healthy turning into an eating disorder



  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Anybody who has seen success at this HAS to be able to relate to your post!

    I reached my 'lifetime' status goal at WW in 2008 maintained for a few years and eventually stopped counting. I totally did not want to become that Bridgette Jones Diary character - neurotic and obsessing over every detail... so I gradually got familiar with guessing portion sizes & stopped thinking about WW points and eventually and s-l-o-w-l-y started gaining a little back until I realized I had to stop fooling myself and get back into counting and keeping a journal.

    It does get easier with practice... and you can figure out portions without weighing and tracking -- however, more often than not you will discover that even people who look like they aren't struggling or even counting definitely keep track one way or another - even if they aren't weighing themselves- they do it by the way they feel, their energy level, the fit of their clothing etc.

    Taso's point is excellent, too. There are a lot worse things to be obsessed about than wanting to be fit an healthy... and having been both a completely sedentary exercise-HATER and a can't-hardly-sit still exercise- FANATIC i feel a heck of a lot better in the second category.

    Striving for balance takes time! Let's cut ourselves some slack and enjoy the journey! :smile:
  • rks6902
    rks6902 Posts: 29 Member
    I can relate to you too. I love mfp, but I can get obsessed about it and sometimes I don't track my food for that reason only. I seem to think about food more often when I track food than if I was to just eat when hungry.

    I also get mad if I don't find time to fit a workout in, but sometimes that is also the first thing to go when my day is filling up.

    Why do we have to let weight loss and exercise control our lives? Be strong!!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Yes... somewhat obsessed.... who am I kidding.... VERY obsessed. I get a little freaked out thinking about having to eat something when I don't know how many calories are in it. I have reached my goal weight and I don't really want to lose anymore... but I refuse to actually put my settings on maintenance because I'm afraid I'll gain back. I get upset if I can't exercise. I bring healthy snacks everywhere because I'm afraid to be hungry and not have any healthy options to eat. I started in January and this past weekend was the first time I gave myself a "cheat day" and then I still avoided all sweets and candy. I am obsessed. I feel too good at this weight and size to chance going back to where I was...
  • Pretty_n_Pink
    This thread makes me angry and very sad and it's not because of the people that have admitted they have issues, it's because something somewhere has brought us to that point of obsession, but what is it? What has happened that makes us become obsessed with our physical appearence and what numbers show up on the scale?

    In my opinion, you can blame society. We have heard so many stories about how people are treated differently when they are over weight, I read a lot of success stories and often you will read how people say they are treated better after losing weight.

    It's no wonder we start obsessing about the number on the scale, the size of our pants, how many calories are in this and that, what do I eat, what do I not eat. When you look at the world, what do you see? On the cover of every magazine you see a size 0 model or actress. You constantly hear about what foods are good and what foods are bad, how being overwieght contributes to the health problems of the US. How this current generation of kids won't live as long as their parents because of weight issues. I agree that as a nation we need to get our weight under control, but I also believe that the focus should not be on your physical appearance; however, it should be focused on your overall health.

    As women, we have always associated our physical appearance with worthiness, and it's such crap that we do it. I've done, and I still do it, just ask my husband. I try to tell myself that what the scale says doesn't matter, but it does. I tell myself, that it's okay to be a size 8 and not a size 4, but it's not.

    It makes me angry and sad that young girls and women make themselves deathly ill and in some cases die b/c of obsessions like these. It makes me angry and sad that as a society we continue to treat people badly because of their physical appearance.

    Sorry, for the rant, just had to put it out there.
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the replies.
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    Yes... somewhat obsessed.... who am I kidding.... VERY obsessed. I get a little freaked out thinking about having to eat something when I don't know how many calories are in it. I have reached my goal weight and I don't really want to lose anymore... but I refuse to actually put my settings on maintenance because I'm afraid I'll gain back. I get upset if I can't exercise. I bring healthy snacks everywhere because I'm afraid to be hungry and not have any healthy options to eat. I started in January and this past weekend was the first time I gave myself a "cheat day" and then I still avoided all sweets and candy. I am obsessed. I feel too good at this weight and size to chance going back to where I was...
    Sounds like me except I havnt got to my goal yet.
    I hate not knowing the cal and the other weekend was awful when in was away for the weekend, I fell off the wagon and am struggling to get back on.

    I like food too much so compensate by exercising loads but get v stressed if I go red on mfp. I will never starve myself though
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    yeah, its hard. Once youve got that ED thinking, i think its really really REALLY hard to get over it.

    With most addictions/destructive behaviour, there is a good reason to change eventually, but with EDs, the big fear, and often the reality, is that you give up your ED, theres a good chance youll get fat, so whats the incentive?

    Im not saying its a good thing - anything but.
    My dream is to be slim but not give a *kitten* about food, and to eat when im hungry and stop eating when im finished, and if i want to eat something unhealthy thats ok. Who cares. its not a big deal. Only problem is, most people who do that, are pretty big :(

    i hate the fact im relying on this and i havent just got the self control to keep my weight down without tracking everything i eat and everything i do obsessively. I think this is just as bad an ED as anything else really
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    This thread made me cry. I almost lost a close friend to an eating disorder... and some days I just wonder why we can't just feel beautiful how we are. *group hug*


    Don't be sorry, I'm glad that there are places like this for us to share our struggles and our victories. I had body image issues as a teenager and was bordering on too thin... I just wish that we all could grow up feeling that we are beautiful... and then separate that from being healthy. Good luck to you.
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    its more then just the logging. I think about this 24/7.

    im right there with ya! its constantly on my mind. when im asked to go out to lunch/out to dinner i start to get anxious about it like i rather just be home thats probably the only thing that makes me feel obsessed that i hate changing my routine when someone asks to make plans with me. like why have this new bod and not go out and show it off :)