Shakeology or Herbalife?

SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning everyone:smile:

I was wondering if anyone uses Shakeology or Herbalife? I'm thinking of trying 1 of them out but not sure which way to go. Any help is appreciated! Have a great day!



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Shakeology hands down!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Neither, both are gimmicks.
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I have never tried the Herbalife, but I use Shakeology and I love it. The chocolate is really yummy and curbs my chocolate cravings. I have yet to be brave enough to try the greenberry.
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    how bout just eating healthy clean food? I'm not an advocate of meal powder can replace the nutrients in wholesome food.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    how bout just eating healthy clean food? I'm not an advocate of meal powder can replace the nutrients in wholesome food.

    Beg to differ, people only say that who have not checked out the ingredients of Shakeology.
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    how bout just eating healthy clean food? I'm not an advocate of meal powder can replace the nutrients in wholesome food.

    Beg to differ, people only say that who have not checked out the ingredients of Shakeology.

    I beg to differ with you, I have had a shakeology sample. Chocolate. Tried it. Read the ingredients. Didn't like it. It didn't satisfy me like a well balanced meal does. Everybody is different and my body does better with food. I love Beachbody workouts but I can leave the shakeology to those that it helps.
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm learning to rework my entire diet..really my whole lifestyle. I know people who have done both, lost weight, and are super healthy. I'm just looking for options. I was thinking of doing the shakeology for my breakfasts. I hate eating first thing in the morning but I know I need some fuel to get going. Pus, I don't get up early enough to do the whole "fix my healthy breakfast" thing before
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    Really, it's all about finding what works for you. See if you can get a sample of each to determine which works better, then go with that one. Other people's opinions are great, but what it comes down to, is what your body agrees with. Good luck!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I don;t have a problem wih Shakeology if you use it correctly. IOW, don't use more than one per day or use it as a post workout shake. My biggest problem is that for $119 it seems expensive. How many servings do you get? I think you could buy everything in it cheaper than that and make your own "shakeology".
  • Personal Opinion I LOVE LOVE LOVE Herbalife would even go as far to say I am completely herbalized! The fact that it is fast, easy, filling and also that I can mix with juice, fruit,soy/rice/flavoured soy and/or fruit! I hate eating the same thing everyday and get bored easy when dieting so its great that it doesn't feel like Im on a diet! I have some delicious recipes if you decide to go with herbalife! Have not tried shakeology but have tried almost every other shake biggest loser, tony fergusson, optislim,optifast etc!
  • I used Herbalife a long time ago. Liked it, but yeah, it's pricey. I certainly couldn't do it nowadays.

    I recently found Whey Factors - unflavored (I made my first purchase at Whole Foods, but will buy at a supplements site - which is cheaper when this runs out) and I just add as scoop to my smoothies or I mix with milk & nesquik (no sugar). I won't say that it has no taste, but it barely changes the flavor of my smoothies/shakes.

    Whey factors does come flavored as well, but unflavored, I felt would be most versatile.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I don;t have a problem wih Shakeology if you use it correctly. IOW, don't use more than one per day or use it as a post workout shake. My biggest problem is that for $119 it seems expensive. How many servings do you get? I think you could buy everything in it cheaper than that and make your own "shakeology".

    Shakeology works out to about $4.00 a day. Some one once did what you suggested and it came to something like $450.00 a month. I'm gonna go find that picture now.

    I do agree with Vanfox though, you have to find what works for you. I do Shakeology for breakfast every morning.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I'm just copying and pasting this from the other Shakeology thread that I commented on:

    Do you know what a healthy meal consists of? A full plate of healthy food that will actually get you losing weight if you include moderate exercise in your day? I do. Most of it is water. Water in the cells of complex carbs and protein. Water weighs a lot. Probably expensive to ship to someone's home.

    So dehydrate all those nutrients, flavor it, jack the price and sell it to people as the end all be all of health products because most people don't know about portion control or how to substitute their side of whole grain pasta for broccoli on days where lunch or breakfast may have been a bit too high in calories. It's simply a lazy way around learning how to feed yourself.

    And the Shake-people just charge your credit card every month knowing full-well that you're probably never going to take the time to learn how to eat. You're better off taking that money and going to an actual nutritionist and working out meal plans for a few weeks until you get the hang of it. Invest in educating yourself for life instead of investing in overpriced shake powder. After a while you'll get sick of drinking your meals (even if they taste awesome).

    400 calories for a meal is actually a *lot*! Do you know how much food I could put in you with 400 calories? Go to your food diary and play with these options: half a medium baked potato, asparagus, tilapia fillet (or some other fish or chicken breast) and heck - throw some salad greens topped with a couple tbsp of your favorite light dressing. That's a LOT of food. You'll be crawling from the table. :-D

    Breakfast? You can take 1/2 c rolled oats, 1/4 c frozen berries, a couple sweetener packets and a tbsp of dry milk and make "berries and cream" oatmeal for breakfast for 185 cals. The oats expand to make a REALLY decent sized bowl. And those berries? There's your antioxidants for the day. Don't get me started on the fabulous fiber this is packed with.

    Lunch? Berries, plain yogurt and sweetener for about 100 cals is great. You get your dairy right there. A green salad topped with low calorie protein (chicken/fish/egg) is a great idea. You could easily do a multi-grain pasta topped with some tomatoes and still be low on calories and completely full at least until an afternoon snack of an apple.

    Notice how NONE of these options that I gave include some exotic ingredient? And if you don't like the idea of unnatural sweetener then sacrifice the calories and use honey or agave instead. Honey is easier to find, but agave isn't too difficult to hunt down. :-)

    Learn to eat real foods instead of becoming dependent on gimmicky stuff. You'll save money and have a sense of independence knowing that you know how to feed yourself. :-)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    The people that are advocating it? Most of them are SELLING it! Talk to an actual nutritionist (not a BodyBeach pusher) about learning to feed yourself appropriately. Don't let a food supplement site parent you through your eating goals. They're NEVER going to teach you about eating correctly because that would be money out of their pocket. X-D

    If you *really* want a shake for breakfast than do the research on how to make one from store-bought ingredients that will deliver *exactly* what you need and want. Do you HONESTLY think that your nutritional needs are the same as a ripped 20-something? Or a man? Think about it.
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I eat a pretty healthy diet. I am NOT a beachbody coach, and I am a Shakeology lover. I have talked to nutritionist who thought that Shakeology was a great option. Especially someone like me who has a lot of time constraints. I have noticed a difference since using it, I find it well worth the money. When you break down the daily cost for me it is no different then the money I used to spend on a regular basis at Starbucks. I also love that the Chocolate really really curbs my chocolate cravings.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I eat a pretty healthy diet. I am NOT a beachbody coach, and I am a Shakeology lover. I have talked to nutritionist who thought that Shakeology was a great option.

    OMG. You need a new nutritionist. X-D Unless your diet was that horrific before. Even then they should have taught you how to eat in a more sustainable manner. Can I get the number of that nutritionist?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,031 Member
    400 calories for a meal is actually a *lot*! Do you know how much food I could put in you with 400 calories?

    I choose not to use Shakeology myself, but I do want to point out a serving of it is 140 calories, not 400.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    400 calories for a meal is actually a *lot*! Do you know how much food I could put in you with 400 calories?

    I choose not to use Shakeology myself, but I do want to point out a serving of it is 140 calories, not 400.

    Yeah, on the other post the guy said with the stuff he added (milk, PB powder, etc) it came to about 400 calories. Most people don't do the powder with only water - apparently it's only edible with milk/ice/other stuffs processed in the blender. And this is commonplace with any kind of drink powder.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,031 Member
    When I was using Shakeology (chocolate), I just added cold water, cinnamon, and ice cubes. It was pretty tasty, actually, but it's not worth the money to me. I'd rather eat real food, but I think it can be a good alternative for people who have a hard time getting their nutrition in real food. I like to eat, so that's never been a problem for me. :tongue:
  • shakeology is a GREAT way to get all of the nutrients you need. NO ONE is saying only drink a shake 3x a day, and there are some that are like that. Most shakes are junk, overprocessed sugars and fillers. Shakeology is not, and if you purchased a beachbody program it not only comes with the workout programs but a a meal planner, and a new way of eating. It teaches you how to change eating habits and make sure you are getting all food groups in, it teaches CLEAN eating which is more important. Besides that, the health benefits of shakeology are TREMENDOUS. It lowered cholesterol in particpants in a study by 30% and bad cholesterol by 38%. Having a shakeology is not an easy way out of a meal, it IS a meal. A good well balanced meal. Being a Nurse and working with many doctors and nutritionists in my life, many are now standing behind shakeology. Sometimes something good comes along, people should give it a try. It costs less than a starbucks coffee. I don't sell the product, but I 100% stand behind it. I don't think over 8,000 people who all love it can be wrong in the results that they get. Go Shakeology!
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