New and I have a lot of weight to lose.

Hello! My name is Kristy. For 3 months now my friend has been trying to get me to use this site. I found excuse after excuse on why I won't. Well today is the day that I start my challenge; I start my new life. I am 34 years old and need to lose a minimum of 125 lbs. I have a wonderful husband and 2 great children. A few back I lost 70 lbs by using Phentermine. I stopped using the medication after being on it for 1 year and I have gained all the weight back. I want to be able to lose the weight, this time, by myself, that way it will not come back. I need to lose this weight for me, by children, my health, and my husband. I need support and accountability. What I don't need is someone to down on me and make me feel bad, if I mess up. Thanks for listening!


  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome!! Good Luck on your journey!
  • gldnhthr
    gldnhthr Posts: 8 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I'm proud of you for joining! I have a little over 200 to lose, so I understand how those big numbers can be overwhelming. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    Congrats on your *New Life*.
    You won't find anyone getting negative on you here. Everyone has been so positive and supportive for me.

    Friend me if you would like.

  • LHux
    LHux Posts: 3
    Welcome !! You can add me, I'll glady help you and hold you accountable :):wink:
  • adristory
    adristory Posts: 42 Member
    Can I say, I can relate? It will be a slow journey for all of us trying to loose more than just a couple pounds. Sending over a friend request. I also need the support.
  • Luvinfunkyworm
    Luvinfunkyworm Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck to you! This site is amazing but I do find it to be a pain in the rear to log in everyday...and this is where one of my struggles comes in. I am (once again) going to try and log in every day and start my weight loss (again).

    I myself have to lose a minimum of 100 pounds...although 125 wouldn't would actually put me in the hundreds which I haven't seen in YEARS!!!! However I'll be happy just to lose the hundred that I have put on in the last 5 years. If you need to talk or need someone to lean on I'm here...I also need a little inspiration too!
  • searbear1980
    Good Luck! You have joined a great site! If you would like you can friend me for extra support. Have a great day!:happy:
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    This is a great site, the motivation and support you receive is incredible. You will meet some very helpful people to help you along your journey. I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
    I lost 50 pounds on those pills and sadly I gained it right back! so I have lost almost 30 pounds now just through diet and exercise(zumba) and I have been on this site since Feb 2011 so Really it works and its nice to know that I can do it on my own. I have about 75 more pound so lose so it will be worth all the hard work! I hope you the same success just stick with it! If you have a bad day or week its ok just start off the next day and say okay I am doing this for me :)
  • busybee33
    busybee33 Posts: 8 Member
    This site is awesome and encouraging......there are even some things i dont eat alot of because i dont want to log it in, LOVE IT and hope it works for you. I DONT GIVE UP FOOD, i just excer. and not eat so much.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Welcome and I was just like you in wanting to find one excuse after another to why I didn't want to join up here and I have struggled since being here and in fact after being away for several months I am back to try once again but the important part is DON'T GIVE UP!! I have yet to give up but this time around I will take one day at a time and one step at a time. I have about 150 lbs. to lose still (that is after losing 100 lbs.) so I know how overwhelming it can be and how frustrating that is! Good luck on your journey and I will add you as a friend because I need as much help as I can get and I am sure I can be some help to you as well :)
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I have only used this site for 6 days and I love it!! tmrw is my 1 week weigh in and i am so anxious, good luck with your journey. You can do it, just log your food intake and exersice and you will see results
  • JSB2011
    JSB2011 Posts: 1
    Hello and Welcome. My name is Jessica and I'm also new to this site as well. I am currently taking Phentermine and have been on it for a month. I have lost 14lbs. so far but I have been at the same weight for a week now. Not only am I taking the medicine, but I am following the 1200 calories. I currently have about 60 more pounds to lose, and I am already having a hard time. I just try to take it day by day and not think about how much to go. It's hard but I believe that we can all do it! Keep your head up and you will make it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Clovergirl17
    Exactly! We all are going to have days where we go over our limit, days where we are just feeling too lazy to work out, and you know what? It's ok! We are all going to fall down, the point is to make sure you keep getting back up! I also have a lot of weight to lose; 140 pounds to my first big goal of 220, then we will see how I look and feel and go from there :). I've been on the site for 3 weeks, and I've lost 10 pounds; plus I've lost 2.5 inches in my waist and another 2 inches in my hips! I don't over do exercise, I tend to just go for a walk a couple of times a week or maybe do a workout DVD once a week. The best advice I can give is to be brutally honest about what you eat and log EVERYTHING. Even when it puts you over your limit. So that on the days you do really well, you can feel proud of your honest accomplishment. If you would like a friend to help you stay accountable and give you encouragement along the way, please feel free to add me! Best of luck on your weight loss goals!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Hello! My name is Kristy. For 3 months now my friend has been trying to get me to use this site. I found excuse after excuse on why I won't. Well today is the day that I start my challenge; I start my new life. I am 34 years old and need to lose a minimum of 125 lbs. I have a wonderful husband and 2 great children. A few back I lost 70 lbs by using Phentermine. I stopped using the medication after being on it for 1 year and I have gained all the weight back. I want to be able to lose the weight, this time, by myself, that way it will not come back. I need to lose this weight for me, by children, my health, and my husband. I need support and accountability. What I don't need is someone to down on me and make me feel bad, if I mess up. Thanks for listening!

    Welcome! That's awesome! You've taken the first steps to your new life! It's not going to be easy, but it is so worth it in the end. I have about 23lbs left on my first journey (I started at 212 lbs, now down to 155 lbs). I say first, because once I lose the weight, another journey to keeping it off will start. MFP has helped so much. You'll love it here and the wonderful people you meet on here. If you need support, this is the place to be! Good luck on your journey and if you are looking for friends, send me a friend request!
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    welcome Kristy...

    I am fairly new toooo - - 3 weeks into program...
    so I would like to share this journey with you and keep each other motivated
  • jocelynrinear
    Good Job! I have been there. In the past five years I have gained 20lbs. I have tried the HCG lost 12.7 lbs but got stuck. I joined this website four weeks ago and lost 4lbs. I exercise everyday too. You can do it. If I can, anyone can. I will add you as a friend and we can do it together.
    Take care,
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    Hi! My name is Jacki. I've been on this site for two weeks and have found it extremely helpful. The people are great. Lots of words of encouragement. Add me as a friend if you like and we. Can help each other. I have 136 pounds to go to my goal. I could use the extra support too. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Welcome! regardless of how many lbs you have to lose, every jouney begins with a first step and by joining MFP you have taken that! And you will have lots of friends here to help support you along the way. Good luck and feel free to friend me.