HELP PLEASE! Not losing :(

Last week I was under my calories and I worked out almost every day. I didn't lose anything...not even an ounce! I actually gained 2 ounces. What am I doing wrong? My food diary is public, so any advice would really be appreciated!


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I only went back a few days, but you eat a lot of sodium. That could be the culprit. Cut back on all of the processed/prepackaged food and see if that gets the scale moving again.

    edited to add: I went back a week and you are regularly eating 3-4,000 mg of sodium daily. That is really high and I would bet it is the root of your issues.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Not to sound rude, but I think your problem is you're eating too much CRAP. You can't expect to lose weight on McDonald's and pizza. I had the same ridiculous notion that if I stayed within my calories, even if I hate pure crap, I would lose. Not gonna happen. You're also not drinking near enough water. Drink TONS...more than 8 glasses a day. Eat veggies, lean meats, cut down on carbs.
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Also I find, I lose the most amount of weight when I eat all my calories including my excercise cals. Going over by 10 or 20 cals isn't a bad thing! Good luck to you! :)
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    You need to start preparing your own meals. Lean proteins, veggies, and healthy carbs. Eating food from a restaurant is not gonna cut it. It's unhealthy and full, I MEAN FULL, of sodium. I know it takes time to cook your food, but you will start to feel better once you stop eating the junk, and if you slip up and eat it in the future, you'll feel feel yucky. Your body won't want it anymore! Good Luck!!!
  • LittleMissVintage
    Your sodium was through the roof. You probably are still retaining water.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    Not to sound rude, but I think your problem is you're eating too much CRAP. You can't expect to lose weight on McDonald's and pizza. I had the same ridiculous notion that if I stayed within my calories, even if I hate pure crap, I would lose. Not gonna happen. You're also not drinking near enough water. Drink TONS...more than 8 glasses a day. Eat veggies, lean meats, cut down on carbs.

    I agree! You need good wholesome food and not take out all the time. Plus you need to like triple your water.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Definitely keep the sodium down by changing your food choices but also you may need to step up your exercise routine! Good Luck!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Not to sound rude, but I think your problem is you're eating too much CRAP. You can't expect to lose weight on McDonald's and pizza. I had the same ridiculous notion that if I stayed within my calories, even if I hate pure crap, I would lose. Not gonna happen. You're also not drinking near enough water. Drink TONS...more than 8 glasses a day. Eat veggies, lean meats, cut down on carbs.

    I totally agree. In addition, you should replace any juice or pop you drink with water.

    Avoiding fast food and processed foods will help reduce sodium. Sodium can be a huge culprit when it comes to scale results. MFP usually set 2,500 mg/day as a "goal". Really, that should be the outmost outter limit, most experts now say to keep sodium to no more than 1,500 mg/day. To achieve that you'll need to really change how and what you eat.

    Research "eating clean". Search it on topics in this forum, google it. Really think about it.

    Some people will tell you weight-loss is a simple as burning more calories than you eat and that what is in those calories is not so important. I very much disagree with that statement. My philosophy (for what it's worth): if I'm restricting the amount of calories I eat in a day I need those calories to be a dense nutritionally as possible to ensure my body is being given the correct fuel it needs to function.

    white bread, white pasta, white rice, refined flours, refined carbs, sugar in most forms and excessive sodium......put these items on your do not eat, or severely restrict list.

    make your own food, make big portions on your days off and eat from them during the week. eat more fiber, eat more salads and veggies.

    good luck!!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Not to sound rude, but I think your problem is you're eating too much CRAP. You can't expect to lose weight on McDonald's and pizza. I had the same ridiculous notion that if I stayed within my calories, even if I hate pure crap, I would lose. Not gonna happen. You're also not drinking near enough water. Drink TONS...more than 8 glasses a day. Eat veggies, lean meats, cut down on carbs.

    Agree with this poster....

    There is nothing wrong with a treat from time to fact, I personally think it is essential for success!! If we deprive ourselves of everything yummy...well, we may binge and give up! Just try and plan your meals ahead...that way you are not tempted to do the fast food drive in. I bring a bag of stuff into work so I always have healthy options.

    While you may be staying under your calories, your body needs more of the healthy carbs like fruit and vegetables, and less of the processed sodium loaded stuff....

    If you are going to eat at a restaurant, plan ahead...check the website for nutritional information...ask for food to be prepared differently....there are many things you can do to cut down on the sodium.

    Good can do this!!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Eating everyday at a fast food joint- or sometimes 3 times a day isn't a treat it.... is downright unhealthy. You are not going to lose weight eating crap like this. It is harmful and your sodium levels are dangerously high.

    Honestly? You KNOW why you aren't losing, stop acting like you are doing everything right...look in the mirror and ask yourself why you aren't losing and see what your conscience says. You do not need people to look at your diary and tell you what is know.
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    As frustrating as it is, it's natural for your weight to fluctuate!
    What are you doing for exercise? Maybe you need to try a new routine. Your body can get use to doing the same workout!
  • lindseyallyn
    I agree with a lot of the posts. Try taking time every Sunday, or just on a day when you aren't busy, to chop up a bunch of fruits and vegetables. Put them in ziploc bags or tupperware. Have lettuce cleaned, chopped, and ready to go. Grill some chicken. That way you can throw some things together a few minutes before work. Have lots of berries on the side for when you are craving something sweet. Stop getting fast food. It doesn't matter if you are getting a grilled chicken wrap; everything is loaded with sodium. You will save money and be doing yourself a favor. It may seem like a pain at first to have to prepare your own meals, but you will get faster at it and it will really help you meet your goals.

    Not all calories are the same. Just because you are under your calorie goal doesn't mean you are eating well. You have to look at the source of the calories. Your body needs whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, limited dairy, etc. Do a little research online and maybe also look to healthy food blogs for some help and ideas of what you should be eating. And also, you can't count on the machine you are using to tell you the accurate amount of calories you are burning. It varies from person to person. I suggest investing in a heart rate monitor. You can find them online for relatively cheap and they will give you a much accurate idea of the number of calories you are burning.
  • Sesilje
    Sesilje Posts: 16 Member
    You have been given some good advice already.

    Another important piece of the puzzle is that you should make sure to eat your exercise calories back. The deficit needed for your weight loss goal is already built in to your daily goal of 1420 net calories. So when you exercise you have to eat more to make up for those calories - or your body will go into starvation mode and do its best to lower your metabolism. Try to never let your net calorie intake (displayed when you click on *my home*) go below 1200 calories. Just google starvation mode, and you'll see what I mean... :-)

    Good luck!
  • Maeley
    Maeley Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with all the comments about sodium. I also notice that while your total cals for the day may be under, you often skip meals and have double portions when you are eating. Calories should be spread out fairly evenly throughout the day, otherwise your excess will be converted and stored rather than burned off. Then during periods of fasting, your body will be conserving calories.

    I would focus on quality of foods before focusing on calories. If you are used to eating non-nutrient dense foods, you may feel cheated when you first start choosing more healthy options since the fats tend to make you feel more full (and stick with you longer as we all know too well). Once you are consuming mostly nutrient dense foods, then I'd start focusing more on caloric intake. Check out the recipes in the community. There are some great simple & healthy options there. Good luck to you!
  • lpigeon
    lpigeon Posts: 1 Member
    I agree....your sodium is through the roof and that has a lot to do with weight loss. Stop eating the junk all the time. It doesn't matter about your caloric intake being lower if your sodium and fat is so high. Start eating fruits and veggies more and a lot less processed food and you'll see a huge difference!
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I don't normally eat as much fast food...last week was rough with my mom in the hospital. I have noticed that I have a lot of trouble keeping my sodium down, even if I don't eat fast food so that is definitely something I am going to work on this week. I'm also going to go with fast food this week all together, and try to avoid pop as much as possible (although sometimes I need the caffeine).

    One of my biggest problems is eating all my exercise calories back..I feel like when I do that working out was pointless. I definitely am going to change up my workouts this week as well. Lots to try this week, hoping I'll see more results!! Thanks all for the help!
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    I dont lose weight when I eat back all my exercise calories ....... I shoot for eating back only about 50%.

    PS- Agree with EVERYONE..... SODIUM+CRAP= garbage calories!
  • danielsmommy10
    i started out eating fast food multiple times a day too. i just had a baby and cooking was hard, but i changed that a week ago. i went cold turkey! in the about 6 days i've been on this site i have lost 11 pounds. i'm not eating super healthy, just eating at home and staying within my calories. i didn't realize that fast food was as bad as it it. just cut it out and it will fly off. easy ways are to cut up fruits and veggies and put them in your purse so you always have snacks on you, precook meals and freeze them in individual portions, so all you have to do is pull out the amount you want. and make sure you're drinking enough water, it's hard sometimes, but i cut out all sodas and i only have tea at work with sweet n low, and i go for a glass of water every hour, a pint glass full. it's easy to keep track of that way and i know i'm getting all 8 plus. good luck girl!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I suggest you read this post - it has a lot of really good info.
  • Lacey34
    Lacey34 Posts: 25 Member
    I would also bet money that you are seriously overestimating your calories burned during exercise. 900+ multiple days in a row is a LOT.