Running: Looking for Comparisons

Insomniak2 Posts: 61
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey Fellow MFP'ers! - I just finished a record breaking run (for me) - I slacked on Yoga X this week, so I decided to set out and Punish myself on my off day today!

Here are the Stats:
Total Miles: 9.80

Total Time: 1:37:09

Fastest Pace/Mile: 7:42

Average Pace/Mile: 9:55

Here is a link to the map: (The route I ran) it was a road run w/ Vibram five finger shoes. No treadmills here!

Accepting all Comments, Critisim, and Suggestions! Best run in a long time for me. Thank you p90x, Team Beach Body, and MFP!

Edit: According to MFP it was a 1400 calories burn for me.


  • larisadixon
    larisadixon Posts: 201 Member
    Great run...your endurance rocks.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Those are great times! Usually on my long runs (9-13 mi) my pace is about 10 min/mi. So your time's are great! The hardest part now is going to get enough calories in today!

    On a side note: How do you like your shoes? I've been considering some just to try out, but I haven't seen a lot of reviews for them.
  • makboo
    makboo Posts: 5
    That's so awesome! I'm running my first marathon this coming Sunday. Hoping to average 15min/mile. I've never gone below 11.5min/mile with the half marathons I've ran. Great job!!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Great run, but I'd be suspicious of MFP's estimated calorie burn on that. Generally speaking, people burn 100 calories per mile whether they walk or run them. So if you're eating your exercise calories, I'd budget more like 1000 calories than 1400.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Awesome! Can you follow up in a couple days regarding recovery time? I'm breaking in some NB Minimus(es) and I find recovery seems to be shorter, but I dont know if that's in my head or not. O_o
  • Thanks for all the Input everyone:

    @Laris Thanks for the Comment :) Made me Blush :)

    @Ally - I have owned my Vibram five fingers for over a year, but just recently started running in them

    @Wendy - Yes New to running, so to speak - People used to tell me I was a natural runner, I run once a week, if I'm Lucky. I don't get much time, I spend a lot of my time working and doing p90x. I love the shoes, see above :) On my pace... Not sure if it was an easy pace or a hard pace. No jokes aside, this was my first time running in 3 weeks. I try to get out there and run once a week or so, but it doesn't always happen. I had to stop and walk a few times, but thats just because some of the hills were BRUTAL and my Five Fingers were tearing my Calfs apart. I'm not sure how well I could do if I actually trained, that's why I posted this.

    @Makboo - How long is a Half Marathon? (I know, I should know this lol)

    @ Atlantique - Thanks for the info on the calorie burn, but I don't eat my calories back - I am not training to run, so I just stick to my 2600/day intake that p90x requires. I don't pay much if ANY attention to Calorie Deficit. I think its a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

    So more or less - this is a pretty good pace? Like I said - don't know A lot about running when it comes to distances, the only thing I ever really paid any attention to was a 2 mile time ( for the military) and my fastest ever (I was 21) was 10:35 2 mile.

    So I really don't know.

  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    That's a good long run and a good pace for it. You don't need to run fast on the long run to get the desired training effect. Later on, after you have run long a number of times, your speed will increase on its own because you will be running more efficiently and more comfortably.

    I am running in five fingers also. I ran 11 yesterday on blacktop road here in west GA. My legs felt great but the bottom of my left foot was a little sore on the ball behind the big toe. How are your feet doing in them?
  • How do you like the five finger shoes? I have been curious about them but afraid of the impact on joints.
  • @Scott

    Like I said, I don't run in them much, I bought them for Balance while doing p90x - but today when I hit mile 8-9 I could feel blisters developing (or what I thought to be blisters) and some pain on the balls of my feet. When I got home I took them off, soaked a cool bath (room temp) for about 20 mins and my feet no longer hurt, just my calfs - they got wrecked today.

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I record in km, but my average run is 10k (6.5 miles), and takes me 55 mins. My average speed varies between 5 and 6 min per km.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Oh yes, I was going to ask about the vibrams. My husband's getting me some next week. I find barefoot shoes really knacker my ankles! Which would you recommend?
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Great run, but I'd be suspicious of MFP's estimated calorie burn on that. Generally speaking, people burn 100 calories per mile whether they walk or run them. So if you're eating your exercise calories, I'd budget more like 1000 calories than 1400.

    I average 126 calories a mile but I am still a beginner. 2 miles is enough for me right now :-)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member

    Like I said, I don't run in them much, I bought them for Balance while doing p90x - but today when I hit mile 8-9 I could feel blisters developing (or what I thought to be blisters) and some pain on the balls of my feet. When I got home I took them off, soaked a cool bath (room temp) for about 20 mins and my feet no longer hurt, just my calfs - they got wrecked today.

    Calves will adapt and no longer be sore after a month or so. Other than a slight pain in the ball of my left foot, I really like running in vibrams. It feels odd now to walk in shoes and uncomfortable to run in padded and heavy running shoes.
  • Agree Scott - I feel like Five Fingers are much more natural. I wear them whenever appropriate. I wish they were more accepted outside the fitness world. I have tried to wear them to different occasions and what not, but instead of enjoying myself - the only thing I am going is answering questions about my shoes.

    So I try not to wear them unless I am around the house or working out. Hah
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Good run, but from how I read it, you went 9.8 miles in vibrams, without really building up or running much?
    I'm very curious to see how your legs/calves feel tommorrow. I ran a good bit in mine last summer, but was only up to about 5 miles in them, in about half a summer's worth of time. And it was several weeks before I could run 2 days in a row in them.
  • @Rybo

    I wear them for KenpoX, Yoga X, Plyometrics X, and Muy Thai - So I have been wearing them a little over a year, doing basically everything but running.

    I catch myself walking like a rabbit - even in regular shoes now. I try to wear them everywhere.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Great run, but I'd be suspicious of MFP's estimated calorie burn on that. Generally speaking, people burn 100 calories per mile whether they walk or run them. So if you're eating your exercise calories, I'd budget more like 1000 calories than 1400.

    Actually it depends on how much you weigh and the terrain you're running on. If a 200 lb man is running on hilly terrain and covers 10 miles, he's going to burn many more calories than a 120 lb woman running 40 laps around the high school track.

    Personally, as a 198 lb man, I burn about 160 calories per mile, give or take a little.
  • good work
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Here's quite a good chart showing how many calories you burn given your weight and speed average
  • Thanks
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