What Weight Loss Foods Can You Just Not Get Into?



  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Unfortunately, I like almost everything I try. That's how I got to be in this mess ! :)
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    Tofu..blah!! Never tried greek yogurt. I love tomatoes,bell peppers,onions,broccoli and cauliflower. I LOVE beans...i could live off beans.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I'm a cottage cheese, hardboiled egg, vegetable lover, but an oatmeal hater. I've given it a try more than once, but end up throwing it out before the bowl is even half done. ICK!

    I agree! I see a lot of people praising oatmeal BUT it's just disgusting to me. Tofu is also a no go. :noway:
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Not really a food per se, but I just can't for the life of me get into almond milk. I drink it because it does save me a whopping amount of calories, but it never goes down easy.
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Cottage cheese - I just cant get past the look of it. I've never tried Greek yogurt, but did some comparison shopping last weekend between it and regular yogurt. The Greek had less fat but the regular had fewer carbs. The calorie count was about the same. The price however, was very different. Greek was about $1.50 each, where as regular was about $3 for 4 containers. I'm cheap and went with regular. :)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I'm a cottage cheese, hardboiled egg, vegetable lover, but an oatmeal hater. I've given it a try more than once, but end up throwing it out before the bowl is even half done. ICK!

    I agree! I see a lot of people praising oatmeal BUT it's just disgusting to me. Tofu is also a no go. :noway:

    I don't get it. What do you hate about it? :-D Can't be the taste since you can make it taste like anything by adding stuff to it. If you microwave it without enough water the texture gets rubbery. Is that it?
  • I hate salads- I don't like lettuce or spinach as the main attraction of the meal- ick :(
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    There's really not much that I dislike... I don't really enjoy too many raw veggies and I HATE anything that comes out of the water. I have tried every fish anyone has ever said "but this isn't fishy tasting!" Ummm hello if it's fish how can it taste like anything other than fish? I've even tried rattlesnake only to say it tasted "fishy" and come to find out was out of some swamp somewhere. It lived in the water so I could taste the nasty water. Bleck@!!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I don't like cottage cheese, or fish that is baked or grilled the only way I can eat fish is fried and that is a no no. I haven't tried the greek yogurt yet or the hummus. Looked at both but not sure if I will like them.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Greek yogurt is definitely not growing on me. I just can't figure out the fascination with it.
  • kalelwifey
    kalelwifey Posts: 172
    Unfortunately I like to eat about anything...thats how I got here in the first place.:bigsmile:

  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    greek yogurt. I really wish I liked it because it packs a decent amount of protein. But i can't stand it. If it were cheaper i'd learn to tolerate it tho.
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    Tofu Shirataki noodles. I really wished I could get into them, but they're so disgusting to me.

    Also, egg whites and cottage cheese.
  • I was sadly disappointed too, when I tried Greek Yogurt for the first time. The protein amt is awesome for the serving size. I ended up tossing it into a "Shakeology" shake for the added protein, and it was perfectly yummy! Still don't think I can bring myself to eat Greek yogurt by the spoonfulls... nomatter how much protein it has! ;)
  • sek92
    sek92 Posts: 43 Member
    brown rice, i can do whole wheat spasta, bread etc but the texture of brown rice- i just cant get used to it
  • I didn't love greek yogurt at first but I get the honey one and stir in 1tsp of natural peanut butter til its a smooth consistency and it is very yummy.

    I've never been a big veggie lover but have found ways to get them in. I put baby spinach on my wraps and I find I can eat it that way and actually like it versus having a salad with it.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I don't like Almond milk..bought it, tried it, didn't like it. I did use all that I bought in my morning coffee (can't stand to waste) but I didn't even "like" the taste of it covered by coffee. I will stay with my 1% regular milk...

    For those who don't like plain yogurt...try making a vegetable raita with it..I love it as a dip or as a spread instead of mayo. I added the recipe on here but you can also google it. I use greek yogurt instead of curd (or cottage cheese which some say use).
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I cannot do anything with fake sugar, like mineral water zero or pepsi? Barf me out the door, I'll just drink water, thanks.

    Oh, and any type of salad dressing other than light ranch. :/
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    stevia all natural sweetner ewww it took a hour to get the horrible taste out of my mouth
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I always wanted to greek yogurt but I haven't yet. Didn't know it wasn't that tasty! ha Something I bought that I'm still on the fence about are rice cakes. They're still in the cupboard and every once in a while I'll eat one. The ones I got really weren't that low on calories I didn't think. They will probably get staled up there, but I wouldn't know since they taste staled to begin with! ha One day I put a teaspoon of peanut butter on it and it was better. It's still like eating packing peanuts or something.
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