I want to quit!

I gave up the scale for lent, tracked almost everday (slacked off the last 2 weeks in tracking but didn't go crazy eating) and I just got on the scale and gained 4.5lbs...I am the heaviest I have ever been (except when pregnant) and I just feel like this is a loosing battle! I don't know what to do! Many of you have messaged me ideas and I am thankful for that but nothing is working! I am making a Dr.s appointment today but I just feel like I am about to say f*&^ it! Do you realize I have been doing this since Dec and I am now up almost 5 lbs from my start date!:frown:


  • lazywriter
    Are you sure it isn't water weight? Have you been eating sugary or salty foods, which cause bloating and unnecessary weight gain?
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    you only loose the battle if you quit trying....
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I know just how you feel, I'm ready to throw the towel in myself. But I'm not going to. I hope you can find the strength to keep going.

    If you're sure you're logging your calories correctly, something could be amiss - a friend was in the same situation as you, and was recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, so yes do make that doctor's appointment.
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I would say dont give up until you talk to your doctor. There may be something else that is going on and once you have it figured out the weight will come off. Plus just being healthier is worth it. I understan dyour frustration I have been on here for about six weeks now and I have only lost 5lbs. I have at least 40lbs more to go and it seems like I will never get there.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    You sound so frustrated!!! Don't quit! In your post, you said you "slacked off" for the last two weeks. A 4.5 gain after not weighing yourself and slacking off a bit isn't so bad. If you give up, your gain may be much more significant. Everyone falls off the wagon at times. If you get back on, you could quickly lose the 4.5 lbs. Everything worth achieving is difficult. NEVER GIVE UP!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Without knowing what you're doing it's difficult to make any suggestions.

    That said, I was having the same problem - i was 'doing everything right' with no results. The truth was I was not being totally honest with my food and was not making the best food choices.

    I decided to refresh things, I focused on getting 5 portions of fruit and veg each day, drinking my water and then changed my workouts so I focused on strength training and interval training. I have finally begun to see results.

    If you have been 100% accurate with your food intake, have reduced processed sugar and processed foods and are drinking all your water the maybe you should check with your Dr. I had this same problem last year only to find out I had an underactive thyroid.

    Hope this helps and please don't give up. You can do this and you WILL succeed. :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I completely understand! I gave up all junk food, sodas, chips, etc for Lent. And wouldn't you know the scale didn't even move except up a few ounces???? Yea, I hear ya!! :mad:
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    According to your diary, you are not tracking daily. This can be a problem. If you don't exactly what you are putting in your mouth on a "gain" week then you don't know what to change. Also, the females body can flutuate up to 10 pounds thanks to dear TOM. I wouldn't give up...I would just get serious about tracking. Give it a couple weeks then ask for others to evaluate what you are doing so better advice can be given. But don't give up!
  • srobinson1217
    srobinson1217 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with everyone else too!! I've quit many times before, only to gain back that 4.5 lbs and then some, usually gaining more each time. It sucks, and it is frustraing, I've broke down crying many times because of it. Stay strong, and definitely get some labwork checked out. Sounds like thyroid insuffiency.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I checked out your diary. Sorry, Im nosey. I don't know if maybe you are keeping track another way but it seems you do not log on the weekends much. Some weekdays were missing throughout the months too. Could you be eating more than you think on these days?
  • kristie778
    Have you been exercising? It's possible a couple of extra pounds can be muscle. How are your clothes fitting?

    Regardless, try to remember why you started this journey to begin with. Was it for your overall health? Weight loss? Fitting into skinny jeans? An upcoming vacation? Whatever the reasons, write them down, post them where you can see them, and then when you get discouraged, this will remind you, and encourage you!
  • nickicaylor
    first have your inches gones down ? you may have gained muscle and lost fat. do monthly body fat % checks
    customize your food settings under the home tab, then under goals, then select change my goals. Increase your protein to at least 40 %, carbs 40%, and fats 20%. that should rev your metabolism some. Plus, women do better when we eat lower carb diets. Also make sure you are doing strength training (you may already be doing this) and well as cardio. Also in each strength work-out do short Cardio intense blasts. (ie - swing kettle bell 45 seconds, then go back into circuite do 3 sets and right back into swinging the kettle bell) I know it can be discouraging. Also I personally throw in 3 days a week, typically in a row , of 50% protein, 20 % carbs, 30 % fat. then go back. it is a lot of changing to do in my logs but it works. I have dropped 4% body fat in a month.
    good luck and don't get discouraged.

    go to www.bodybuilding.com ( not just for body builders) they have great tips for whatever your goal is and it is free. I use that and this.
  • bddavis1
    bddavis1 Posts: 43
    You only fail if you quit trying. I know what you are going through. I have been at the same weight for 5 months, can’t seem to lose anymore. Sometimes I fall off the diet wagon, but I just get back on ASAP. There is only two ways to lose weight; reduce calorie or increase exercise. That it, maybe if one isn’t working; you may focus more on the other. Hang in there… you can do it.
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I have gone 4 weeks total on this new plan and havent lost a single lb, so can feel your pain and know how frustrating this is, but I also know there is more benefit then the number on the scale. Being diabetic myself, I see my glucose numbers falling into great goal numbers. That is a sign right there that something is going right and eventually the scale will have to follow. But over all just making healthy food and activity life style choices is overall good for you and dont lose sight of that due to the number on the scale which I know bums me out too I want to see it where I want it but cant let it rule my mood or my world, keep your chin up you will make it.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    First - :flowerforyou:

    Second: You have taken away your tools (scales and food tracking). These are the two things that keep you on the path.

    This is a lifelong journey, it will never end, a lifestyle that you have to embrace fully with desire and dedication. This 'bump' in the road should be your FINAL wake-up call. You can do this you have the rest of your life don't let this set back send you back where you were before. You came here (To MFP and this lifestyle) with a purpose don't lose sight of that now.

    As for weighing I don't know your particulars but for me:

    I make everything constant for my weigh -ins.

    Same scale
    Same place on floor (no rug)
    In the morning after bathroom business - (if you have been constipated for several days remember that when you weigh)
    In my birthday suit (try not to picture my birthday suit )

    I extend my hand to you as a friend if you would like to add me.
    We have a long road ahead; we will see many good days and many bad days. We raise our glasses that the bad days are very few and far between, but no matter what we must stay on the path.
  • wigal23
    wigal23 Posts: 363 Member
    I didn't check out your diary, but could it be that you aren't eating enough?? Sounds crazy, I know, but I was also very frustrated with tracking each and every bite and exercise, being under my cals, and GAINING. A little over a week ago, I bumped my calories up by about 300-500/day, and making sure I eat back my exercise cals. I have lost a little over 3 pounds in 10 days. Sometimes it takes playing around with the #'s to find what works for you!
  • baton_gal79
    Eating healthy and exercise is a new lifestyle all together. Most of us have to religiously continue the daily fight to survive. Hang in there! Some things that work for some, don't always work for others. The trick is finding that nitch for you. I've learned the biggest struggle for me was getting from the couch to the treadmil. But once i got there, it is amazing! I am a runner (a slow one), but none the less, a runner.. I'm not a biker. and i know that so i do what works, and try to mix it up a bit with something fun like ZUMBA! Jumping on a trampoline or playing softball or volleyball or tennis are great ways to workout! The trick is pushing through that first fight of whatever you enjoy doing (or didnt know you'd enjoy). You're fighting yourself all the time! Your mind says one thing, but your body another. Keep at it. Say, do i have something in store for you today body... you're not going to like this one bit! and smile :) My current goal is a marathon. I did one in 2008. Now, i must say, i am a casual jogger, but i was shocked when i actually completed the Duluth Grandma's Marathon. I wanted to cry (mostly cuz i could finally stop running) but also because I DID IT!! I DID IT!! I never thought i could do something like that. And i did it BY MYSELF! There were MANY times i wanted to give up, but kept pushing. Heck, scream if you have to! Stay active, stay alert of what you eat, and try to have fun doing it :) Best of Luck to you! This is a battle we all fight every day of our lives, find what works for you! Keep searching, DONT GIVE UP! ! !
  • baton_gal79
    WIGAL23: I love your inspiration! You have done wonderful yourself. GREAT JOB!!
  • Ctyndall81
    Are you working out?
    I gain before losing.... then I drop a few pounds at a time.

    Glad your going into the doc. Could be thyroid or other things.
    If you haven't done anything to gain this weight it could be health
    related. Best to rule that option out.

    Good luck to you!
  • lostgirl77
    I think one thing we can all agree on, is that we completely understand how you feel...been there done that!! You say you didn't over do it. It may be as simple as you didn't eat the right foods i.e. whole grains, fruits & veggies etc. You can cut back on what you eat but if you are not taking in enough of the proper nutrients or caloroies that can be just as bad as eating junk food. You might consider going back to MFP for a while to see.