Let's get this party started... Again!

navajoon Posts: 355
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

Trying out MFP as a way to track calories and weight loss. I'm a lifelong habitual yo-yo. At my heaviest in 2004, I weighed 267 pounds! While waiting for bar exam results and later working hours-flexible jobs, I whittled my way down to 193 by early 2007. However, since joining the corporate world, and sitting on my *kitten* on a daily basis, I found myself back up to 241.

It's time to get going again! So far, I'm down about 11 pounds since joining MFP (I entered my starting weight incorrectly. Inaccurate scale, now in trash) and my goal is to lose about 80 more. Here's to hard work and good payoff!


  • blaseyly
    blaseyly Posts: 26
    This site is a great way to really know how what you eat and what you do impacts your body. Welcome!
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I hear you!

    I've been using this since last year, and when I followed it properly (logging every day) I lost 23lbs. Since January, I haven't been so strict and have bobbled around losing and gaining the same 5lbs. This site is brilliant - as long as you stick to it.

    Good luck and I'm sure you'll see a big difference soon :smile:

  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome!! You are so pretty, you will look awesome when you get rid of those pounds
  • Oh boy, do I know what you mean! I have spent the last 10 years putting on the bulk, feeling like crap, feeling tired after a good night's sleep and then getting strict (usually after meeting friends that I haven't seen for a while, or, even worse, the dreaded photograph) and dropping 30 - 40 lbs only to start the whole thing over. This time I have set the bar high by stating that I want to lose 2 lbs per week; this will make me exercise to buy back some some sort of decent calorie allowance. I like the site so far as I always type in what I want to eat and then when I see the calories I run away in terror! I wish you well and good will power to get the job done!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! It's comforting to be in a supportive atmosphere!
  • I'm also just starting off on this site and find it to be great! Good luck as I know we all need it = ) feel free to add me as a friend
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