT each other :):)

Megan :):):)


  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Yes. Yesterday I went the entire day without eating and didn't realize it until midnight. Then I ate a bag of spinach, two veggies burgers and sunchips.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Count me in and feel free to add me as a friend. Just as a tip for sure to take some time to exercise. Even if its just taking a quick walk up and down the stairs in the library every couple hours. It eases stress and gets the blood pumping again. Good luck to everyone on their finals!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I've already gained a pound and an inch since finals started. Boooo.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I'm doing a final for a course right now. It's my birthday, and it's absolutely beautiful outside.

    I am not a happy camper. :angry:
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    I'm going to spend the ENTIRE weekend in the library doing research for one class and studying for a final in another. Seriously have to beware of the cheesecake in the cafe in my library.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    The days I am on campus, I either eat nothing or horribly. I am a SAHM and a full time student. I had to squeeze all my classes in to Tues/Thurs classes I am at school from 730 until 3pm. And I have an online class. I get exercise while at school that I do not count. My classes are 15 min apart and all on opposite sides of campus. So I am practically running to get to class in time.

    I used to be an emotional eater, so finals coming up would mean me, a book, and a bag of chips, box of cookies and lots of soda. Not anymore :smile: , I have been eating well.

    Good luck to all then other students out there:flowerforyou:
  • angelzxy321
    angelzxy321 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have not gone to the gym for the week. One day of riding for half an hour and tried to walk as much as possible (5, 15 minutes). Thankfully I have not gained any for the week but I haven't lost either :(. This is going to be a tough couple of weeks.

    Oh and AdamATGATT, happy birthday :flowerforyou:
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    i tend to lose weighT VERY VERY fast when exams are upon me.I get stressed and literally stop eating fo upto 3 days apiece.I have to force myself to eat bites of apples or a quarter of a biscuit so my body doesn't go into's not true weight loss though coz i put it all straight back on as soon as the stress is over.i lost 7 pounds in 3 days last month and will likely lose more in the next 8 weeks.
  • amberlineilene
    THAT HAS BEEN MY PROBLEM FOR A WEEK NOW! Instead of going to the gym at night I am studying my butt of for finals..............missed my morning run to write a paper, ate a bunch of junk late last night.! Glad I am not the only one out there
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    oooh i like this thread! my finals are 2 weeks away, but i'm in that end of semester grind! i have all a's and its stressful trying to keep it that way! good luck to everyone on your finals!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I hate finals. Not only finals, but the end of the semester in general. It seems like professors all like to drop huge research papers on students the last two weeks or so of the semester. Bleh! My last 'class' is Wednesday. My finals start on Friday (the 29th). My last final is on May 4th. I have a trip back home April 30-May 3rd, so I'm probably really going to fall off of my schedule. It seems to always happen when I go back to Indiana.

    On a positive note... Two weeks. Only two weeks left - Forever! I graduate from college on May 7th. Woohoo!!
  • kolbyjack
    kolbyjack Posts: 71
    I feel ya! My last lecture class was on Thursday. I have a head-to-toe assessment on Tuesday and then May the 5th is my last class final. I have an online one in there somewhere. I usually freak out and drink nothing but Dr. Pepper and eat BAD! Not this time! I usually tell myself that it is okay not to exercise, since that time will be used to study...NOT THIS SEMESTER! Haha! Good luck to everybody, remember only about two more weeks!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I have not gone to the gym for the week. One day of riding for half an hour and tried to walk as much as possible (5, 15 minutes). Thankfully I have not gained any for the week but I haven't lost either :(. This is going to be a tough couple of weeks.

    Oh and AdamATGATT, happy birthday :flowerforyou:

  • rockwalrus
    If you live on or near your campus, and there is a gym on your campus, then here's a tip that I utilized last semester:
    Go to your gym, take a text book or your notes for one of your classes. Grab a cardio machine, like a bike or a leg eliptical, or something similar, prop up that text book or your notes, and get to reviewing! Even just reading through your notes can help. Next time you're at the gym and need to get in cardio, do the same thing, but take a different text book/notebook.
    If you take notes on your computer, this won't work, but if you take notes by hand, give it a try!

    Another exercise/study idea I had: Have someone (maybe your roommate, gym buddy, good friend) quiz you. Have them ask random questions that could potentially show up on your final. If you miss a question, do x pushups, sit-ups, squats, etc. If the other person wants to do physical activity too, then they can do x number of exercises for every answer you get right (and if you want to make them work, then you'll want to get answers right, right? :) ).

    Just some ideas!
    Study hard, everyone!
  • kayladiane5
    I hate finals time. I have 10 days left of classes and a week of finals until I'm free. I go back tomorrow and I can't wait for the stress to hit... not.
    Thank god for the gym, because I think it's the only thing that keeps me sane.
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Just turned in my BIG paper for English class, and my Psychology final is Tuesday. But this semester studying is going a lot better now that I'm reminding myself to eat. Last semester I would space out in study group because I'd skip lunch, study, and forget it all. But now it's been a lot better sitting down, taking a 15 to rest my brain, eat, enjoy the amazing weather, then! get cracking back at those books!

    Good luck to everyone on their finals!
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Just turned in my BIG paper for English class, and my Psychology final is Tuesday. But this semester studying is going a lot better now that I'm reminding myself to eat. Last semester I would space out in study group because I'd skip lunch, study, and forget it all. But now it's been a lot better sitting down, taking a 15 to rest my brain, eat, enjoy the amazing weather, then! get cracking back at those books!

    Good luck to everyone on their finals!
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    This is a great idea! My finals aren't until May, but I have so many essays to do all because I let the work pile up the entire semester. So I am sure that I am going to start stress eating within the next 2 weeks. I just hope I can make room for the gym or for a good run instead of stuffing my face with cookies.
  • KrysHil
    KrysHil Posts: 7
    Amen girl. I am so stressed with all the finals ppt presentations and finals. I try my best to remeber to get on here everyday. I have to consider it a part of my homework just so I will remember to do. We have each other for support and we can do it. Good job college peeps.
  • roqoru
    roqoru Posts: 31 Member
    It used to be that when I'd get stressed, I'd eat and eat and eat. Nowadays, though, when I get stressed, I get hungry but have no appetite. Not a good way to lose weight. And it's not the finals that are getting me, but the last minute papers (I'm an English - Creative Studies major). Nice thing about being a Creative Studies major - very few finals. I think I have two finals out of four classes, one of which is a take home final. But good gods, the papers they want and the frequency with which they want them!!!

    I find that earl grey tea with some milk and honey is an excellent study helper. It has caffeine, but it's not coffee, and it's more or less healthy. I'm taking a break right now from writing a World Lit paper to cruise this site.

    Good luck everyone.