

For the first few weeks of MFP I was losing 2 lbs a week and now it seems like I am losing only .25 lbs a week. Erg!

Needed to vent! Thanks:explode: :angry:


  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member

    For the first few weeks of MFP I was losing 2 lbs a week and now it seems like I am losing only .25 lbs a week. Erg!

    Needed to vent! Thanks:explode: :angry:
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    I hate to tell you this but that is really the way it normally goes - the first few weeks pounds seem to fall off then suddenly it all seems to stop - BUT WAIT it has not stopped, slowed down yes, but not stopped. You will most likely have some weeks were you will loose a 1lb or better but you will also have slower weeks were its a pound or slightly less. This is a slow walk up hill, your body is going to 'test' you more than once to see if this is really what your going to stick to. So do what your body is doing - take a breath, check yourself....

    Am I eating the right # of calories (and by this I mean not only to much but to little) under eating your calories can sabotage you just as bad as over eating. Are you now eyeballing your portion sizes, go back and check - about this time your eyes usually have become rather in accurate .:noway:

    Am I getting in daily exercise

    Am I drinking my water

    If you find the HONEST answer to all the above is yes, then hang in there, it WILL pay off I promise
    If the HONEST answer to one of the above is "well sorta a, or Ok not really" Then correct course and move forward.

    Regardless this is a hurry up and wait journey - hurry up and loose some - wait and stick it out as the rest slowly but steadily and permanently comes off .:glasses:

    OH and don't forget to pat yourself on the back for the progress you have already made! :drinker:
  • gnu1971
    gnu1971 Posts: 37 Member
    You're still losing - hooray for you!

    Just checking - did you adjust your goals for your weight loss? If you haven't, it won't be a big difference, so don't worry! :smile:

    Continued success to you!!!
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    You're still losing - hooray for you!

    Just checking - did you adjust your goals for your weight loss? If you haven't, it won't be a big difference, so don't worry! :smile:

    Continued success to you!!!

    What do you mean adjust my goals? I update my settings with my info including my new weight if that is what you mean. ?
  • gnu1971
    gnu1971 Posts: 37 Member
    Yep - that's all I meant.