Training for 5K

High everyone I would like to start training for a 5k in August and would like some advice on getting a training schedule. I used to run when I was younger and would like to get back into running. I am 307lbs. and will probably get down to 270lbs by the race. I don't know if i will be able to run the whole race without stopping but I am willing to give it a shot. I can run .25 of a mile in 3 minutes now. After I run the 1/4 mi. I walk for about 2 min to catch my breath then I run a tenth of a mile and walk for a minute run a tenth and walk for a minute and so on till I reach 1 mi. I run three days a week mon, wed, fri. and weight train on opposite days. Is this a good training program starting out or is there a more efficent way to train? Thank you for your help!!!


  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    I started running at 299lbs and was running 5k in less then 6 weeks. I had zero running experience and couldn't make it from one street light to the next. It really is mind over matter and about pacing yourself. Don't worry about speed whatsoever.

    C25k is a great program to start with. While, not perfect, it is still very good!
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    i recommend the couch to 5k... its a nine week program that helps you go from not running at all to running a 5k. You can print off a schedule and a lot of different sites, i just googled it to find the schedule. I started the routine in early febuary (it took me a little longer than 9 weeks) and just finished my first 5k on april 16! It was a lot of fun and it really works!
  • Congrats on your decision to begin running! I am on the same mission and signed up for my first 5K for June 11th. It sounds like you are on a really good schedule and pacing guide. I am doing the couch to 5K program that uses timed intervals to slowly move you toward more running and less walking. I like it because it takes the calculations and guess work out of how far or long I have gone this time compared to last time. But I have read that it is better to base your training on distance and not time, so if you can keep track of your progress and keep pushing yourself forward, Im sure it should work great.

    I am on the same journey as you, so I am not an expert, I just know that the program is working for me and it seems that you are on the same type of schedule.

    Good luck and keep up the GREAT work!!
  • Mcogelia
    Mcogelia Posts: 16
    C25k! It is really great... you slowly ease your way into running! It can easily be accommodated too... if you need to stay on a week a little longer you just repeat it until you feel ready to move on. I just finished the program today and it really works :) good luck
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I just started running back in February, and just finished Runner's World's 8-week Beginner Training program:,7120,s6-238-520--9397-1-1X5-2,00.html
    I had not done much running at all (though I was close to my goal weight), but I had very few problems in building up to running 30 minutes straight for a couple of miles.

    The key is to build up slowly and give your body and muscles time to adapt to running, and build up your stamina.

    Also, a lot of people love the Couch to 5K program.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I'm also on the couch to 5k bandwagon, lol. I downloaded an app called "get running" for my ipod touch - it lets me play music, and then gives prompts over the music for when to start/stop and also coaches during the runs (i.e. "great job, you are halfway through this run!" etc).

    You can easily find it through google, or for a printable schedule, as well.

    Good luck at the race!!
  • sarahrn2003
    sarahrn2003 Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend podrunner intervals.
    You download his music, run or walk to the beat and by the 10th week you a running a 5K!
    The really nice thing about it is that it is a no-brainer. As long as you get yourself outside with your ipod or mp3 player 3 times a week, you will succeed.
    My sister is on week 8 and is now running for 28 minutes straight. I'm on week 5.

    good luck!
  • mom2threeQTs
    mom2threeQTs Posts: 21 Member
    I have been using the miCoach app on my phone. I have done about 20 runs with it, and have seen much progress. I was barely able to run from one street light to the next, and now I can run for 30 mins straight. I want to enter a 5k, but don't want to until I can run it in under 30 mins (It took me 31:42 the last time I did it). Not sure how I should be progressing, but I guess it's more important to beat your personal goals, than to compete against others.

    Good luck!
  • flash53
    flash53 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help. I will check out c25k:happy: