p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Anyone having trouble getting all the protein that the nutrition guide calls for?

    I'm under my calorie goal (1800) for today, but my food diary is showing that I still need 100+ grams of protein! Maybe I just need to eat more? Especially if I'm making it out under 1800 calories by the end of the day...
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Anyone having trouble getting all the protein that the nutrition guide calls for?

    I'm under my calorie goal (1800) for today, but my food diary is showing that I still need 100+ grams of protein! Maybe I just need to eat more? Especially if I'm making it out under 1800 calories by the end of the day...

    Yes, it's tough, my daily goal is 225g based on 1800 calories a day. I eat 6 egg whites for breakfast, a greek yogurt and string cheese for morning snack, 3oz of chicken of turkey at lunch, a protein bar and sometimes turkey jerkey for afternoon snack and then anoth 4-6oz of meat for dinner. These are all loaded with protein and I still fall short each day. Luckily there is whey protein powder which I use to make up the difference. If you are struggling to reach your daily protein intake, I can't recommend whey protein enough.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hey everyone!!
    I just ordered p90x and cant wait to start!! I just did 6 weeks of Insanity (beachbody video) which is high intensity cardio, but because of all the jumping it really bothered my knee so I had to stop. I normally do alot of running, so I was surprised that the Insanity bothered me, yet running never did.
    I have been in a "plateau" for about 4 months and hoping that the p90x will finally help bust that. I only have about 5 pounds to go and judging by the posts, it looks like p90x will help?!?!?

    Does anyone have any problems with knee pain with the p90x? Is there alot of jumping?
    Can I join in when I get the discs??
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Chelios7: I bought some whey protein powder last week, so I'm going to bring some into work. It's nice to know that I'm not alone with the protein issue! Lol...hopefully tomorrow I can sneak more in. What brand of protein powder do you use?

    Dawn: I'm sure that P90X will help you get rid of those last 5 pounds and replace it with MUSCLE! There is a plyometric DVD where you jump around for 60 min, but there are plenty of modifications you can use when you need to to decrease the impact.
  • W0lfReaper
    W0lfReaper Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished day 2 of classic schedule ,, I love it then hate it then love it!! How is everyone doing?? I'm aching but know it's progress!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Chelios7: I bought some whey protein powder last week, so I'm going to bring some into work. It's nice to know that I'm not alone with the protein issue! Lol...hopefully tomorrow I can sneak more in. What brand of protein powder do you use?

    Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Whey Protein. It's about $40 for a huge 5lb tub. 24g protein per scoop. I like the Vanilla Ice Cream flavor because it mixes pretty much with anything, I'd get sick of chocolate flavored shakes or drinks every time but a lot of people like the chocolate flavors too.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Does anyone have any problems with knee pain with the p90x? Is there alot of jumping?
    Can I join in when I get the discs??

    I have pain under my right knee. And it only flairs up during some of the squats and just a few movements on the plyo workout, but not too much. I moderate some exercises because of it, even Tony himself has a knee problem (he shatered it once)
  • karmagl81
    karmagl81 Posts: 8 Member
    My husband has a titanium ankle, he tried insanity and it killed him. We are on day two of p90x and so far he is having no trouble at al.
    Hey everyone!!
    I just ordered p90x and cant wait to start!! I just did 6 weeks of Insanity (beachbody video) which is high intensity cardio, but because of all the jumping it really bothered my knee so I had to stop. I normally do alot of running, so I was surprised that the Insanity bothered me, yet running never did.
    I have been in a "plateau" for about 4 months and hoping that the p90x will finally help bust that. I only have about 5 pounds to go and judging by the posts, it looks like p90x will help?!?!?

    Does anyone have any problems with knee pain with the p90x? Is there alot of jumping?
    Can I join in when I get the discs??
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I burned more cals during Core Synergistics. There is less standing around than in Kenpo where you are just throwing punches and kicks but not really moving and getting your heartrate up. Also, like I said it's go go go, Tony barely even takes the time to show you how it's done except on a couple of the moves, it's mostly "okay, here we go!" The rolling banana, superman banana and the Dreya rolls were the toughest for me, I liked the moves but I couldn't flip around that fast! It's a fun workout nonetheless and the time went quick.

    Those bananas had me going bananas! It was definitely fun :-D
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I burned more cals during Core Synergistics. There is less standing around than in Kenpo where you are just throwing punches and kicks but not really moving and getting your heartrate up. Also, like I said it's go go go, Tony barely even takes the time to show you how it's done except on a couple of the moves, it's mostly "okay, here we go!" The rolling banana, superman banana and the Dreya rolls were the toughest for me, I liked the moves but I couldn't flip around that fast! It's a fun workout nonetheless and the time went quick.

    Those bananas had me going bananas! It was definitely fun :-D

    Were you able to do the Dreya roll with a twist? ;)
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys! I'm just finishing week two of p90x. Mind if I jump in on the conversation? Anyone want a p90x buddy?
  • lauralee001
    Week 3, Day 2 for me. Just finished Plyo for the day and I am beat. In a good way of course. I don't have a monitor so I am estimating calories burned. Off to make a great lunch based on the nutrition plan.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • tordek9
    tordek9 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the P90X dvd's. However, I read from a bunch of people online that you need to slim down before you tried it out. I currently weigh 295 down from 345. At what weight would you guys recommend I start this program?
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I have the P90X dvd's. However, I read from a bunch of people online that you need to slim down before you tried it out. I currently weigh 295 down from 345. At what weight would you guys recommend I start this program?

    Ignore those people. There is no reason you can't do it at your current weight, however you will likely have to modify some of the moves. For pull ups, maybe that means using a chair or doing them with resistance bands instead. You may have to take more breaks. All of this is fine, it'll push you hard, but Tony shows how you can modify the moves if you can't do them fully. If you can't keep up with the people on the video, just do the best you can. I know for a fact several people who did P90X at 300+ lbs, when they came across something they just phsically could not do, they would run or march in place instead. Nutrition is a big (or the biggest) part of P90X, so even if you can't handle the workouts, following the nutritional guide with help you lose weight as well. You have the dvds already, might as well put them to use, I say go for it!
  • chelsiburnett
    week 1 day 3 done!!!! Man that ab ripper x is a killer!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Week 2, Day 4 in the bag...whoo hoo! Did Shoulders & Arms this morning, and planning to squeeze in Ab Ripper this evening. Not so much looking forward to Legs & Back tomorrow since I have a race on Saturday...but the recovery drink seems to help with soreness, so I will let it work.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 2 Day 5 and 6:

    Ack, such a busy week so I haven't been logging in. But I am managing to keep up! Legs and Back yesterday went well, I definitely enjoy that workout best among the strength ones (probably because it's targeting areas I really care about hahaha). Kenpo X went well today, definitely a good burn and really gets you feeling it, plus it's a lot of fun so that's always a bonus!

    Glad to read that everyone else seems to be doing great! :D
  • markymark39
    Hi guys! I'm just finishing week two of p90x. Mind if I jump in on the conversation? Anyone want a p90x buddy?

    please feel free to jump in!

    week 4 for me...did kempo today...dare i say i am looking forward to the fring of week 5 come monday morning?
  • chelsiburnett
    week 1 day 4 complete!!! Wow that yoga is long and difficult!!! I burned 346 calories!!! Ready for some legs!!!
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 2 Day 7:

    End of week 2! Rest day today, so I'll be doing some light cardio later on. Haven't done Stretch X yet but I'll see if I feel like it later on; it's a good stretch workout I just don't feel I need it as much this week as I did last week.

    What are people's typical plans on rest days anyway? I never take them as a day to do absolutely nothing, but I know some people need a full rest for them. :)