what to do to make fat or skin more firm while losing weight

Hello! I am mostly a stay at home mom and need some help in some saggy areas :/ and want to make my tummy less giggly? if that makes any sense. my exercise right now is walking, working, cleaning, wii games. I want to start off slow...my husband asked if i wanted to do some P90X or something like that lol and I looked at the exercises and I am sure I cannot handle that right now. Any info on how to help to firm fat and "saggy" areas including breasts as I lose weight would be most appreciated! I have a exercise bike stationary at home I could use...should I get weights or what should I start with? I really apprecate anyones help! thanks!


  • miss__lh
    miss__lh Posts: 16
    Ive just joined the gym and ive been advised to use the weights which will help me tone up the loose skin and to also get cardio exercises.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    There was a post from a friend recently about a woman who's belly went from totally flabby to pretty awesome. I wish I could find it!! I could use it too. If I find it I'll repost here.

    Good luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    for me, this has been impossible, but in time I am already seeing improvement, but still have a long way to go. Just keep lubricating your skin with good vitamin E lotion and give it time.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Get some weights and get strength training!
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    hey there, i do les mills body pump 3 times per week and its really helped tone me. you should look it up and see if theres a class in your area. there are people who go to class and i couldn't ever compete with the weights they lift, and i'm sure if you went youd find that too but dont let it put you off.
    good luck x
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Skin and fat are two different things. Skin is the largest organ in your body, fat is fuel that stores in your cells for later energy.

    Skin is very elastic. It stretches well, but when it's pushed too far it tears (stretch marks) and fills in more cells.

    The longer and bigger you are the larger your skin organ has had to become. There is no toning your skin because it's an elastic organ not a muscle or clump of fat.

    Keep it moisturized with lotion every day. It will shrink over time. There are many people who have had to undergo skin reduction surgeries because they had too much excessive skin.

    For the underlying muscles, strength training, for the underlying fat aerobics, for the skin, lotion and time. It can easily take two years for the skin to shrink back but it's very difficult to shed those excessive skin cells. If you start developing sores on your skin see a doctor immediately. These can be skin infections and can end up being very dangerous to you and your body and the excess skin may need to be removed. If it isn't extreme and just extra jiggles, time, exercise, and lotion will help it get back into a more conforming shape.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Pilates, strength training, a swiss ball, and pushups. Winsor Pilates is awesome. There is an ab DVD and buns and thighs. I do each at least twice per week and its a pretty good workout. My butt and waistline are looking pretty darn good!

    On the swiss ball: I start behind it and roll over it till I walk my hands all the way out and am balancing with just my feet on the ball. Then I carefully lift one foot straight up and balance for 10 seconds, then the other. And then walk backwards till I'm behind the ball. It really works the core, legs, and arms. Great for balance and stabalizing the hips. I repeat 5 times and my goal is to hold my balance on one leg for 30 seconds. It's seriously harder than I think it sounds if you do it correctly. It really gets my heart pumpming.
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    I posted this question last week. I got some really good advice and decided to order the 30 day shred. It won't be here until Monday, so I haven't started yet. I got it on WalMart.com and with shipping only cost $10.79.
  • Superdupermom
    ok so definately weights? what do I do with them? lol I have never ever done this before! I did pilates videos at home in the past but thats it. I cant really go to the gym i am at home all week with my daughter...so It would have to be in my home! could someone point me in the right directions of how big weights and how to do a start up routine of this strength training?
  • Superdupermom
    i believe you its tough when i did pilates for the first time i had to copy the lady with the neck injury exercise ugh lol
  • Superdupermom
    thank you! so I should just google aerobics and strength training videos?
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    DVD's are great for at home moms....go to Walmart...buy a Bob Harper or any of the many fitness dvd's. Start with small dumbbells (you can buy these at walmart too) like 5 or 8 lbs.....You can also find Cardio workouts....if you aren't big into excercising...start with a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home (Four fast miles is my fav of hers!) Good luck!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Do you have excess skin from losing weight or are you trying to firm up? Not much that can be done about the skin. Strength training is the true permanent way to keep your body toned. Burring fat into muscle. Get some light weights and do some strength training. Bicep and tricep curls. Holding the weights over straight up over your head, then bring them down behind your head. Best for women with arms.
    You mentioned however, that your legs and tummy are your areas of concern. The best thing for that is running. You use your core muscles (for your tummy) and build your thighs. If not try standing crunches (hand behind your head and bring your knee up to touch….or as close as you can) and lunging squats for your butt and thighs.

    Hope that helps
  • AngelicaDulas
    for the tummy, good old fashioned crunches and side planks! :) And strength training (weights) for your arms, even low lbs with high reps, will help with the breasts. Their fatty tissue runs all the way up under the armpit, so by toning the pecs you'll help keep the girls a little more stationary. ;) Good luck!
  • Superdupermom
    for the tummy, good old fashioned crunches and side planks! :) And strength training (weights) for your arms, even low lbs with high reps, will help with the breasts. Their fatty tissue runs all the way up under the armpit, so by toning the pecs you'll help keep the girls a little more stationary. ;) Good luck!
    Thanks whats a side plank? lol
  • Superdupermom
    Thanks everyone I googled strength training for woman at home and found this site http://exercise.about.com/cs/exbeginners/a/begstrength.htm
    looks like some good info..I will definately check out the videos ladies THANKS!