April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 22:
    1. Water--Yes
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.--No.
    3. Watch the snacking tonight.--No.

    Ate too much yesterday.

    This whole weekend is going to be tough! I'll do my best, though.

    Goals for April 23:
    1. Water.
    2. BE CAREFUL!!! (We will be out most of the day.)
    3. Walk as much as possible while out.

    Jess--I know how you feel. I've been thinking about just starting it all over myself! (And maybe I will.)
  • April 22
    1.)water --- yay!!!
    2.)work out ---wonder if really good sex counts?? Lolol
    3.)figure out easter plans and baskets ---yes!!!!
    4.)do not go over cals and watch carbs--nope. But didn't go over by much and had a crisis and couldn't find my cat!!

    Saturday April 23:
    1.)house CLEAN!!!
    3.) some kind of workout. Maybe yoga!!
    4.) cals of course
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    The plan for Saturday:
    1. Water throughout the day. YES
    2. Circuit class and combat. YES AND YES
    3. Healthy food and NO CHOCOLATE. BIG FAIL!!!!!
    4. Relax and enjoy the day. YES

    Total fail on not eating chocolate today. Seriously I have to get a grip on this chocolate eating!

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Body attack and total body workout classes.
    2. Water all day.
    3. Go easy on the wine!
    4. Make healthy food choices.
    5. Enjoy the day.

    Happy Easter!
  • Saturday April 23:
    1.)house CLEAN!!!----I have kicked it's butt!!!
    2.)water --yes!
    3.) some kind of workout. Maybe yoga!! ---only cleaning and cooking for Easter :(
    4.) cals of course--yay me!!!

    Sunday April 24....Easter:
    1.) finishing touches on the house.
    2.) just because it's Easter doesn't mean I should or need to eat like a moron.
    3.) water
    4.) watch sodium
    5.) enjoy the day and don't let my parents get to me too bad.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-20-2011 fitness goals
    1. Up water intake to at least 6 cups - No. Still working on this!
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep! :smile: :smile:
    3. Do some type of exercise, preferably going to the gym - No. :ohwell:
    4. Take vitamins - Yep.
    5. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11 - No.... Penguins' game went to double overtime!

    4-20-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Cut coupons - Yes!
    2. Catch up on tracking my finances!! (Seriously, it's not like I don't like doing this, so why I haven't since January I don't know!) - Can't remember if I got them done on Wednesday, but I HAVE now caught up.
    3. Do dishes - Not 100% done, but I did do some.
    4. Set tomorrow's goals before bed - Obviously not. :laugh:
    Crazy few days recently! I worked on Thursday, which I was completely not expecting. Then yesterday and today, just didn't have a whole lot of time at home..... Hope you all are doing well!

    Easter Sunday (4-24-2011) fitness goals
    1. DRINK WATER!!!
    2. Take vitamins
    3. Limit portion sizes. However, I'm not even going to ATTEMPT to log dinner.... It's a holiday! lol
    4. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Be ON TIME to church!!!
    2. Enjoy the day with my family

    Have a WONDERFUL Easter everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    April 23's recap:
    April 23's goals:
    1. walk early. YES
    2. drink 3- 24oz bottles of water throughout the day. YES
    3. do not eat after 9 o'clock YES

    I did really well with my goals yesterday. I hope to be as successful today.
    April 24's goals:
    1. walk early ALREADY DONE.
    2. drink 3-24 oz of water THE FIRST 24 ALREADY DONE.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their time with their loved ones! Have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 23:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. BE CAREFUL!!! (We will be out most of the day.)--Did pretty good!
    3. Walk as much as possible while out.==Yes.

    Goals for April 24:
    1. Enjoy the day! (And drink lots of water!)

  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Finally! A loss on the scale! Woohoo! Doing my little happy dance over here. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I have way too much Easter candy. My plan is to use it as a reward if I stay under calories each day or get a lot of work done or something like that.

    Goals for today:
    1. Water (slacked over the weekend)
    2. No bus anywhere
    3. No elevator in my building (my new fit goal of the week)
    4. Fruit and/or veggie with every meal

    Have a good day!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Ps. I got a new phone and am so excited that I can now play words with friends (and get the calorie counter on there of course) but if any of you guys play and want to challenge me... nmb5096
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I met all my goals yesterday. I did have a few laffy taffy's but I logged all of them. and I went for an evening walk and did an evening strength training session on MagRack.
    April 25's goals:
    1. walk in the morning. ALREADY DONE.
    2. go to zumba. ON MY WAY
    3. Drink water. ALREADY STARTED.
    4. log everything!! THAT'S A MUST!
  • Sunday April 24....Easter:
    1.) finishing touches on the house. ---House look amazing.
    2.) just because it's Easter doesn't mean I should or need to eat like a moron. --- I did well except for the kids easter candy. :(
    3.) water -- 6 cups, not the greatest but ok.
    4.) watch sodium -- I didn't use any salt in any of the food I cooked, and thats BIG TIME for me!
    5.) enjoy the day and don't let my parents get to me too bad. --- yaya!!

    MONDAY April 25.
    1.) Get off of here and DO NOT RETURN until payroll is complete.
    2.) Get everything done that is on my desk.
    3.) water.
    4.) come in in the green when I complete my diary.
    5.)***SHAKING******** START TURBO FIRE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 24:
    1. Enjoy the day! (And drink lots of water!)--Yes and no.

    We had a nice day. I took my grandson for a LONG walk because it was nicer than it was supposed to be. Did pretty good at portion control but blew it a bit in the evening.

    Goals for April 25:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. Exercise before work.--Already done!
    4. Get to bed by 9:30.

    Going to be very windy this afternoon and we are back to our rainy, cooler-than-normal weather. Should be fun!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Wow. epic fail today. Although I didn't take the bus anywhere and I did drink my water. Regardless... goals changed to no more food today. I ate way too much already. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Goals are...

    1. Water
    2. Gym
    3. Healthy choices
    4. No snacking after 8
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Met all my goals for today!

    April 26's goals:
    1. walk in the morning.
    2. keep chugging.
    3. keep logging.
    4. 5 small meals and not 3 big ones.
  • MONDAY April 25.
    1.) Get off of here and DO NOT RETURN until payroll is complete.---wellll
    2.) Get everything done that is on my desk. ---YES!!!!
    3.) water. ----whoa baby, did I drink water today? Yes!!!
    4.) come in in the green when I complete my diary. ---yayay
    5.)***SHAKING******** START TURBO FIRE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---I did and it felt great!!!!

    Tuesday April 26
    1.) water
    2.) not one bite of chocolate
    3.) wake up early and do TurboFire stretch 40
    4.) a second exercise of some kind.
    5.) watch carbs
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Morning Everyone!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. I am back in the office after the lovely long weekend and looking forward to next weekends one (thanks Kate and Wills). The weekend was wonderful saw lots of friends and picked up two kittens for my parents. The kittens have helped my fitness no end this weekend. I would meet a friend to go running in the park half way between my house and theirs then carry on to their place to see the new arrivals for a quick cuddle then walk all the way back to my place.

    Any way back to reality today.

    No surprises in today’s goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Start week 4 of C25k after work
    3. Water

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 25:
    1. Water!!!--So-so.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.--Yes.
    3. Exercise before work.--Already done!
    4. Get to bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Did okay yesterday and want to do even better today.

    Goals for April 26:
    1. Water.
    2. Portion control and healthy choices.
    3. Exercise before work.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Under on calories – Yes
    2. Start week 4 of C25k after work – Yes twice! :glasses:
    3. Water - Yes

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday calories were a really close run thing, I made bad food choices:frown: but fortunately upping the running kept me under but I have to sort out my sweet tooth. I’ve managed to sort out my meals and portion sizes but I seem to be craving sweets all the time. I know it’ll only take a few days with out any to sort it so consider this day 1.

    Wednesday’s Goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. No sweets
    3. Meet friend for run after work
    4. Try out new recipe for left over salmon (very excited about this)

    Hope you all have a lovely day!
  • Loopyluc
    Loopyluc Posts: 18 Member
    I have only just found this group, so am joining and hoping that it will continue into may!

    Im Loopyluc, Im 26 and last year i lost 23lbs on weight watchers, I put 3/4 lbs back on and maintained up until now, but its now time for the next push, getting fit! and loosing more!

    Todays challenges.
    - get some excercise
    - Drink at least 5 glassses of water (i drink too much tea!)

    Nice to meet you all! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I have only just found this group, so am joining and hoping that it will continue into may!

    Im Loopyluc, Im 26 and last year i lost 23lbs on weight watchers, I put 3/4 lbs back on and maintained up until now, but its now time for the next push, getting fit! and loosing more!

    Todays challenges.
    - get some excercise
    - Drink at least 5 glassses of water (i drink too much tea!)

    Nice to meet you all! :)

    Thanks for finding us, you can guarantee that we will still be around in May. We have been going strong for over half a year now!!! Glad you're trying to drink more pure water, but you can actually count tea as part of your water intake.
    Can't wait to learn more about you!
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