OMFG... *cries* vent.

It's been WEEEEEEEKS since I started this and I have lost NOTHING. NOT A DAMNED THING... I am soooooooooo frustrated and I hate my body right now. And its not like I'm trying to lose the last ten stubborn pounds either, I'm at the BEGINNING of an EXTENSIVE and LOOONG process... one that doesn't seem to be budging AT ALL. Because I'm not just fluffy... I'm FAAT. I just want to give up. I'm killing myself working out 5 days a week and watching every single morsel I place in my mouth. I'm drowning in water and have completely given up sodas... I've done everything right. So. I'm done right now. I'm not hitting the gym at all anymore. I like how it makes me feel, but something is wrong here... and I've put the rest of my life on hold to make time to hit the gym. Why am I going to keep doing that when the results don't pay off? I am soooooooo angry right now. I am trying SO hard. Like if this were school, I'd have a triple A plus because I've been studious, studying everything, I've put in the time, changed the habits... it's been almost five weeks since I started changing the way I eat and working out. I should have lost 'something'. I just want to scream.


  • feliciapeters
    It would help if we could see your food diary
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    It took me a little while to lose too...
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'd be happy to make suggestions if you want to open up your diary.
  • ivyann73deleted
    You also may want to talk to your doctor. Maybe you have a thyroid problem?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Have you been keeping track of your measurements? A lot of people don't see the scale move for a while but see inches lost. Are your clothes fitting better or looser? How many calories are you eating and what are your workouts like/how many days a week? What does an average day of eating look like for you?

    Give us some information and we will help you through this!
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    Aww love don't get discouraged, its hard and its frustrating but you said you were feeling better, why stop? have you tried measuring inches? Dont give up you are awesome! you can do this! I know you can!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    If you've been hitting the gym, you may be seeing fat converting into muscle, which is denser than fat. So while you might not be seeing effects on the scale, you will probably see effects in your measurements. It's only been 3 weeks, so I wouldn't expect to see like inches melted off yet (cause it takes awhile) but you should see the measuring tape going down.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    It looks like you lost 5 lbs to me. That's not bad. Your diary isn't open, so I can't say if there is anything you are eating that is going to hinder your progress. Everybody loses differently. Some people need less carbs, and more protein, Are you eating processed foods that are high in sodium? Are you eating enough? Some people try to go too far in reducing calories, and it is counter productive to them. Are you logging everything? If you stick with it, and tweak where you need to, you should see results eventually.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Food Diary open would help - Sounds like your body is not adjusting yet.................proabably holding onto the weight thinking it is losing the calories and my strave. Or could stress be involved? Weight doesn't come off when you are stressed out.................I am sure if you are doing what you say - you should get results soon. Weight lose is a slow process when doing it correctly. Surely if your eating better and working out, your feeling better?
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    it takes your body about 30 days to get used to a new eating and exercise plan. you have probably drastically change the way you are eating and your body is saying woah wait a minute!!!! it needs time to adjust to your new way of living before it gets the idea that this is how it's gonna be. i know it's frusturating but give it a little more time. also you need to be taking body measurements, sometimes the scale doesn't budge but your waistline does ;) you are doing a fantastic thing for yourself, please don't give up!!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    i agree, don't give up, sweetie! try doing measurements if you're not already, and possibly talk to your doctor to make sure nothing else is amiss. but you said yourself you love how working out makes you feel, and that's not nothing! it means you're getting healthy and strong, no matter what that scale says! you're doing awesome, please don't be discouraged :)
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Don't give up! I'm going to post something that my insurance company emailed me, take a look, maybe it will help. You may be gaining muscle, which doesnt show in pounds, but in inches
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Couple of ideas:

    How are you keeping track of portions? Are you measuring everything? Or are you eyeballing things? Eyeballing often leads to inaccurate logging. A food scale is the best way to measure.

    Are you logging claories in beverages? Sometimes people overlook liquid calories, but they still count.

    Sometimes folks who come here from Weight Watchers don't realize that they need to log fruits and veggies when they switch to counting calories. There are no 'free foods' when it comes to calorie counting.

    How's your sodium? Your alcohol? Both of these can wreak havoc on your water retention levels and may mask true weight changes.

    If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it may be worth checking in with your doctor just to be sure there are not other, undiagnosed problems at play here like insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc.
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Stop quitting—quitting is a habit. Start eating right and finish what you start now!
    Make choices to feel your best every day to get the energy you need.

    This is just from a monthly health newsletter that the insurance company sends me. I found it inspiring, personally
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't lose anything at all for the first 2 months. 9 weeks. Well, like 4lbs, but let's face it, that could be a big meal.

    It is a slow process, and 5 weeks is nothing, but don't put everything else on hold to exercise, because that isn't sustainable. You aren't after a quick fix. You want a life style change, and if you feel like your life is on hold, this isn't a lifestyle. I know I sound bleugh and pop-psych, I just don't have the language to say what I mean in a less tacky manner. You need an exercise program that fits in with your life as you want to live it, so giving up is unnecessary.
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    First off You DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! losing any weight takes TIME and HARD WORK!!!! I didn't see results for a while my self It will come... Open your dairy for us to see.. there is lot and I mean a lot of people here that can help you... YOU CAN NOT AND WILL NOT GIVE UP YOU WILL CONTINUE TO TO EXCERSISE AND EAT HEALTHY!!!!! got me...... good now get to the gettin with nothing but love for ya ;)
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    It's been WEEEEEEEKS since I started this and I have lost NOTHING. NOT A DAMNED THING... I am soooooooooo frustrated and I hate my body right now. And its not like I'm trying to lose the last ten stubborn pounds either, I'm at the BEGINNING of an EXTENSIVE and LOOONG process... one that doesn't seem to be budging AT ALL. Because I'm not just fluffy... I'm FAAT. I just want to give up. I'm killing myself working out 5 days a week and watching every single morsel I place in my mouth. I'm drowning in water and have completely given up sodas... I've done everything right. So. I'm done right now. I'm not hitting the gym at all anymore. I like how it makes me feel, but something is wrong here... and I've put the rest of my life on hold to make time to hit the gym. Why am I going to keep doing that when the results don't pay off? I am soooooooo angry right now. I am trying SO hard. Like if this were school, I'd have a triple A plus because I've been studious, studying everything, I've put in the time, changed the habits... it's been almost five weeks since I started changing the way I eat and working out. I should have lost 'something'. I just want to scream.

    Don't quit! We have all felt what you are feeling at some part in our journey! It is hard, but remember that this is not just a diet--it is a lifestyle change. I struggle as well. I have lost some weight and some inches!!! But I don't see it at all. I look at the success stories and see the pictures of people who have lost 25 pounds and looking awesome!!! So then I start to think that something is wrong with me. But I am not going to give up! It is not about the weight loss anymore; it is about being healthy for my kids. Add me as a friend, together we ALL can do this!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    True, it's hard to see your own weight loss. I look in the mirror and still only see the bits I hate, but everyone else says I have lost weight, and all my clothes are falling off.
  • sashalarue
    sashalarue Posts: 40 Member
    Awww baby girl....don't you dare give up!! Don't you do it...Look, i'm 269lbs and i started off at 286 before i joined thing i've come to understand is that this will not be an overnight deal..just not going to happen that way...each and every success story i read it took the person at least 2yrs to lose the weight. I want to lose 125lbs and you can best believe i felt like giving up and throwing in the wasn't until last week i got on the scale and saw only 4.2lbs lose and got ticked off because i felt the same way as you do right now...guess what i started trying on clothes that could not fit me last year..and now they do...don't stress over the scale and that damn can't measure your work on the scale..but the tape measurer, and the way your clothes feel. Please don't give up...hang in there, you only been at this for you know how long it took for us to get to this size? Please...Please hang in there we are all here for you!
  • crystaldegreef
    I'm literally crying today. I don't feel comfortable enough to open my diary and all that stuff... so lets just say that I'm on 1450 calories and I've been hitting right at or under them every day. I have a phobia of people watching me eat or knowing what I eat... I used to get ridiculed and dislike the thought of being scrutinized, especially on a board this large... not yet... I'm not there yet. I've been eating back my exercise calories... as much as I can... with nuts, cheese and other high fat, high protein type foods to help rebuild muscle... I do have problems with sodium... Im always feeling like a sponge full of water when I wake up in the morning. I am not sure how accurate my exercise calories are either... they are set here, but I can't tell if they are really accurate... so today I think I will focus on getting a calorie counter watch... dry up these damned tears and do something. I like to exercise, but it really has placed the rest of my life on hold...

    And I really thought there'd be a loss today. I really did. So when I stepped on the scale and there was no loss... it broke my heart. It really did. I'm sorry that I'm probably annoying some of you and I know that you've heard this so many times from others... but I'm just frustrated and needed to vent. The first 5 I am not sure I really "lost"... as much as just water weight from drinking soda... I "lost" that within the first week or so... it's been stalled ever since...