Easter Sunday!



  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    I'm going to try to stay away from it, but if i do eat any i will definately log it because I need to visually see the effects to keep myself in check :)

    and because she knows I will soooo call her out for not logging the candy!!! hahahahaha! Have a great Easter everyone!
  • ImBabyBunny
    No candy for me, not even a little piece. Someone offered me a cookie the other day twice! And Got offended when I said no.(Twice) And then they wanted my to explain myself as to why I don't want a cookie! UHG! Is it just me?

    Candy will always be around, I have kind-a trained myself to think and concentrate only for today, and today I am not planing on splurging on anything. Every one who is, enjoy your treat!
  • Wassir
    Wassir Posts: 11
    My daughter got tons of Easter candy this morning. I've resolved not to have any of it. (Well, maybe just one jelly bean :-}
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    i am craving it like crazy but have resisted.
  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    I ate sooo much candy! I usually don't have any! Doesn't help it's close to my TOM....but I did end up loggin it and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought! Wooooohooo free days rock! =]
  • Wassir
    Wassir Posts: 11
    Trying to stay away from candy, but it's tough. I made Easter Dinner for the family: Maple-glazed pork tenderloin, asparagus drizzled with olive oil, green salad with cranberries, blue cheese crumbles and walnuts. Great meal, but I need to stay out of my daughter's candy bowl - The Easter Bunny was too good this year.