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beginner runner

I am a beginner runner. I am working on training for my first 5k (!!!!) but i just have a problem mentally, my body doesn't want to stop but my mind just keeps telling me to quit. does anyone have any ideas to help?


  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Running is 90% mental. Your mind may say quit, but don't do it. The less you give in, the easier it is to keep going the next time. Keep at it!! You'll get there!
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    I need help here too!!! I was asked to run and I m not sure how I am gonna do it!
  • alicia826
    alicia826 Posts: 51

    this is what I'm starting! its supposed to be able to get you from a complete non-runner (like myself) to being able to run a 5k in 2 months! :) Check it out!
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    I need help, too! My whole life, I've never been a runner. I've been told I don't know how to breathe properly. But when I try, I end up hyperventilating! Suggestions are welcomed!
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    you just have to find a way to get your mind off of running while doing it! when i run on a treadmill, i cover up the time & distance and I don't stop running until my body says to. and if i'm outside, i turn my music up super loud to drown out my thoughts. sounds weird, but it works for me!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    My feet love to shuffle along. How can I train myself to run with better form?
  • It's good to run while listening to music :) That's what I do, I sing the lyrics to my head so it prevents me from thinking that I want to quit running. Good luck! You can do it!!!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Podcasts of the C25K program or Robert Ullrey's podcasts with music are really encouraging and make you want to go the distance! They really helped me! I've done a couple 5Ks now and my sister and I are doing a 10K race on May 1st! You can do it!
  • When you are running and those thoughts creep into your head you have to recognise them and get rid of them before they take over!! easier said than done i know but i have gone from not being able to climb steps without puffing and panting to doing a 14.5km run on the weekend so it can be done :)

    When you hear yourself start thinking i need to stop when i get to this point i'm going to stop try and think about something else...anything else....think of the reward you'll get emotionally and physically for completing your run and how great you'll feel knowing you did more than you thought you could.

    Take it in baby steps though and set goals that are achievable and in no time you'll be running the whole 5km :)
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    Secondly... try to find some goals. If I don't have a target race, I tend to dog it. I try to keep my schedule full so that I can't slack off.

    I have run in weather ranging from -40 fahrenheit to almost 100. If you can run a 5 K in Blizzard conditions, you have boasting points.

    The key is to find your motivation.

    Hopefully the community can help!
  • I have a great playlist of music and I crank it up. I can't stand to hear the patter of everyones feet hitting the pavement for some reason. That gets me off my game in a bad way.

    I use an inhaler so I make sure to concentrate off and on how I am breathing and breathe deeply in and blow out with my lips pursed and that helps me to stay focused. I also have a lot of key one liners I say to myself when I'm feeling like I'm hitting the wall like: "I feel great" "I am getting stronger" "I feel studly" "I am getting a new PR" "I can do this" "Oh yeah I can feel these muscles toning up now - one step closer to looking great in a bathing suit" "I can have an extra beer tonight with the extra calories I'm burning". During the half marathons I wrote FFF on my hand - a saying by Larry Fitzgerald that means - Faith Focus Finish. I look at it and say yep got faith in God and my training, yep got my focus on feeling good and how strong I feel and yep got my eye on the finish line and finishing strong! You just have to find something that works for you. Try anything and everything. A friend of mine listens to motivational things while she runs.

    I count my distance in how far I have left to go - not how far I have gone. Makes me feel like I am on the downhill slide in any run.

    Keep on working at it and you will do awesome!!!!

    Have a super night - Kim ;)
  • Love your idea on the treadmill meg0013! I have the worst time on a treadmill. I get off and do sit ups and push ups and back on. Thanks!
  • sarah44254 - try running so your shadow is in front of you then you can see your form or run with a friend who can give you tips if your form gets crooked. I run at least once a week with my sister-in-law and she'll say something if my form gets crooked (which it definitely does from time to time!)
  • liveinbliss
    liveinbliss Posts: 108 Member
    I did a training program with my local Title 9 store and they had us doing a run/walk program. Up until then I had always been trying to run non-stop and I would get overwhelmed by the amount of time left on the clock and would end up giving up or walking the rest of the way. The trainer leading the program said that run/walk is just as effective (if not more) in building up your running ability. I actually have found that I finish a mile faster doing a 5 minute run with a 1 minute break then just trying to plow my through it. Mentally a feel much more motivated because it's only 5 minutes until you get to take a break and I really do feel refreshed and ready to go again after the minute break. Tonight my sister I ran five miles in an hour using this method. It's the longest I have ever run! Try it, you can always start at a lower ratio or higher ratio to meet your needs...it really helps with the mental part!
  • Live_Aloha
    Live_Aloha Posts: 28 Member
    It's important to find a program that you feel comfortable with/think you can stick with because like anything, it can become monotonous. Thankfully, there are a number of running tools/resources/programs available on-line.

    I stumbled upon and used the Personal Running Trainer program that I downloaded from iTunes. I started with the 1 mile program, then moved onto the 5K, 10K, and Half Marathon programs all within a year (I was highly motivated and followed the programs almost perfectly). The programs are set to background music (think techno'ish) with a moderator/coach talking in your ear - prompting you when to walk or run (in intervals and varying speeds). While training, I also registered for various events to give me something to look forward to/motivate me to stick with the program. Running with a friend also helps a great deal...my best friend (she's an avid marathon runner, triathlete, and road biker) helped get me ready for my first half marathon and also ran it with me. She was a huge motivating factor, keeping me on pace and cheering me on to the finish line :)

    Good luck to you!!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I need help, too! My whole life, I've never been a runner. I've been told I don't know how to breathe properly. But when I try, I end up hyperventilating! Suggestions are welcomed!
    You have to breathe with your diaphram so that your entire lung fills with air.

    When you breathe, if your chest expands you are doing it wrong. Instead, your stomach should expand because your diaphram drops down causing your lungs to fill completely with air.

    In you are not breathing like this while running your breathing is too shallow and not enough air is going into the lungs. This causes you to breathe faster and hyperventilate.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm just coming up to the end of the c25k programme, and it's been truly awesome! you start off jogging for 60 secs, then walking for a few minutes. last night i ran for 28 minutes without stopping!! i can't sing it's praises highly enough. you do need the motivation to keep going- mine is to run a half marathon in oct, and just to prove to myself that i can do it. and sometimes my calves really burn..... but i run through it and it gets easier! the pain goes away! i've never gone through that before (i always used to stop).
    please feel free to add me if you want.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok so how do you get over the incredible pain the your shins and hips? I ran for the very first time two days ago, and I can barely walk now...I have the proper shoes, ipodcast, etc...but my god does my lower half hurt!
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    I completed 5k on treadmill tonight.. 40 minutes and 35 seconds.. first time ever... I m going to work on my time from there!
  • jjkriv
    jjkriv Posts: 42
    Whenever I run on a treadmill,I pick a spot on the wall and focus on it,it eases my pain and when I run outside,I'll military count 1-2-3-4 each time my left foot hits the ground,this helped me build a good mental aspect when running,b/f you know it you ran for an hour and didn't even realize it....