Weight loss pills

faith7210 Posts: 41
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering if anyone found any weight loss pills that are safe without side effects and works?


  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    From what I've read on here, people tend to get their panties in a bunch when people mention diet pills :p But I would also like to know if anyone has had a good experience with diet pills. I used to take Trimspa and I loved it, but I haven't tried the new kind yet.
  • Suecoo
    Suecoo Posts: 11
    I would like to know this information as well.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I've also noticed that "diet pills" is like a huge deal on here.

    That being said, I use one called "Super Green Tea Diet" by Nature's Bounty. It makes a bunch of weight loss claims, but that's actually not why I use it.

    When I was younger, I tried those crazy Stackers, and although they gave me the energy I needed to work 12+ hours during the holidays, they also made me shake and gave me anxiety.

    So I use these for the energy boost, without ANY of the side affects I had seen before.

    Suffice to say, I don't think there is such a thing as a magic diet pill. Eating in moderation and exercising is really the way to go, but on those days when you just need something to get you going, there are some supplements out there that can give you the little boost needed to hit the gym.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    used to love trimspa myself.

    i now take oxyelite plus. as far as perfectly safe and with out side effects well dont think you are going to find that, i am just going with what i judge the lesser of two evils, temporary uses of a maybe not enitrely healthy product vs. a life time of obesity.

    (and for those that are going to blast MY PERSONAL DECISION bite my fat *kitten*. but do it quickly while its still fat)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I won't get my panties in a bunch about them, but I've tried many different kinds in my weight loss past... I will tell you that none of them will work for long term success. They'll work for awhile, but eventually your body gets used to them (like anything else) and they'll stop working. As soon as you stop taking them, you'll likely gain a bunch (if not all) of the weight back. Learning to manage your portions, eat healthy foods, drink water and work out is the best and only long term way of keeping the weight off. Pills won't teach you how to eat right.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm not generally in favor of diet pills, but if you already have good habits and just need a little jump start, they can be helpful. I was taking SlimQuick for a little while before I got pregnant. It helped me drop 4 pounds of water weight that I'd been holding onto. I didn't have problems with side effects unless I went too long without eating. I took two pills in the morning before breakfast and I waited too long to have lunch (more than 4-5 hours) I'd get really jittery.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    no they cant teach you to eat right but they might give a bit of help til you adjust.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    I have tried many diet pills. I have found following my goals and charting what I eat is much healthier and more successful in the long run. Whenever I lose the weight and stop taking the pills I always gain the weight back. I love myfitnesspal. I do take lots of vitamins.,,,,Omegas, Multivitamin,Flax seed:happy:
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I have taken Phentermine before and lost 20+ lbs in about 2 months. BUT! As soon as I got off of them I gained it all back PLUS an additional 20 lbs. It is just 'too easy' to lose weight with them, that I got used to being able to eat how I wanted and still lose weight, so once I got off of them, I still had that same mind track and ate all my weight back. Oh, and I cant forget to mention that my resting heart rate was around 120. NOT GOOD! They might be good to 'jump start' a diet if you really need that extra push to really get started, but I cant recommend them for long term use...they just didnt work for me.
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    used to love trimspa myself.

    i now take oxyelite plus. as far as perfectly safe and with out side effects well dont think you are going to find that, i am just going with what i judge the lesser of two evils, temporary uses of a maybe not enitrely healthy product vs. a life time of obesity.

    (and for those that are going to blast MY PERSONAL DECISION bite my fat *kitten*. but do it quickly while its still fat)

    LOL!!:laugh: GOOD ONE!! I haven't heard of oxyelite. Is it over the counter? Have you had success with it?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    used to love trimspa myself.

    i now take oxyelite plus. as far as perfectly safe and with out side effects well dont think you are going to find that, i am just going with what i judge the lesser of two evils, temporary uses of a maybe not enitrely healthy product vs. a life time of obesity.

    (and for those that are going to blast MY PERSONAL DECISION bite my fat *kitten*. but do it quickly while its still fat)

    LOL!!:laugh: GOOD ONE!! I haven't heard of oxyelite. Is it over the counter? Have you had success with it?

    yes i get it at GNC
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    oh and over 45 pounds of success, with it and being careful about what i eat, and excersising.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I've tried Alli. You have to be really carefull not to eat anything with a high fat content. I got realy bad cramps that lasted for days so I discontinued using it. I'm not sure if it accelerated my weight loss or not.
  • faith7210
    faith7210 Posts: 41
    I dont think i have a problem with eating right and exercising. I know i havent loged in over week cuz my family was here.
  • I read that Oxylite was similar to Jacked3 or some crzy speed drink, crammed full of calorie burning stuff.... (Im not a chemist; can you tell?)
    Did you ever notice an abnormal amount of anxiety or jitters with Oxylite?

    Also-- I just heard about the "HCG' diet (or something) DOes anyone have info on that? My friend tried MediFast and it proved unsucessful for her! I was bummed- I wanted to attempt it.... but I trust her judgement that the food was not so tasty, and make her feel sick.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I will occasionally take Zantrex-3 if I need to stay up all night, or for a boost before my workout.

    But not as a diet supplement.
    I've heard it has bad side effects,
    but I haven't experienced any.
    But then again, I only take it about 4-5 times a month.
  • faith7210
    faith7210 Posts: 41
    Im not looking for anything with caffeine. I cant have caffeine.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I read that Oxylite was similar to Jacked3 or some crzy speed drink, crammed full of calorie burning stuff.... (Im not a chemist; can you tell?)
    Did you ever notice an abnormal amount of anxiety or jitters with Oxylite?

    Also-- I just heard about the "HCG' diet (or something) DOes anyone have info on that? My friend tried MediFast and it proved unsucessful for her! I was bummed- I wanted to attempt it.... but I trust her judgement that the food was not so tasty, and make her feel sick.

    i personally did not haven anxiety or jitters but i was quite the caffine junkie before that time, not drinking the caffine drinks anymore for a completly diffrent reason.
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    For me, education has been the best diet pill. I've been so tempted to try using diet pills... I've even gone as far as to buy a box of product only to return it because I was too scared of what I might be putting in my body. Slow and steady wins the race in my opinion. Here's a little of what I'm learning that's really helping me drop weight fast:

    1. Avoid added sugar
    2. Don't drink too much caffeine (excess caffeine stresses your body and actually makes you hold onto fat!)
    3. Drink LOTS of water
    4. Up your intake of lean protein and vegetables--consider going on a protein and veggie detox like James Dugain's in "The Clean & Lean Diet"
    5. Get rid of as much processed food as possible... if it will stay good on your shelf for more than a week, it's probably processed

    Hope this helps!

    *Note: I'm not trying to knock anyone for using diet pills; I just wanted to share what's helping me be successful and break through plateaus without the use of pills :smile:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    In my 20's I tried several...at least 20 different kinds of diet pills! They gave me energy and dropped some pounds but I seriously think they gave me anxiety issues and ruined my metabolism! I was never really obese just wanted that extra 15-20lbs off...well...here I am with a ****ty metabolism and 60 some lbs overweighht! I would'nt do it....diet and exercise seems like the safest route to go. Good luck!
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