To all you Cereal Eaters out there......



  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Nature's Path Flax Plus Flakes Multi-bran


    Whatever variety of Shredded Wheat plus Bran is on sale (it really tastes the same to me, I am sure people have their favorties, though)

    Arrowhead Mills Puffed Kamut (or same brand but their unsweetened flakes, like kamut or amaranth)

    Boring, I know, but good fiber and decent protein and Omega-3 in the flax variety. I use a milk substitute (lactose intolerance) and fresh berries with my cereals. Blueberry season cannot come quickly enough as far as I'm concerned!

    I NEVER ate breakfast as an adult until now. As a child I was severely allergic to dairy and had hippy parents (read: no sugar) so cereal was never a big deal to me. I remember Cheerios as being considered "junk food" and only allowed if we were camping so any of the sugared stuff was completely out of the question.
  • triannataylor
    I'm a raisin bran girl, but I usually have 1.5cups, then with my skim milk I'm pushing nearly 500 calories already.. Plus I find if I eat at six even though, yes, it's fibre, I am STARVING by ten. STARVING. I'm starting to rethink my breakfasts, personally. But seriously... love cereal.
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    special k and hubbards "real" is good too, dont know if you sell those where u live
  • sarahbelle87
    sarahbelle87 Posts: 23 Member
    I usually have Weetbix and it keeps me going through till lunch. I also love Special K but don't tend to buy it as often.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Fiber One with honey clusters. 51% fiber, lots of vitamins, etc. Honey bunches of oats with almonds I like too but I'm liking the fiber1 more plus the extra fiber is good too.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Kashi Go Lean - Cereal (Naturally Sweetened Fiber Twigs, Soy Protein Grahams and Honey Puffs

    Calories 140 Sodium 85 mg
    Total Fat 1 g Potassium 480 mg
    Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 30 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g ******Dietary Fiber 10 g*****
    Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 6 g
    Trans 0 g **********Protein 13 g******
    Cholesterol 0 mg

    I love this stuff
  • DMC6282
    DMC6282 Posts: 21 Member
    I love Rasin Bran. I just had a bowl 30 mins ago. Do you think it is high in sugar because of the rasins? Bran flakes are suppose to be good for you.
  • mogenfire
    mogenfire Posts: 81 Member
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    My favorites are either Multi Grain Cheerios, Kashi Honey Sunshine, or Kashi Berry Blossoms........takes me to my happy place every time lol!!
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Anything from Kashi is a winner in my book.
  • tlaltman
    tlaltman Posts: 32
    I like Ezekiel cereal and I like to add it to Greek yogurt too.
  • djjohnson2879
    Kashi girl all the way!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Multi grain cheerios.
    - Sometimes I use 1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup of oats.
    Add 1/2 cup of 1% milk, 1/2 banana and 2tbsp of Ground flax seed.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I like to have 2 tbsp of cascadian farms organic cinnamon raisin granola (delicious, my fav granola) mixed with 3/4 cup cinnamon cheerios (even more delicious!) I've found mixing cereals (though weird at first) has helped me get the taste I want with less cals/sugar. Good luck!
  • colorfulblusher
    i love rice krispie's!!
  • tobrocker
    tobrocker Posts: 21 Member
    Options :)

    This site has some great info on WHAT is really in your food.

    Raisin Bran scored a 49 - it has HFCS (yuck)
    Kix scored 67.

    For a processed food Kix scored pretty good! Good think I like Kix and not Raisin
  • StephanieJ82
    all bran strawberry bites :)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I am quite liking Honey Readybrek (I hate porridge) and also Nestle Honey Oats and More. Shreddies are doable too and Weetabix is one of my regular breakfasts! :)

    Porridge is vile (IMO) when made with milk and sugar, but made with apple juice and a few sultanas & flaked almonds added, it's lovely. And great in the winter!

    I don't tend to eat cereals such as Weetabix etc. but I am rather fond of muesli - I go for ones with no added sugar. It's good with skimmed milk, but also good mixed with Greek yoghurt, for a more substantial and filling breakfast.
  • shellybeelee
    plain oatmeal. i can add what ever I want to it, makes it exciting everyday. I love adding fruit.. I've added little bits of chocolate before for something sweet =D.. I've heard of putting eggs and stuff in it. I'm actually trying that tomorrow
  • orangegalt
    kashi whole grain puffs has the least calories of any cereal i've seen--just 60 per cup. i have mine with 1/4 cup of silk unsweetened almond milk (9 cals), and then if i want it to taste like something, i add a bit of sugar-free flavored syrup (no calories or carbs) to the milk. da vinci and torani are both good brands... lately i'm doing da vinci toasted marshmallow and it helps me pretend that i'm eating a bowl of lucky charms for 69 calories :)