1 Week Only - Weight Loss Challenge! (Apr.17- Apr. 24)



  • My start weight Sunday April 17th is 200.5
    My weight for Saturday April 23rd is = 199.5
    My total weight lost for this week = 1

    Better something than nothing! :D
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    My start weight Sunday April 17th is 200.5
    My weight for Saturday April 23rd is = 199.5
    My total weight lost for this week = 1

    Better something than nothing! :D

  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Start weight 4/17= 150
    End weight 4/23= 150
    Total loss=0 :(
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    start weight 167.4
    Sat. April 24, 170.4
    Not very good.......3lb gain.......and really I can't pinpoint what the problem was other than I changed my eating up a little...I had been doing the slimfast for breakfast and lunch and a sensible meal...well this week I did cereal and oatmean for breakfast and lunch....well anyway are we in for another week?
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    My starting weight Sunday, April 17th = 385
    My weight on Saturday, April 23rd = 388
    My total weight lost for this week = 0

    This week showed a 3 pound GAIN. I think it is mostly water weight because my feet are a little swollen. I am not surprised at this gain when I look back at the food diary and see that most of what I have eaten this past week is highly processed foods and deli lunch meat which are HIGH in sodium. I am trying to watch the salt closer so the scale does not go up any further. I am going to consider this a "bump" in the road and go forward with my journey instead of feeling self-comtempt like I would have in the past and throwing up my hands in defeat. I recognize I made unwise choices - I choose to learn from this past week. I am not trying to make excuses for my choices I am just choosing to look at these choices as LESSONS and not MISTAKES. I know how I have reacted to stress in the past and I am proud of myself because with all the emotional stress I have been under with Ambrose STILL in the hospital I know the week's gain could have been a lot worse.

    Good to hear you are moving on. Life throws us crap all the time but you are handling it well. :heart:
  • danniibella
    danniibella Posts: 23 Member
    Start weight, Sunday April 17th: 143.2
    My weight on saturday 23rd April: 141.2
    My total weight loss for this week: 2lbs

    Over the moon with this congratulations everyone :laugh:
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    starting weight april 17- 180
    Weight april 24- 178.8
    Total lost this week- 1.2 pound(s)
  • stephc71885
    stephc71885 Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry i forgot to post yesterday!!

    SW: 180.6
    CW: 178.6

    I lost 2 pounds this week! WOOT!
  • 222.6 not much but every little bit helps :wink:
  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    Starting Weight - 18th April 2011 - 217 lbs

    Finishing Weight - 24th April 2011 -

    Total Weight Loss -

    Total Weight Loss - 2.4 pounds :-)
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