Is natural sugar a danger to weight loss?

Hi all! I'm a big fruit consumer - along with Veges and salads. My sugar is ALWAYS over, but I am never over in fat or carbs. Could the sugar be a danger to my weight loss even though I would say 80 - 90% of it comes from fruit? I'm not diabetic or anything but always thought fruit was good for me...but seeing the big red number at the bottom of my screen each evening is disturbing for me - plus I'm trying to determine why my weight loss pattern has vastly changed (I'm getting all sorts of weird spikes in my graph). Any thoughts (diary is open by the way) :-)


  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm wondering the same thing..especially today I was over 68 g on my sugar...:noway: :noway: :ohwell: very concerned that I did really bad even though it was mostly from fruit
  • ittzings
    ittzings Posts: 7
    Fruits have a lot of sugars, but eating fruit is different from eating sugary processed foods, because fruit also has fiber in it, which helps you stay full even after your body has processed the sugar.

    If you're watching your overall calorie intake, and combining fruit with other foods to keep your energy level, you should be fine. I've heard that you should eat proteins when you eat fruits, so that just as you start to come down from the initial spike in energy from the fruit, the protein energy starts to get unlocked and keeps you on track.
  • iamgonnagetthere
    i dont think so just stay within the amount you should have
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    No. Fruit and dairy products have so much sugar but they're so good for you. It's the processed sugar you should worry about.