
How did everybody do over the Easter holiday?


  • tbrew811
    tbrew811 Posts: 40
    Not too bad. The whole week was an off one for me; however, I didn't manage to lose one pound. How did it go for you?
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I did ok - stayed just under my calorie allowance - good thing too, because I didn't get to do as much exercise as I normally do per day.
    And I didn't starve or deprive myself either - I allowed myself a taste or small helping of all the yummy dishes. But as soon as I finished what was on my plate - it went into the sink and I was done!! No going back for seconds - and I think that helped the most!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I went over my calories by 163 yesterday, but did not touch the sweets. My MIL handed me my easter basket and I passed it right to my husband without even looking in it (I was very proud of that). I'm hoping to feel better by the time I get out of work so I can weigh in, but we will see.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    i managed to stay under my calorie goal and avoid too much eating although there wasn't any time for working out
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Just another Sunday...
  • Armymom44
    Armymom44 Posts: 76
    Cute pic lol
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I went over by probably quite a bit Saturday dinner and Sunday dinner but I burned about 600 cals every day at the gym (yea, the gym was empty when people need it the most) and my Laura Secord bunny is going in the freezer.

    I am very happy with my choice to enjoy my family and some dessert. I never stuff myself on food like people do on Thanksgiving but dessert took me over by quite a bit. I will wait until next Saturday to get on the scale to get this artificial weight out of me over the next couple days.
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    For me, life includes holiday meals with family. We had to do Easter dinner on Sat night because we were traveling home on Sunday, which also meant not much exercise happened the past several days. I just kept my portions right and had micro-portions of the less nutritious stuff (green bean casserole - yum!). I didn't do so well logging my foods but I know I went over. I'll just do better this week & get some extra cardio in to burn it off. I attempt to eat right 90% of the time and figure the 10% will keep me from binging out of control. It doesn't always work out (the 90/10), but I've lost weight so something is working!
  • jencoz04
    jencoz04 Posts: 67 Member
    I avoided all Candy!! Took half of the candy my daughter received & brought it to work to give to the guys in the back. For dessert, I had fresh strawberries and a little whip cream. I also got up before church and went to the gym for a little workout. Overall, I think it was the best I have ever done on a holiday.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I did end up eating everything chocolatey in sight =[
    Altough i measured myself the day before easter, and im going to meausre myself the same time today,
    and hope the 1 day binge hasn't made me bigger!!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I managed to walk away from the weekend losing weight. I was on my calories and I worked out also. I am proud of what I accomplished when I was out and about and with my family. I even had a few bites of candy and cream cheese and marshmallow fruit dip (was wickedly good)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I ate some chocolate, which I don't usually do, but I have done a lot of exercise too, so feeling GOOD.
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I have to say this is the best I have ever done, my parents are on a vegetarian diet so they brought lots of simple steamed vegetables that were awesome and brought baked plain sweet potatoes that were to die for. I made 2 beef roasts and a ham but chose not to eat the meat the sweet potato was so filling. the only splurge I had was a small piece of apple pie. I was very proud of myself and found that I was quite satisfied without feeling bloated.
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    Sunday was horrible, as far as my diet and logging was concerned! But great in every other way! I don't let one day get me off track anymore though. Today its right back to eating the right foods and logging every morsel that touches my lips!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Easter wasn't to bad. I cooked, so it was a very low fat meal for my whole family. Of course, the day before we went to Arby's for dinner and I ate way to much. LOL!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I probably ate more than I should at dinner, but I didn't eat much at breakfast or lunch, so I don't feel bad.
  • CrimsonWife
    The weekend was horrible- I majorly binged on carbs starting dinner Saturday and ending dinner on Sunday. We went out to dinner with friends Saturday night and I had a couple of rolls before dinner, crackers in my soup, some of the fries off my son's plate, and my DH's baked potato that he didn't want. Then I raided the Easter candy as I was filling the baskets. Sunday morning we got Noah's bagels after Mass. Then I had a breadstick with dinner, apple pie a la mode, and later another bowl of ice cream. Ugh!

    The scale said I gained 2 lbs. but I think some of that is probably water weight with all the carbs I ate. I'm doing a pure protein day today to flush that out of my system. We'll have to see what the actual damage is tomorrow.

    Every day a new day!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    there was candy involved :) but nothing that wasn't balanced out by a solid run or strength session the same day
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Easter weekend was HORRIBLE for me :( I managed to go over my carb limit with the dinner and Easter candy but I did stay within my calorie range so at least I did ONE thing right :) Today was a new day and I did well for a Monday LOL