Can't seem to get any motivation...

When I joined this site, I decided to start eating healthier and exercising every day. I only stuck with it about a week or so and now I've gotten back to eating very unhealthy food every day and no exercise. I've seen my body get bigger over time and I hate it. I've gotten so close to just taken weight loss pills and hoping that will work. I know I'm just being lazy, but I can't seem to find any motivation. None of my family or friends nearby will exercise with me. So it's just me and me alone. How does everyone do it? I need to do something! I don't want to be unhealthy anymore! Please help.


  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I have found that adding friends on this site has helped. Feel free to add me if you want.

    I have also been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and just finished day 26. Its great. On May 2nd we are starting Ripped in 30, get the video and feel free to join us! Good Luck
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    My biggest motivator is my girlfriend. She's 21 years old and has "old people" health problems. She has gal stones, high blood pressure, and what we think might be an ulcer. And she's in the hospital at least once every month because she's injured herself, or some past injury flares up again. You just should have to go through that at 21 years old. And I'm more over weight than she is! I've been fortunate enough to have pretty minimal health issues related to my weight, but my luck is eventually gonna run out, and i need to get healthy before the hammer comes down on me as well.
    Maybe you can use someone you care about's health issues as a motivator.
    And as far as having someone to work out with, I know this sounds super crazy but do you have anyone in your life who has a puppy or dog that doesn't get out enough? Perhaps you can start walking their pet. I know, it sounds really bizzare, but after one or two times of letting you walk their dog, they may get the gumption to walk the dog with you. And after feeling the effects of walking, they may want to do more to get in shape with you!
    just an idea. =)
  • wrightgirl230
    I feel your pain. I cannot seem to find the motivation either. At least not every day. I have some really good ones where I do all the right things and then I go several days of doing all the wrong things. If I just found the power in myself to say no to the garbage, I think I would be ok.

    Good Luck!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I agree with the other posters as well. I would like to add that maybe you need to do some soul searching and decide why it is you want to lose weight. Pick three or four things that are motivating you to make this change. Write them out nice and big on a paper with a black sharpie and put it on your fridge or bathroom mirror where you will see it every day. Perhaps this will remind you of why you have to work hard to achieve your goals. I work out alone too. I have friends offer to work out with me and then when I call them up they can't for whatever reason. You can't rely on anyone else but you to go out and get moving. Use the exercise time to think and plan. You can become your biggest motivator if you try. I started a blog to motivate myself and I continue to post because some people actually read it. It helps me stay honest and conscious of my goals. Maybe something like that would help. Start journaling about how you are feeling. get it out there, let it go and keep moving forward. I am rooting for you! Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • musicgirl6
    I totally understand! I was doing realy well till easter weekend... now i can not seem to get back on track. Support and motivation are the best things to help, and i think almost everyone would agree. Try setting rewards and goals too.... so say if you loose 5 lbs then you get to go out to coffee with a friend, just a little motivation
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    making obtainable goals helps! Mark down what you wlil reward yourself with at each mini goal. Find an old pair of fave jeans and celebrate the day they fit. Think of all the reasons you WANT and deserve this. I had motivational issues for a long while too- hard when you can't find your groove!
  • ktmcqueen
    ktmcqueen Posts: 81
    I am with you on the lack of motivation. I have some of the same problems that the others who wrote have. I have my good days where I'm focused and want to do this. I make sure I exercise, watch what I eat, count each calorie, then I hit a wall where there are multilple days in a row that I just don't care. I hope you find something that works for you. I found that listening to music while I do stuff helps me to not sit down which is a plus. If you need a pep talk or something just write one of us on here, we'll try to help out. Everyone that I've come across on this website is really nice and willing to help you get on the right track. Keep your head up!
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    When I'm not motivated, I ask myself "Do I want to go to bed tonight feeling guilty and crappy?" Or, "Do I want to go to bed tonight feeling great that I worked out and completely at peace with myself?"