Anyone else been diagnosed with PCOS? I have excessive insulin. About 2 years ago my doctor put me on a low carb diet. I'm 5'1" and, at that time, weighed 240 lbs. In a year I had myself down to 135, just by eating 135 carbs or less a day plus the job I had was very physical and I ran for about 30 minutes everyday after work. Since then I have a new roommate and have changed jobs where I am sitting at a desk all day. I let myself get back up to 175 but decided I need to change my nutrition again and start exercising. In the past few months I have gotten back down to 157 but have seemed to reach a plateau. I have been doing a combination of cardio/weight training but am considering switching it up to the 30-day shred in the morning and cardio in the afternoon. Anyone have any fitness/eating suggestions? I am a very motivated person and can self discipline very well. Thanks!!


  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    wow! you did it! i been recently diagnosed and i wanted help to get it off. im on metformin and started walking but i need to up and change the diet more so. i just want to get to where you are
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    hi i also have PCOS....i was diagnosed several years ago...i was placed on metformin, which is a diabetic medicine and it helped some...i am no longer on it though....i am diabetic now and am trying, everyday, to work out for an hour. i walk an outdoor track on sunny days and on work days i work out after work and do about 4 miles and burn several hundred calories....i eat alot of whole grain, no white (e.g., white bread, rice, pasta, etc.). i eat alot of fruit, fresh if possible, and drink smoothies for energy....i try to watch my sugar, fat, carbs intake and hope that when i go to the dr. on the 6th of may, the dr. will be able to tell a difference.....i wish you luck in your journey
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    what is the 30day shred?
  • gotabayqh
    gotabayqh Posts: 34 Member
    The 30 day shred is a workout video by Jillian Michaels that is high intensity. It takes less than 30 minutes but it will kick your butt. I just don't seem to have time in the day to workout.
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi. I have PCOS, with insulin resistance. You've done a great job going from 240 to 157. I've gained and lost a significant amount a weight at least three times in the last 15 years, and now I need to get healthy to keep my insulin resistance from progressing to full blown diabetes (or at least hold it off as long as possible). You sound like you're on the right track, though, because those of us with PCOS can really only lose weight--or maintain a healthy weight--with a disciplined regimen of healthy eating habits and regular exercise. No way around it! (Although I've tried!) Keep up the good work.
  • nefertirie
    i have pcos too... diet wise...i am on low carb...I also have been given metformin to take however the pills make me so sick that i cant use them... in the last week i was told i was boarder line diabetic...low carb has been working for me...started year at 368 and now i am at 338-340. i also have high blood pressure.. my doc has set me at no more then 34 carbs per meal and no more then 10 on snacks.. i stick to about 1500 calories a day.. with pcos...keeping the carbs down is key.. but you already know that.. i dont log everything that i do or eat on this site as much as i should....i drink about 5 liters of water a day... and walk between 2 to 3 miles a day...my goal is to get to 300 by the end of the year.. my body is fighting me so it makes it hard.. i look more at the inches i have lost then my weight to be honest... i wasnt probably much help and i am sorry about that..