Kinda new.

I started MFP a couple weeks ago but never posted anything. So I'm deciding to post now. =] But anyway I'm here to lose weight about 100 pounds to be exact. I was almost at my goal weight two years ago, but i move a lot, and this current move made my life hell. And since I am an emotional eater i gained 50lbs in 5 months (mostly from depression from losing some family members and friends in the move states away) Now sadly i have tried to lose weight the stupid way by never eating. That never worked due to giving in and eating everything in site days later, making the days I didn't eat a waste. YES, i regret thinking that way which is why I'm doing this. I just want to be happy with me. I have always been the bigger chick due to my whole past childhood issues but now I'm deciding to actually do something about my weight that has been bothering me more and more the past year and a half. I also want to be here to support others who need motivation because i somehow motivate myself when i support others. And lastly, Happy Easter. <3


  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    You're beautiful. :) Nothing wrong with being the bigger chick from that perspective. But health is the thing to be mindful of. Now that I'm older the weight adds all kinds of other problems besides being uncomfortable in economy class seats on airplanes. :P Not too worried about being sexy anymore tho. hehe
  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Off subject but i love your picture. I have that as my cells background :P
    Anyway. thank you. :) Yes, im worried about my health especially when i do get older. I want to be active and do things. I don't want the issues that i have now be a problem later on.. And im not worried about being sexy ever. haha. Maybe just for me :P
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Hello, how have you been dong since being on MFP? You never said? Good luck on the rest of your journey you can do it! Feel free to add me if you like
  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Last time i checked i lost 3lbs. :) And thank you.
    I will add you.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Yes ... it's a good shot of me. I'm very graceful in the water. ;)
  • AngieR45
    AngieR45 Posts: 21
    I'm pretty new on here also, one week. Three pounds is a great start. Having to log in your meals and exercise has been a huge motivator for me. Good Luck.
  • BethanyCM
    BethanyCM Posts: 18
    Yes logging in your meals is a big help. I thought i would be ashamed of what i would be putting in and seeing the results but it helps me concentrate on limiting food and staying healthy. Good luck to you as well!
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have a 100 lb. goal as well - feel free to add me! :)