Stress Eating College Kids

gurlysmiles2001 Posts: 53
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
so i thought i'd try making a support group since i've noticed my eating habits have started to drift back to their old ways since school started. i eat like crazy when i'm stressed, and really need more friends to hold me accountable. i met a friend on here that i write daily to, and we started doing mini challenges each week, so if anyone would like to join i'll post new challenges each week and we can post our success and failures and support each other to be successful. the first challenge we did was to try to get 8 glasses of water logged. than we added who could get the most veggie servings in a day. last week's challenge was to try to log at least 20 exercise mins everyday. This week we added NO CHOCOLATE. feel free to start at the first challenge or a combination of all of them.

its really helped to focus on just one thing until it becomes more of a habit, because even now i don't always get 8 glasses of water, but i'm more aware of it now and go out of my way to chug water when i think of it. goodluck this week! i'm currently on day #2 of no chocolate :)


  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Finals week is nearly upon us here in North Texas, and I want to eat an entire pizza SO BAD!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    request sent!
  • Count me in. I could use a little more challenge and motivation. Although I have meet great people on here that keep me motivated!! (:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Sounds like a plan. I know I should eat small meals all day long, but when the caf is only open three times a day (and a buffet!) that's a little hard...I need to start taking food for two meals and sneaking half of it out.

    We can do this! Let's get through the rest of this semester on tea - not frappacinos, apples - not pizza!
  • BaronessBlixen
    BaronessBlixen Posts: 56 Member
    Can graduate students join too? ;) I'm writing my thesis proposal AND finishing up my last class right stressful! I just want comfort food!
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey guys! This is my first post on here, though I've been using mfp for about two months now.. I also don't have any friends as of yet but why not start here. This couldn't be a more fitting topic for me! Finals begin this next week and the only thing I wanna do while studying is eat! I'd love to help each other out and join the challenges!

  • Found it! :D
  • i have midterms this week. yesterday i ate a 5 pound burrito on campus and found out afterwards it was 950 calories! totally put me over for the rest of the day, and i was feeling so sick from it i didn't have the motivation to go to the gym. we can do this! and for pizza search on here for healthy pizza, i found alot of recipes using flat out bread which i make like once a week to satisfy that craving :)
  • i totally understand, thats been my challenge is eating the same amount of calories throughout the day in smaller portions. what i did that helps me is put myself on like a eating schedule that follows my break schedule at work. breakfast around 9, lunch between 11-12, snack 1 at 2 p.m. snack 2 at 4 p.m. dinner at 6 or 7, and if i was really good and made it to the gym, i eat a after dinner snack if i need more calories. eating healthy is alot of work, and involves alot of prep time. i bring my snacks in little baggies and eat them in class on my scheduled times. i've been pretty good about staying away from coffee, instead i bought one of those ceramic reusable coffee cups that i make instant coffee in. cut out the chocolate creamer this week so i need to buy some sugar free creamer or splenda, but tea is great too!
  • Hey guys! This is my first post on here, though I've been using mfp for about two months now.. I also don't have any friends as of yet but why not start here. This couldn't be a more fitting topic for me! Finals begin this next week and the only thing I wanna do while studying is eat! I'd love to help each other out and join the challenges!


    i've been on here for two months too so thought it was about time i tried to get some more support since i've been starting to slip. i'm still figuring out how to reply to comments etc but its nice that this site is pretty user friendly. i check it more than my facebook now lol. feel free to join any of the challenges i posted in the first post, this week is NO CHOCOLATE which is my toughest challenge yet :P
  • Can graduate students join too? ;) I'm writing my thesis proposal AND finishing up my last class right stressful! I just want comfort food!

    of course! being college students i think we can relate to the problem with stress eating and finding the time to prepare healthy meals and snacks. feel free to join in some of the challenges this week. i'm still figuring out how to use this site, but it has definately helped me alot in just the last two months. welcome to the group :)
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Haha I've been starting to stalk this site just as much as facebook too! I'd love to get in on this week's challenge of no chocolate (though my roommate has SO much of it around, since she had given it up for Lent and just now can eat it again hahah). Last week, I ate a whole bag of mini cadbury eggs :( they were just soo good. BUT time to get back on track this week, and so far so good!
  • Count me in! I'm a grad student too, though I won't be doing my thesis until next year. Here's in important goal for finals time---drink plenty of water! I find myself thinking abck on the day and realizing that 80% of my liquid intake has been coffee! Not good!
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    No chocolate challange this week! All over it, we can do this!
  • Count me in! I'm a grad student too, though I won't be doing my thesis until next year. Here's in important goal for finals time---drink plenty of water! I find myself thinking abck on the day and realizing that 80% of my liquid intake has been coffee! Not good!

    i definately needed this reminder. i've been studying all day to take my first midterm tonight and i've drank more coffee than water. i've managed so far to stay away from the chocolate though yay!
  • Ok sue me. My acting director gave us chocolate today for doing such a great job. Totally lost it and went for it. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm in !!

    I want finals to be overrrrrrrrrr with!! LOL.
  • This is AWESOME!!! Finals week is here and I find myself pulling all nighters and always wanting to revert to my unhealthy eating habits.

    Or my friends would want to meet at the diner at 2 am to take a break from the insanity that is finals week studying....

    Please keep up with the challenges I'm game

    And friend me everyone, I'm still semi-new and trying DESPERATELY to lose 50 pounds by September!!
  • My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out???

    I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and wasn't out of there until 1am..... ridiculous....

    Also, what do you eat when you're rushing around campus and don't have time to sit down and eat a salad.... or actually make a healthy breakfast?

    It's all really frustrating the college environment isn't conducive with healthy eating habits....
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out???

    I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and wasn't out of there until 1am..... ridiculous....

    Also, what do you eat when you're rushing around campus and don't have time to sit down and eat a salad.... or actually make a healthy breakfast?

    It's all really frustrating the college environment isn't conducive with healthy eating habits....

    Ah i totally understand! I am a full time student-athlete, and playing a sport here is like a full time job! (You'd think i'd be in better shape haha, but just struggled with weight my whole life no matter how active I have always been!) I am also always on the go. I found that pre packaging different types of snacks in little baggies in the right proportions has helped me a lot. I do this usually right after i buy them from the store. That way in the mornings I can just grab my cereal and some fruit and whatever else I need as I run out the door in the morning! Haha. If I have time I usually make oatmeal or egg whites because they're quick and easy too! Also, planning my day out in my head the night before if there is any time to grab something like a salad between class helps me too. I'm all about to do lists haha.
    I try to run around campus in the early mornings, but its taken a lot of will power! If I run at night I just have too much energy to fall asleep lol. Other than that I just have to plan around my schedule that changes daily, so it's just a constant challenge.
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