Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I better get started on that water :) And are we doing 30 minutes/ day everyday? I normally take 1-2 rest days/week...
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I'm reposting the challenge that aab posted yesterday for anyone who missed it among all of the weigh-in posts!


    OK, as the first week's challenge, I'm going back to the basics to get everyone into the challenge smoothly.

    Food Challenge - To drink 10 glasses of water each day. If you're currently not at 10; it might seem like a lot. But you can easily become acustom to it. A simple trick - use a container that holds more than 1 glass of water.

    Exercise Challenge - To exercise at least 30 minutes each day. You choose whatever exercise...workout DVD, biking, walking, running, swimming...what's important is to stay moving for 30 minutes. Get that metabolism working!

    Good luck to everyone! I can't wait to see our weekly successes!!!!

    For anyone who had questions about the specifics of the challenges... The way we've been doing it in the previous challenges, you just keep track of it yourself, and do what works for you. If you want to count iced tea as water, then go ahead. If you want to average the 30 minutes exercise per day over the entire week, and take a few days off, you could do that too! No one is going to be telling you you're doing it wrong, it's more just to have something to push you forward during this week and maybe change up your routine.

    I hope that helps!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Here's my weigh-in for today:

    CW: 146.5
    GW: 138.5

    I would love to set my goal lower than that, but I need to get back on track, and 1 lb per week sounds perfect right now.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'd also be up for setting a challenge. That water's going to be a big first hurdle for me!

    @BerryH - Thanks for the offer on taking a challenge week. We do have all weeks taken but I'll keep note you're interested in case we need someone!

    To all the recent newbies - Welcome! We're currently at 57 ladies! WE ROCK!!! I'm imagining with this many people and the (hopefully) volume of posts we'll see, we're going to fly thru the pages of this thread. For those that haven't been active on other threads, there's 25 postings/page; 20 pages/thread. Once the 500th posting is logged, that posting will include the below 2 lines:
    < continued at this topic >
    < last part of this topic is here >

    Everyone will need to click on the 'continued at this topic' link which will get you to the current thread for this topic.

    Hope this makes sense and that we don't lose anybody after the 500th posting!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    CW: 144.4 (04/26)
    GW: 140.4 (06/21)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Good challenge! The water is going to be a challenge for me because I usually drink about 8. More on a good day, so hopefully there are lots of good days.
  • rrjs
    rrjs Posts: 46
    SW: 130.5
    GW: 122

    Water's going to be a breeze for me - lately I've been drinking around 12-14!
    Exercising 30 mins a day is a great challenge for me, I tend to give myself way more 'rest days' than I need to.
  • bspells
    bspells Posts: 10
    I'm in too!! This is my 1st challenge and 1st time ever being involved in a message board for motivation and support in my weight loss journey. So I'm really excited for the coming weeks and hope that this helps me!! Thanks.

    CW: 189.4
    GW: 177
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    I definetly am in. My first challenge as well.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    SW: 145 lbs

    CW: (and midsummer meltdown starting weight); 139 lb

    GW: 110 lbs
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    Ok, checking in!
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Lol still havent got this 'ticker ' thing down.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    BTW, Jess...you look freaking awesome in your new pic!!! LOVE the hair, hottie-tottie!!!

    Aw thanks Leslie :) And I do love your new profile pic too, lady in red!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Ok, I'm glad all the weeks are filled for challenges, I was going to take one if we came up short. I think me and Angela are still burnt out from the very first challenge when we did a challenge everyday! :tongue:

    For this challenge my CW: 162
    And my GW: 155
    I want to lose 7 pounds for this challenge to get in the 150's...my goal for the last challenge was to lose 7 and I only lost 5, so this time I'm going to push it!
    Thank you for the water challenge, I need to get it up...also I need to get back into my exercise routine, school is wrapping up and we are all moved now, it's time to ramp it up!
    Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Weighing in!

    Starting Weight on 04/26: 189.9lbs
    Challenge GW: 163lbs

    Just curious, (1) will this be a closed group, and (2) should we be expecting weekly charts to log everyones progress during the challenge?
    Thanks to anyone who replies.....

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    SW 153.0 (lost .4 this morning!)
    GW 143.0 by June 21

    I already drink about 120 oz of water/day and exercise for 30-60 mins six days a week, but I know this will keep me motivated! Is there a weekly weigh in?
  • jaxsmummy
    Awesome! Im in!

    CW 155
    Challenge GW 139
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes, we will weigh in every Tuesday and post our loss here so it can be logged and kept track of....someone will post the results every week after it is tallied. This is a great group of gals and I hope everyone stays consistent here! The challenges have helped me out tremendously!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    For my exercise, I count yard work and house cleaning, if it's something more than my daily routine. Also, a 30-minute walk is 30 minutes of exercise, no matter how fast of slow you travel. Playing in the park or yard with kids, dogs, or friends counts, too. Just standing, like when we cook, sing in choir, or wait for the bus uses 165 calories/hour for a 180 lb. person.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Ok I think I finally got this ticker thing and posting down. I am very excited about this challenge. It really motivates me especially with something like drinking more water which I am horrid about. Good luck all, may we all shed the pounds .

  • wildkiger
    wildkiger Posts: 25
    Challenge SW 155.5
    Challenge GW 150.5

    singer201's DD2