Fruits & Veggies Only

How do you guys feel about eating only fruits and veggies? My friend does it every couple months and is right now and seems fine, but I think I"d go crazy. I told her I'd try it with her though since we both have important dates coming up, hers is a real date and mine is graduation.


  • cerilee
    cerilee Posts: 11 Member
    It's no different than a detox really - and I usually just eat fruit and veg and a bit of meat. I have been meat free for a month every now and again too just to see if there was any difference but I never felt it personally.

    So perhaps you could do veg, fruit and meat as a compromise? Plus, you need protein in you or else you will be falling asleep every five seconds!
  • jasonweinberg
    for how long? as the other poster said you do need to take in protein somehow at some point...
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I have a few friends that do this every few months as a "cleanse". It works for them. I think the only time I might be able to pull that off would be during the summer when I get to hot to really eat.....
  • krissybug72
    krissybug72 Posts: 35 Member
    I think it is okay as long as you get protein from some source. I only eat fish, fruits and vegetables. I don't eat land animals. I made the decision not for moral reasons, but I tried every diet under the sun and the scale would not move. I am down 11 lbs since doing this....My father's entire family has died of cancer so I figure I can at least try to not eat processed food and fatty meat. I do eat dairy and eggs. Fish is vey low in calories and is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids- my skin and nails have never looked better. I actually feel better. We even had a non-traditional Easter dinner- no ham or turkey-shrimp, clams, crab, scallops. The one good thing is there is so much variety. My freezer is full of many different kinds of fish. It is not for everyone and I don't announce it if I am at a party. I either eat everything else or have a little of what is served. Ironically, I had grilled chicken at a party about a month ago because everthing else was fattening and I vomitted. My system is rejecting meat. Weird, but true. I think the term is pescatarian if you need a label. My husband thinks I am goofy, but he supports me and has seen the results. I have hip bones again, besides I do cook meat for him and the kids. Good luck in whatever you choose :).
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How do you guys feel about eating only fruits and veggies? My friend does it every couple months and is right now and seems fine, but I think I"d go crazy. I told her I'd try it with her though since we both have important dates coming up, hers is a real date and mine is graduation.

    This would lead to a loss in muscle mass due to a lack of protein. I'm assuming you are looking at losing fat, not just weight. I would advise against this for that reason.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    How do you guys feel about eating only fruits and veggies? My friend does it every couple months and is right now and seems fine, but I think I"d go crazy. I told her I'd try it with her though since we both have important dates coming up, hers is a real date and mine is graduation.

    This would lead to a loss in muscle mass due to a lack of protein. I'm assuming you are looking at losing fat, not just weight. I would advise against this for that reason.

    Plus you're not going to feel full for long, and some fruit and veg (bananas and potatoes, for example) are not going to help weightloss if eaten in excess! There's a reason a balanced diet is called balanced!

    ETA: I don't eat meat either, and I do eat a lot of fruit and veg, but I make sure I have enough protein, carbs etc.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Do you mean eating only fruits and veggies for a period of a few days? I recall hearing about some kind of cleansing or fasting like that, for a short duration, that provides some benefit. But for the long term, I think that a balanced approach to nutrition is what we need. And we cannot be defined solely by the label of our diets, I know that for sure. I guess you could say I have been a pescatarian for years. That is, a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grain, eggs, cheese and fish. But is was sooo little fruits and veggies. Chips, pizza, huge bowls of pasta and spaghetti sauce, fried fish and processed junk food all fit nicely into that category in my mind, and that combined with a lack of exercise and a stressful job caused my weight to skyrocket and my overall health to plummet. NOW: I am still a pescatarian, but I am eating the right things and exercising, and despite a minor bump in the road (have had a flu virus the past few days), I am shedding fat and feelin fine.
  • Parcelline
    Parcelline Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    It is for two weeks; sorry should have clarified earlier. I think I will try it with some healthy proteins added.