"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1

AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
H20 Exploding the Pounds
Week 1 of 10 (9 weeks to go)

-Welcome, for those who have joined my challenges before you know a little bit about how it works. Over the next 10 weeks i will be posting weekly challenges to help you shred those egggstra pounds you have gained over the winter months, or to help you lose more of the weight you have been working so hard on shedding. I am going to do this just a little bit different this time around, I will explain below. For the newbies out there, I would love to invite you to join us. It is never too late to get in on the fun, or never too late to star losing weight. Welcome, and we look forward to getting to know you...


Since this challenge will be taking us up to the 4th of July, we incorporated the exploding the pounds, as in fireworks, in there to make it feel more "festive". Over the next Seventy days, WE will explode this weight together. For this challenge, we are not going to make a set amount of pounds to lose, instead make your own mini goal.. I'm hoping that this challenge will help those of us who have been struggling to hit our goal..

Walk or Run 150 Miles over the next 10 weeks. You may do this outside, on a treadmill, Stair climber, or elliptical machine.. 150 Miles breaks down to 15 miles a week, which breaks down to 5 miles every other day, or a little over 2 miles a day. I decided to up the miles this time. :)


Working out a total of 100 hours of Pilates. Pilates will increase the strength, flexibility and control of the body. Pilates is a body conditioning routine that helps to not only build flexibility, but also strength, endurance, and coordination. Do some researching, find some videos to use to your advantage.


Along with the two " I challenge you(s)", I would like for use to incorperate ONE workout video routine to do during the duration of this challenge.

Choose between
* your favorite Leslie Sansone video
* 30 Day shred (during the duration do atleast two levels)
* P90X

Choose what one, or maybe mix them up if you want.

Challenge 1 - Week 1
(04/24) - Take a picture of yourself, you may post this or keep it for yourself for future reference, but DO take a picture. It will help you see how far you come.

Challenge 2 - Week 1
(04/24) - ABS - Do 500 Sit ups or Crunches this week. And do 150 Reverse Crunches. 500/7=71.4 (72ish) daily 150/7=21.4 (22ish) daily.

Challenge 3 - Week 1
(04/24) - CARDIO - 150 jumping jacks, and 100 Step ups maybe add some jump ups into that. (use a stair, step, wii balance board) this week

Challenge 4 - Week 1
(04/24) - STRENGTH - 100 Dumbbell Rows (Knees slightly bent, Arms form circle in front of body w/ bent elbows , Use upper back to pull elbows up and back, Exhale as you pull weights, inhale as you bring weight back to front) this week.

Challenge 5 - Week 1
(04/24) - Drink atleast 8 glasses of water this week. & add some color to your diet.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible." -Arthur C. Clarke

I hope you like these challenges.. I put alot of time and effort into this. Remember if you have any suggestions please do share them. i want us to get the best out of this challenge.. My pledge to you, is to be the best leader this time around. I am finally over my cold, so I am here to do this for real this time.. :) I still have to come up with a graphic for this challenge.. anyone who would like to try to help in that feel free to.. :)

Enjoy your week..

April Val..

PS. Ill have Pinky Start the new spreadsheet next week to track our weight loss.. the website will follow..

H20 Website www.teamh20.webs.com feel free to join.. ;) if you havent joined please do.. :) dont be afraid to show your H20 spirit! :)


  • CLASSY35
    CLASSY35 Posts: 2
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Bump for tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Sounds like a great challenge! We'll see how far my asthma will let me go with this.
  • I'm in. I have been really unmotivated the past couple of weeks.
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    i'm in! i'll start tomorrow!
    also, question: are the last three challenges (jumping jacks/step ups, dumbell rows, and 8 glasses of water) each supposed to be per day (as in, do 150 jumping jacks every day) or over the course of the whole week like the first two? just want to make sure!
  • anglicw
    anglicw Posts: 3 Member
    Im in!! I cant wait
  • Sign me up!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks again, April, for your time and hard work to make this journey successful for all of us!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm so very excited for our new challenge! I'll definitely get the red, white, and blue spreadsheet posted up tomorrow. I'll also get thr website all pretty and updated :)

    Happy Easter, and here is looking forward to a fabulous July 4th!

    OH, and we gotta get our siggy graphic going too! :D
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Checking in......Need to take my after picture for the last challenge still - will use it as my starting photo too. Last challenge, I kind of wimped out....I'll do as much of the challenges as I can this week - I was not happy with the results last time.

    Hope everyone had a blast of a weekend!!! On to bigger and better things!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Bumping for later! I'm excited about the new challenge. This weekend wasn't exactly my friend, but I get the feeling a few days of good H20 intake and sweating will cure that. :smile:

    Happy Monday all!
  • Bumping for later!

    I did not do the best over the weekend, but today is a new day!!!

    I'm looking forward to exploding these last few pounds off over the next 10 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you SO much for all of your hard work April, I am hoping to be around more this time around! :happy:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Bumping for later! Thanks for choosing my idea! I am definitely in for this one! I can have my son make us a graphic if you like! Thanks again April for ALL you do!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm definitely in. My starting weight for this challenge is 171.2. My mini goal is to be down 8-10lbs in 10 weeks. I can do it!!

    I need to take an updated pic, but I'll do that this evening. I choose to do the 30 day shred video, and I'll work on doing all those crunches, rows, etc. Also the 150 miles of walking - I've been doing it on my exercise bike. And the WATER. My BIGGEST challenge. But I'll give it my best!

    Thank you SO much for these challenges, they've helped immensely!!
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
  • okay im in
    im goin to have to put the challenges on my notepad so idont forget what ihave to do . ihave to lose the weight from my stomach most of all
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - nice set of challenges! I like the increase to 150 miles (especially now that it's nicer out) and I think I'll do the 30 DS. I like the cardio - jumping jacks and step ups will be extra fun this week.

    Crystal - I looked at your photos from last week and there is a definite difference. Congratulations on the changes! Your stomach/waist is way tinier and you're looking great!

    Cazz - seriously, you look amazing...are those changes from just the last challenge? I can't believe you're wearing the same shirt. You look great!

    Both Crystal and Cazz are huge inspirations for our group!

    Pinky - nice work rocking the dress and I'm SO glad they noticed :)

    I'm going to get started on the stairs for the step ups today and drink LOTS of water & green tea. Yay for the next 10 weeks!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Phew--great challenges April! I am getting exhausted and tired just reading through them :) If we stick to it, we're all gonna be skinny-minis by the end of this 10 weeks :bigsmile:

    While I plan to incorporate/add all of the mini challenges, my BIG goal for this 10 weeks is to get my 150 miles ONLY from walking/running! Last time I included biking and the elliptical in there, but I want to really push myself--yikes!!! I'm probably going to use BodyRockTV for my "video" though--I don't have any of the ones listed and I'm too cheap :laugh: It will still kick my butt though!

    As for my personal weight-loss goal for this challenge... I don't really have a number! I'll think on this, but I think my goal will be in inches or size(s) :happy: And I think my reward will FINALLY have to be some shopping, as my closet is starting to look PRETTY bare with what I can still wear!

    :heart: Good luck to everyone for the new challenge--we are going to be some smokin-hot sexy folks for the summer!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    Cazz - seriously, you look amazing...are those changes from just the last challenge? I can't believe you're wearing the same shirt. You look great!

    No... they aren't changes from just the last challenge. I couldn't share my "before" pics from the challenge as they were done naked! LOL But they are close... maybe a month or so before the challenge.
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