need help to get over this bump in the road.

ricanzcutest77 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
i was hoping that anyone, everyone, someone could help me continue on my path to greatness. im stuck.

i started off in my weight at 180lbs. and being 5"5' i was pretty much there on the boarder line of obese. i have a little boy, and classes, so i have about an hour to work out. i do Insanity as my workout regime but beside that, i do nothing but random jumping jacks if im feeling lazy.

when i started insanity, i lost 6lbs quick. within the first three weeks, i was reaching a -10lb goal, but then i started to get pain in my ankles from the intense workouts. i have tendonitis in my wrists from previously being on a figure skating team. now i have it in my ankles.

i restarted insanity about a week and a half ago, and so far its going good. but no luck with losing anything but .8lbs, that is easily gained if i slip up, which happens a lot. my eating habits are not the best. im very busy with family, school, and getting to that point in my life where the beginning of my career is about at arms length. so fast foods like d'angelos and dunkin donuts for their hot chocolate only, seem to be on my top list of places to eat.

now here's the tricky part.

i live in an apartment with my hubby and baby boy. we are living off of one income and cannot afford to buy groceries twice a month. so. we have the fifth of every month and about $250 to decide what we will be eating throughout the month. i want to eat healthier, but i do not what so ever want to sacrifice taste, and i only have about half an hour to forty five min to cook each meal.

does anyone, at all, out there, have any advice for me to get off of being stuck?

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  • jchecks
    jchecks Posts: 133
    my suggestion would be to totally cut out the fast adds up more than you think and is also really not good for you at all. my go to meals when we're budeting are awesome crock pot meals! get some canned beans, corn, crushed tomatoes, rice, frozen veggies - (you can totally be creative with what you put in!) - throw that all into the crock pot in the AM and it will be ready for when you get home! and its great as left overs!!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I agree! Fast food sucks your life and money out of you!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    If you have a printer you can find all sorts of coupons online to help to buy some healthy foods, and I try to make things stretch. I usually cook what ever I am making for lunch and make enough to have it for super also. For instance today, I had two whole wheat soft taco shells, so I took 3 oz's of chicken and boiled in skillet till it was cooked then sprayed some pam in there and added cumin and chili powder , browned the two taco shells and added 8 cubes of cheese and then the chicken cut the whole thing in 1/2 and ate 1/2 for lunch and will eat the rest for super. I steamed some veggies to go with it and split those onto the plate also. Also I buy big packs of meat and break them down into 3-4 oz baggies.
  • Meg28
    Meg28 Posts: 59
    I would try taking the $250 (if possible) and dividing it up per week and spending $50 or so a week. You will then be able to purchase fresh food that is healthier and would otherwise go bad. Keep some whole wheat pasta and rice to act as stables to add your veggies too. Avoid purchasing drinks when water is really the best option, though I find juice does last in the fridge a while (compared to milk). You can also buy boxes of yogurt that are low fat and will give you calcium plus for some reason they do not go bad too quickly. I find that once a week one particular fruit is on sale so that is the choice of the week. Its a horrible choice, but I'd give up the hot chocolate and opt for coffee (cheaper and healthier). Keep working hard, you are busy, but sure seem organized and motivated!
  • I won't have a lot of information for you but will try to help some. Drink at least 10 (8 oz) glasses of water per day. I know that sounds impossible but you can do it. Your body does adjust so you aren't running to the restroom all the time (my son would debate that statement - somedays it works better than others). I have been advised to get 100 grams/mg (sorry can't remember - see the chart) of protein a day. Stay out of dunkin' donuts- you will sabotage anything good you have begun. Find out the calories, fat, and sugar for that cup of hot chocolate or whatever continually tempts you and decide if it is really WORTH it. I bet a lot of the time you will decide NOT!!!!! If you are eating out it does make it really, really hard - order salads with a protein - skinned, grilled, etc. Dressing on the side and eat as little of it as possible. Dinners at home can be difficult as family often doesn't want the good for you stuff. Go to your local library and check out Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals or something like that to get some ideas. As for the exercise, try walking instead of the insanity program. You need to get in an hour a day - try and walk as brisk as your recovering ankles will let you do. Park farther away from your errands to get some extra time in, etc. You probably already know that when you get the "extra" calories available on this plan after exercising that you don't want to eat those extra calories most days. Fill out the fitness plan truthfully - it is hard when you have to guesstimate but do your best. If you "blow it" be accountable and put it down. Then you can see if you have a pattern, good or bad, and adjust accordingly. You can do it!
  • i live in an apartment with my hubby and baby boy. we are living off of one income and cannot afford to buy groceries twice a month. so. we have the fifth of every month and about $250 to decide what we will be eating throughout the month.

    I completely understand you situation, living on a budget while managing family and school is hard. Look for easy recipes that are quick and easy, and are inexpensive just substitute when needed for nutrition. When you fix dinner, try to make enough to have left overs for lunch, or doing something as simple as taking a sandwich and a drink to work is easy and inexpensive , . The most important thing to do is to not give up. keep plugging away at it, or try changing your routine, I am not sure how the insanity works, but if it is anything like the P90X, you will loose the weight.

    Let me know how it goes!


    Samantha Lynch
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member

    Here is a post I wrote about being unemployed and healthier.

    Also search the forums for "college budget" and topics like that. is a GREAT resource for recipes.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    I know what you mean!! It can be really hard! I suggest that you do cut out fast food completely and start looking for deals in the store. Also use coupons on the things that you typically buy to help save money!! Then stock up on things you know that you are going to need for meals anyways, turkey burgers, fish, chicken, brown rice, frozen veggies, etc. That way you have no excuse to NOT eat healthy. You can also precook things in advance so you have quick meals on hand to make when you are in a hurry so that it also eliminates any excuses when it comes to time!! :)

    Since you are doing Insanity, do you have a beachbody coach ? If so, has that person roped you out any when it comes to meals and grocery shopping ? If you don't have a coach, I would love to help you out and coach you!! Just let me know, shoot me a message through my profile page!! :)

    Hope that I was somewhat of a help to you!! :)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    thats a tight budget. I think no matter what you do, eating healthier is going to sacrifice for taste a bit.. it depends what you're used to. what kinds of things are you eating now? Weight loss really comes down to a science. and there are lower intesity work outs you can do to battle your tendonitis. Its normal to feel deprived from foods, until you learn to live without them. You just have to try and think of the long term on what you want. Its a mental battle more than anything IMO. I lose weight SLOWLY. I hit Plateau's constantly and have to really change up my routine to work through them. but you CAN do it. its mind over matter.
  • i never would have thought of half of the things that all of you have commented. thank you so much for not only understanding but for providing me and my family with ideas that can better all of us. i really appreciate all of your responses and the timing of them as well. it really does seem like this website is absolutely full of support and motivation. thank you all so much. from now on ill deff stay away from the fast foods and concentrate more on making big healthy meals that can be made into leftovers easily to take on the go. its hard, and im sure its just going to get harder, but all of you have already convinced me that its do-able.
    God bless you all =]
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Not to sound harsh....but if you have only $250 per month to spend on food.....why spend money on the take-outs or drive-thrus. You may be surprised at how much more you could budget for healthy groceries but cutting these out. I have one or two splurges a month if that is all I can afford at might be a starbuck skinny latte....but that's it. I refuse t eat out for the most part. Waste of money really. The amount of money spent on McD's or dunkin donuts or Starbucks adds up to a week if not more worth of groceries sometimes.

    It irks me to no end when my SO eats out (almost daily) with the excusehe was hungry....hello! He could stop by the house at lunch (he drives around all day for his job anyway) and eat lunch there! I swear he spends more than $100 a month just eating lunches out and prob more if I really kept tabs.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    if u can afford fast food, then you can afford to spend a lil extra on groceries... cut out the fast food, and youll have a few extra dollars a month to go buy things at the store again... I have $200 a month for groceries on the 8th and I spent about $150 at first, and 2 weeks later when i run out of lettuce, milk, or whatever, i go spend the other $50 that i set aside. Or even if all i have extra is $10, i call still by 2 or 3 essentials to tide me over.

    salad is cheap, potatoes, rice, beans, veggies... try taking ur meats and lets say the receipe calls for 1lb, you could use 1/2pound or .75lbs, which will lower calories as well as making ur meat last longer... try going around to companies websites or in the newspaper to find some coupons that will let you get things cheaper so you can get more for your dollars... becareful of canned foods because the amount of sodium. frozen foods will be better. if your getting any boxed foods or premade meals--dont--more expensive...

    grilled chicken on the stove and some rice takes 30minutes including clean-up & prep time. or chicken and potatoes are even less time.. last night i had ham with roasted potatoes, roasted asparagus/brussel sprouts, and a big salad with tons of veggies, etc and it took no more than 30minutes to make easter dinner.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    For a 10oz cup of dunkin donuts hot chocolate is 220 calories, 28grams of sugar, 13% of ur daily amount of carbs, and 280mg of ur sodium, plus 12% fat.... If ur cup is a bigger cup, that only goes up...

    You need to get it in your head---what else could i have for that 220 calories?? A portion of chicken breast, plus a baked potatoe, plus steamed carrots. Or a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with .5oz of cheese and some lettuce with some celery on the side. or a whole bowl of cereal with some fat free milk... or even a serving of spaghetti.... 220calories is alot. 28g of sugar is all ur sugar for the whole day in one item...

    I have never ate so amazing before.... you dont need to sacrifice taste to eat healthy!! I love eating all these foods with all these flavors.. i dont add salt or oil to anything if i can help it, but plenty of italian seasonings, garlic, onion, etc etc... you want french fries?? make ur own fries in the oven--cut up potatoes on a pan sprayed with olive oil cooking spray, spray potatoes with it too, then season with pepper, italian seasonings, garlic, etc etc etc, stick in the oven at 350 for 20minutes--wahla, you have fries... 100calories for a whole potatoes worth, no sodium, great taste, goes great with lots of meals...

    I just ate a salad with no dressing and it was the best salad ive had in awhile.... i used 2cups romaine lettuce, 3baby carrots cut up, 2tbls of parmesan cheese, a tablespoon of sliced almonds, seasoned with garlic powder, pepper, and red pepper flakes then 4oz of grilled chicken that i cooked on the stove using olive oil spray and italian seasonings, garlic, and pepper... It was amazing! 200calories, less than your hot chocolate.

    Ud be better off with a fat free sugar free coffee, but coffee depletes the water in your system so i dont drink coffee more than once a week and have to drink extra water to make up for it that day.
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