What was your "rock bottom"?



  • Mine was looking at pictures from parties and family gatherings and realizing how much weight I had gained. I was 205 and I'm now down to 190. I'm guilty of self sabotage. things will be going great and then I do something like have a weekend binge and then get depressed and then a month goes by with no working out and I gain the weight back. I'm done with the vicious circle. I've found my soul mate workout! TurboFire really changed my life. I'm starting week 3 and I'm so excited to get healthy! I was 145 after I had my first baby, I'm shooting for that again! maybe even 135! I'm just tired of always being the fat one in the group. I want to wear a bikini and feel good in it! heck, I want to wear shorts and feel good!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 92 Member
    Watching a video of myself at my daughter's preschool graduation. I was shocked. I couldn't believe how huge I looked. But there it was. I couldn't deny it.
  • My husband was out of work and I couldn't afford to buy new pants but couldn't fit into my regular ones. I had to wear my maternity clothes even though I wasn't pregnant :-(
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    When I realized I'd gained practuically 100 lbs since getting out of highschool and BMI considered me obese. That's some scary shiz to find out. Plus, I want a single neck again. >:( !!
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    When I saw morbidly obese on my chart in the doctor's office, I knew it was time to make a drastic change.....quick!
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Some truly great and touching stories.
    I am basically a private person and find it hard to share personal things. But after being on this site for a couple of weeks I read post after post of people pouring their hearts out. I went through a divorce 10 years ago dissolving a 24 year marriage and leaving my 2 grown kids with heartbreak. Fast forward 10 years later my kids are fine and my ex and I are on friendly terms, but it took its toll on me physically. I went from 190 to 267 at my heaviest in that time period. I got to the peak weight on a recent Saturday watching the Masters golf tournament on TV eating constantly stuffing my face with M&M's, chips, diet coke, Hostess cupcakes, and pop tarts. I felt disgusting.
    So that next Wednesday at work we have an annual personal health screening that I have avoided going for the past 3 years because I knew what the results would be and was afraid, but for some reason I went this year. My BMI was 34, my glucose was elevated, my BP was high, etc. So I go home depressed and look in the mirror from a profile view and saw the gut hanging over my belt and I said to myself "I am going to drop dead and it is going to be your own friggin' fault!"
    That was it. Do something or have a cardiac arrest. I am keeping the written results of my 2011 screening at my office desk as a reminder. I am hoping MFP is everything everyone says it is because I am only on week 3 and I have a LONG way to go.
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