
mariabucket Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I sign in on this about two weeks ago. I have not been good about loging my food. I am going to get better about it. My goal is to lose 80 pounds and so far I have lost 8. But I think I gained 4 back this weekend. This is turning out to be harder then I thought it would be. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can remind myself to log in the food I consume?


  • fandriuk
    fandriuk Posts: 1 Member
    It is hard. I am going to try logging in the food i intend on eating for the day. I think I will eat oatmeal for breakfast for a while.
  • tekroncke
    tekroncke Posts: 8 Member
    some days I have to go to bed and try the next day. I just one days failed attempt AS THE NEXT DAYS MOTIVATION.
  • tekroncke
    tekroncke Posts: 8 Member
    OOPS I use one days failed attempts...
  • It is hard to get into routine. I don't know what I am going to eat day to day.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    JUST DO IT! but actually there isn't an easy way to remember...the more you do it the more you will want to! you could add the app to your phone to help while you are out of the house, and the more friends that you have the more e-amil reminders you wil get if you get a respose on your post!
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I downloaded the app on my phone so I can always log food where ever I am, and dont have to try remember for later. It is also, as others have mentioned about getting into a routine, once you start =, you will just start to do it without thinking.

    Good Luck
  • T0M0
    T0M0 Posts: 250 Member
    I agree, using the app on my phone is the easiest way to log whilst out and about. Once you get into the habit of logging your food, it will become second nature. As soon as I plan on eating I grab my phone or head to my laptop.

    Good luck
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