Seeking ATKINS lifestyle motivators!



  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm not doing Atkins, but I am doing low carb. I'm on the Dukan diet, which is very similar to Atkins but it encourages you to eat lean meat. The induction period, or attack phase as they call it, doesn't allow butter, cheese, or any meat that is fatty such as pork. They call it pure protein and clean eating. Also, the attack phase doesn't last two weeks, it is based solely on the amount of weight you want to lose. It seems to be easier than Atkins so far.
  • I also started Atkins this saturday 4/15/11 and already lost 2 pounds and it hasn't even been a week! I am so excited!
  • Wow 20 pounds in 2 months! Thats great.. I want to lose 17 pounds to get to my goal and if i can do it in 2 months it would be ideal!
  • loopyl
    loopyl Posts: 2 Member
    I'm so happy to find this thread. I have been doing Atkins for appx 2 months now and feel great. Carbs never agreed with me as I was always feeling bloaty and such. I have lost 7 pounds (did that in the first 2 weeks) and then stopped with the weight. I am a compulsive weigher too:( But, I have lost 20.5 inches in that time. I have started running and will be doing my first 5K in 2 weeks. I will attribute the lack of weight loss to muscle weighing so much more than fat. (at least 4 times more right? hehehe)
    I do have to admit though, I will be having a small portion of stuffing with my turkey tonight. Haven't had bread in 2 months and I will probably suffer from it for sure.
    Good luck all:) It does work!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I'm so glad i found this thread! I've been trying to do SB (which is very similar) but can't see to stick with it. I think i'll plan my meals out for tomorrow and just DO IT!! I know i feel better and i'm hypothyroid, which from what i've read i shouldn't really be eating a lot of sugar anyways.... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
  • loopyl
    loopyl Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning all!
    A question. I love this calorie counter but is there a setting that we can use to calculate "net carbs" and take into account that we eat higher amounts of protein than what it shows we should have? Just wondering as it doesn't seem that accurate for me.
    Gave into my stuffing last night, not too much but enough to make me all stuffy last night and this morning. Good incentive to stay on track:)
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Mytwogirls
    Mytwogirls Posts: 24 Member
    I'm thinking of joining you all on Atkins. Any weight loss stats from any of the original posters? I'd love to see the numbers!
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