Did I really screw this up?



  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    No worries! Don't beat yourself up.

    Yes, you may bloat from water retention but just up your water intake today. Some foods that combat the bloat: sweet potatoes, kiwis, bananas and figs. They're all high in potassium and will help you.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    I hear you. I threw all 'good habits' out the window this weekend. I paid for it on the scale this morning (hopefully its a lot of 'sodium' weight!) but....It was a holiday and its just one day. I'm back on track today, and I'll go from here. There is no damage that can't be undone!! Its a balancing act, right?! There will always be special occasions or holidays, and its creating good habits that will make those crazy food days just a bump in the otherwise-smooth-road. You'll be okay, just get back on that horse! :)
  • kdp552
    kdp552 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't beat yourself up and let it sidetrack you! Just focus on your goal and start fresh today!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    Tomorrow is another day and another start. The next meal and the next bite is too. You'll be fine! :) Just keep going and don't give up!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    You might "puff up" in the short term from sodium, bloating ect. but it will not be permanent.

    Think about it rationally, how many calories could you have eaten in one day?

    Even if you ate 4 lbs of food 14,000 cal (not likely BTW) your body can only absorb a small percentage of that.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    You might "puff up" in the short term from sodium, bloating ect. but it will not be permanent.

    Think about it rationally, how many calories could you have eaten in one day?

    Even if you ate 4 lbs of food 14,000 cal (not likely BTW) your body can only absorb a small percentage of that.

    What a great way of putting it! It's so easy to look at the scale, see a gain and think "Well, I gained 4 whole pounds of pure fat because I ate pizza yesterday".

    It's important to remember that weight and what we see on the scale will fluxuate constantly. There are too many variables to keep track of if you're weighing yourself every single day.