Somebody Please Smack Me!!!



  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I was over the first 304 days of the week, but now at the end of the week I am 260 under. It's not a big deal. If you're over, you can burn it off throughout the week.
  • muffintopteri
    I will smack you after I get up off the floor from smacking myself. Tomorrow I am beginning again. I have seen way too many red numbers on my food journal lately and I've lost some momentum for working out. But I refuse to give it all up. I can't just throw it ALL away. There is a thin, fit, healthy woman inside me counting on me to let her out. I can't disappoint her now after getting her hopes up so high. Tomorrow, Carpe Diem!!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member

    That said.... Don't look back. Refocus on the new you, you are striving to become.

    This is a long and difficult journey and this kind of lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight or in a month or a few months. You can do this if you refocus, pull yourself together and start over. Focus on the new you a year down the line while taking it hour by hour, meal by meal, day by day. Log every day and don't cheat. Even on bad days, log everything.

  • meltygirl
    This happens to me at times as well but sometimes you must treat yourself...and leave it at that. It was a treat and now continue with what works. It is coming slow for me and now my scale is broke...might be a good thing ;-) but pizza is my fav so from time to time I work that into what I eat once durning the week....this means not going wild with it but having two slices and salad. Preparing for this craving instead of letting it take over and throw in the towel, well this has made a huge difference in how I feel about eating better and getting better for myself and a better life. Don't beat yourself up over have lost and can continue to do this for YOU starting NOW! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Hugs
  • johanneleger
    johanneleger Posts: 49 Member
    Forget about the last few days. Go to the grocery store tomorrow, stock up on healthy food and get back on it.

    I started in January with a goal to lose one pound a week. For the first couple of month, I lost almost nothing, even if I was following the program and was working out with a personal trainer 4 times a week. However, I kept on doing it, knowing that it was impossible to make all these changes and not to see results.

    Well, finally, I have started to lose. I lose one or two pounds a week, and am now down 17 pounds. YOU CANNOT let go of all the progress you did in the last few months. You worked too hard. Come on, get back on track. YOU CAN DO IT. You can add me as a friend if you want.

    As Toygrrl said, IT'S TIME TO REFOCUS ! You deserve to do this. :)
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Time to get the big girl pants on. You can blame it on weakness, or you can talk to yourself like the grown up you are and know that you can do better. Not tomorrow. Now. But not beating yourself up for what you did, think about the future and positive things. What can you do NEXT to make this BETTER? What can you eat BETTER tomorrow (see it's not about failure, it's about success). Build on each success and keep going forward.

    This is all you and changes about you. So you aren't letting anyone down. So who's there to feel guilty about? You haven't hurt anyone. In fact, you are changing yourself chunk by chunk for the better. You know you can do better. You have done better, you owned it, caught yourself, now you are ready to go forward.

    2 steps forward and one backward is still mostly forward. It's just a fine tuning situation. Get your internal voice to start talking to yourself in encouraging ways. Would you verbally beat up your child? Or would you encourage her? Be kinder to yourself. Be satisfied that you did what you could. Move forward.

    What I'd do is fill myself as much as possible with high fiber fruit and vegetables for a few days until I got the calories under, but felt very full. Then you'll be right back at it! There is no limit to how many times you get to keep trying. You only have failed if you quit trying.
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    *Smacks you in the face* Snap out of it;) YOU can do this!!!!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I will smack you after I get up off the floor from smacking myself. Tomorrow I am beginning again. I have seen way too many red numbers on my food journal lately and I've lost some momentum for working out. But I refuse to give it all up. I can't just throw it ALL away. There is a thin, fit, healthy woman inside me counting on me to let her out. I can't disappoint her now after getting her hopes up so high. Tomorrow, Carpe Diem!!

    You can do it! We will do it together! So tomorrow is a new day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    And, what Nammy said:)
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member

    Feel better? Probably not. So, *hug* and *pat on back.* Better now? Okay, now what triggered this binge? Is it just a moment of losing control and backsliding - it happens. Get back on the horse - you can do it. Give yourself credit for all your hardwork and let that motivate you to keep going.

    Is it a symptom of demanding too much too fast of yourself or perhaps not eating enough? Then adjust your expectations to a more sustainable pace so that you can go on. Killing yourself to be healthy makes no sense at all. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Either way, forgive yourself. It's Easter, a good day for being forgiven and beginning anew.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    You can do this. I went over on calories and sodium today, but instead of beating myself up I am saying I will get back up tomorrow and work them off and start fresh. Get back on the horse and start where you left off.
  • SHERRIE134
    SHERRIE134 Posts: 26 Member
    Forget about the past. Tomorrow is a new day
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I did the exact same thing.. except it lasted more like 2 weeks. I kept saying tomorrow ill eat better but heres the trick... tomorrrow never comes. Take a seat right now and re focus yourself. Decide where you are in your weight loss goals where you want to be and how you'll get there. Remember your doing this for yourself...if junk food is killing you is it worth it?
  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    What a timely topic! I was about to post asking for help as well! I had a stomach bug last week and hardly ate anything for 3 days. I recovered and became ravenous just in time for the spending the Easter weekend with family and lots of junk food, rich food and wine. I haven't tracked my food for almost a week and I hate to admit it but there was part of me thinking about how nice it was not to have to analyze and track every morsel that went in my mouth.
    I have to remind myself how nice it feels to have all of my clothes loose instead of tight and how much farther I have to go. Tomorrow is a new start!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    What a timely topic! I was about to post asking for help as well! I had a stomach bug last week and hardly ate anything for 3 days. I recovered and became ravenous just in time for the spending the Easter weekend with family and lots of junk food, rich food and wine. I haven't tracked my food for almost a week and I hate to admit it but there was part of me thinking about how nice it was not to have to analyze and track every morsel that went in my mouth.
    I have to remind myself how nice it feels to have all of my clothes loose instead of tight and how much farther I have to go. Tomorrow is a new start!

    Well, I have refocused and made a fresh start today and SO CAN YOU!! I decided I did NOT want to gain any weight back or lose my momentum. I got up today, did my Insanity workout, 1/2 of another Insanity dvd, and am eating healthy and light for a few days to try to undo some of my damage of the last few days. YOU, too, have worked too hard to throw in the towel. Don't give up!!!
  • macnupe
    macnupe Posts: 19
    POWER SMACK!!!!!! It's time to get back on the grind. Get back to your basics that helped your success so far; Insanity, running, and myfitness pal! Additionally, try to find some way to reward yourself so that the binge eating won't sneak back up on you.

    Don't give up now!
  • LittleMissVintage
    I can't remember where but I read on here once "one bad descision won't destroy you, letting it tear you apart will" so just get sartred again asap. Remember it's ok to slip sometimes, you have a lifetime to correct it. Just think "do I want to fix 2 pounds or 20"
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, your three day binge after 2 months of being on track sure makes me feel jealous... I have had about 5 off track periods 2-5 days in the course of 3 1/2 months. Don't beat yourself up about it, but also don't let it stay a habit either. Go back to your healthy ways before binging becomes a habit and you gain all of your sweat and hard work back! DON'T DO IT! YOU CAN BEAT THIS!
  • LissaBaby14

    I seriously just laughed SO HARD!!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    yes just get back to basics and let yesterday go....or there will be more ewoks where that came from :)