Exercise Addiction?

Ok, so I like to a hour of Cardio a day, usually in the morning, and I like to take classes such as Zumba, Yoga or Zumba with weights in the evening. Ive been having issues with my parents saying I am over doing it and just nasty comments about everything. Its bringing me down because I love what I am doing. I am eating enough, getting enough protein, im not getting hurt, I dont over do it to complete exhaustion. I just like the feeling of happiness I feel when I get that hour of Cardio done, and I love the social aspect of the classes and the calorie burn from them. All in all, exercising just makes me feel better in every way I can think of emotionally, physically, mentally.... I dont think im over doing it, and I cant see how going and working out comapred to just sitting on my *kitten* in front of the TV could be bad for me. What do you think guys?


  • terrt
    terrt Posts: 16
    Sounds like you like to exercise. I do the same. I exercise alot, but I know I have to. I'm told I'm obsesses..but I'm not. I just know what it takes for me to lose or even maintain. I figure the ones telling you this is thinking they know you're doing good and right by your body and they should be doing something. I just do what's right for me and don't worry about what others say.
  • ivyann73deleted
    I love how I feel after I leave the gym. If I had the time I would probably go twice a day!
  • karencalleja
    karencalleja Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Hun, if it makes you feel good and you're happy then nobody should interfer - sometimes I find that whatever I do they grumble so I tend to do what makes me happy and to hell with what everyone thinks!!! So lovely lady keep up the good work cos you are so looking gorgeous - much love K xx
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    You sound like you've got your head on straight, but I think that we all need to be careful to check ourselves and make sure that we're not obsessing. I'd say ask yourself the following questions:

    1. Do you feel bad about yourself when you miss a workout (every now and then, we all want to sit on the couch/go eat with friends/go shopping/etc.)?

    2. Do you have a below-healthy BMI?

    3. Are you eating less than 1,500 cals (an estimate, but you have to need at least this given how much cardio you're doing)?

    If all those questions are no, I'd say continue on. Just make sure to take time to indulge, relax, and treat yourself to something other than exercise. As good as it is, everything is better in moderation.
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    If you have the time and energy then do it!! My workout time is ME time, and I know the feeling you're talking about!! Go you!! :)
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    I don't see why people always have to be so negative! It frustrates me! If you get close to goal weight, then you have to listen to people tell you that you're going to be anorexic. I'm sorry people, but please just realize how hard it is to stay motivated and focused, and STOP with the negativity! I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with exercising as much as you do, so long as you keep eating most of your calories back. Enjoy life, and push aside the negative thoughts. Be happy and healthy!!!! In the end, you are doing it for you, and you're the only one who you are really trying to please!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Ok, so I like to a hour of Cardio a day, usually in the morning, and I like to take classes such as Zumba, Yoga or Zumba with weights in the evening. Ive been having issues with my parents saying I am over doing it and just nasty comments about everything. Its bringing me down because I love what I am doing. I am eating enough, getting enough protein, im not getting hurt, I dont over do it to complete exhaustion. I just like the feeling of happiness I feel when I get that hour of Cardio done, and I love the social aspect of the classes and the calorie burn from them. All in all, exercising just makes me feel better in every way I can think of emotionally, physically, mentally.... I dont think im over doing it, and I cant see how going and working out comapred to just sitting on my *kitten* in front of the TV could be bad for me. What do you think guys?

    From looking at your diary I can see that you're eating enough, you seem to be eating healthy foods, and you're rockin' it at the gym. So to answer your question, no, I don't think you're overdoing it. Sometimes you just have to come to terms with the fact that you can only please one person per day, and if that person is you, well then forget about everything/everyone else. What you're doing is making you happy, it's not harming others, and you're not harming yourself. I say keep it up!
  • Chicka_Boom
    I think that sometimes when people see you making smart, healthy choices it makes them feel a bit guilty about their own bad habits. They may direct that guilt at you, putting you down for being "too skinny," eating "rabbit food," or what have you. It can be difficult because it feels like you just can't win - when you're heavy, people criticize that, then when you lose weight, they still make negative comments. You just have to let that roll off your back and keep on working hard.

    HOWEVER. It is also possible that you are overdoing it. I don't know you, so I can't say. It is possible to over-exercise, and you can even become somewhat "addicted" to that burst of endorphins you get from a good workout. You should consider where your parents are coming from and take a hard look at yourself. Are they just critical in general, or are they truly concerned for your well being? (Again, I don't know you or your parents personally so I can't say.)

    It might not hurt to run this up the flagpole with your doctor. He/she may be able to help you figure out what a reasonable amount of exercise is. Other than that, have a look at Rjperron's comment, ask yourself those questions, and answer honestly. It's good to have a healthy mindset and work towards being physically fit, but you have to be careful not to replace unhealthy eating habits with unhealthy/obsessive exercise habits.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    Tell your parents to chill - God alot of parents are moaning because their kids over indulge in drinking, taking drugs, risky sex....the lucky ones come through it and go on to live healthy normal lives.
    In a few years you will probably be flat out with finals, then work then a family I hope you still have the sense to make that 'me' time for yourself even when its very hard to get by.
    You sound sensible and sussed, don't be worrying enjoy your work outs!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    If you aren't relishing in crazy unhealthy behavior, like giving yourself high fives for losing 5 pounds when you're already in the low range for BMI or something, and you're healthy enough to keep up then all you're doing is enjoying the full range of your body. Would you be able to slow it down if an emergency came up or if you were injured/sick and not stress it too much if the temporary sedentary lifestyle made you gain a few pounds? It's not really an addiction if you can handle life (which means setbacks at times) without losing it.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I wish I could get an hour of a cardio workout in every day!!! No, as long as you don't feel like you are over doing it, then you probably are not. I looked and it does not seem you are able to exercise every day, even if you strive for it (who doesn't when they are trying to make a lifestyle change) but I would rather be addicted to exercise (as long as I am eating my exercise calories) than to something else..... your body will tell you if you are over doing it, and if you are, make sure you take the needed rest.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Tell your parents to chill - God alot of parents are moaning because their kids over indulge in drinking, taking drugs, risky sex....the lucky ones come through it and go on to live healthy normal lives.
    In a few years you will probably be flat out with finals, then work then a family I hope you still have the sense to make that 'me' time for yourself even when its very hard to get by.
    You sound sensible and sussed, don't be worrying enjoy your work outs!

    LMAO! Im 31 years old and have a 13 year old kiddo LOL!!! Im still very close to my family though, and see them all the time as I live about 10 mins from them...

    Thanks for all your views guys! I really appreciate it!!!
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    ah you're grand so! I am jealous I am 33 with 4 kid and struggle to sneak in the few hours a week at the gym if I could go morning and evening I would be away like a shot..
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    If you do exercise for fun, and because you like it, there's no problem. It becomes a problem if a) you are overdoing it and damaging your health or b) you are avoiding other of life's responsibilities by exercising when you should be doing other things. I would be furious if my husband was exercising every evening instead of spending time with his children when I have been looking after them all day.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Well, my boyfriend is a little league coach, and he coaches his sons team so he is away, and while he is away, me and my daughter take the classes together, so its time I get to spend with her, so no one is being left out of anything...Id be at home by myself with my daughter watching TV, so this is much better use of our time LOL!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    You sound fine. I work out with my four year old daughter. Sure, she can't do the workouts all the way through and doesn't always do stuff correctly, but she LOVES it and it's an incredible bonding time for us. I say go for it.