"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1



  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great bunch to be a part of. :happy:

    Nursee - THANK YOU for the cool graphic! Your daughter did a great job.

    My starting weight in 178.0 - same as last week because I was too chicken to weigh this week after my terrible day Sunday. :blushing:

    April, thank you SOO much for all your hard work on the challenge. It looks GREAT! I'll try my best. I'm not sure if I'll get the 150 miles, or not with my gang, but I'll sure try. :wink:

    I'm excited about this challenge!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kelly9579
    kelly9579 Posts: 2 Member
    I really don't want to put my starting weight though, so maybe I won't officially sign up. I am very ashamed
    of the number.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kelly: People in the past have put 0 as their starting weight and then tracked pounds lost instead of actual weight.....Pinky should be able to help with how the spreadsheet is set up to calculate and what you'll have to put in in future weeks
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I know we are only 1 day in, but I am 1lb down today and counting it :D
    Down is good these days.
    SW 151
    CW 150

    Was at 149 3 week back though :(
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I really don't want to put my starting weight though, so maybe I won't officially sign up. I am very ashamed
    of the number.

    ((hugs)) I understand that feeling, but we are here to HELP and encourage you, not cast stones. :flowerforyou: Obviously, some of us have more than others, but we're all in the same boat wanting to lose some pounds. Don't feel embarrassed!

    Whichever way you choose, we're THRILLED to have you join us!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I really don't want to put my starting weight though, so maybe I won't officially sign up. I am very ashamed
    of the number.

    I'm with the others... it doesn't matter what the number is... just count how much you've lost!!! We don't mind!!!! I want you to feel welcome here, we truly are all in the same situation, just some of us have already been at it for a while and others have just started! Personally, while I had a lot to lose for myself, I'm getting so close to goal it may look easy, but I assure you it's NOT!!!! I work twice as hard now to see a loss, and don't see one every week!!! Just hang in there... stick with it and I know you'll see results!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, I'm on my way! I did my "easy" 2 miles tonight but had to do it on the treadmill at the gym because it's been raining like mad here all day! Not a fan of sloshing through the puddles, so off to the gym I went! I decided to make today an ab and dumbbell row day, since I had a little time left after my run. Ended up doing 100 crunches and 50 reverse crunches as well as 50 dumbbell rows!!! Tomorrow I'm going to try for the jumping jacks, but I'm not sure I can do the step/jump ups because we don't have a step at the gym or at home! Any suggestions???? Otherwise I may skip that one.. we'll see if I can figure something out.

    Run was good. I had the girl at the gym remeasure my BMI and body fat % since I hadn't done that since December. Have to be honest, I thought it would have been lower (the %, I knew my BMI). Not that I'm not thrilled it's gone down, but it's still higher than I would have thought!!! I think I really need to kick up the intensity... or something. Not really sure, but I'm not stopping!

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Kelly9579 - Welcome to the group! Hope you find nothing but fabulous success! Don't you dare go feeling ashamed. You don't have to post anything you don't want to! Like Pam said, you can post zero as your starting weight, and log the number of pounds lost. Like, put "0" for starting weight, and then just log in the difference between the current week and last week. You aren't in any way forced to use the spreadsheet if you don't feel like it. *hug* We want you to be happy here, no pressure!

    pmkelly409 - Happy running!

    nursee67 - I LOVE the graphic!

    Nikstergirl - Maybe instead of the step move you add in lunges? So that way you're still working your legs, just in a different way?

    Had a nice run at the track yesterday (2.25 miles), even though it was youth track night again. Reminder to self: Mondays and Wednesdays are youth track nights!! I'm all excited for going back to the track tonight...when did getting excited to run happen?! :D
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Forgot to say earlier, BJ - that is FABULOUS that you've already had a loss!! Way to go!!

    Great running, Girls! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    okay, having trouble with finding my mojo with the Pilates. Although I love pilates, I have never done it at home before. any suggestions?
    so i ran another 2 miles tonight to log something.... I changed it up and walked the first 15 mintues brisk while doing 200 arm movements - variety of moves using all muscle groups. then I turned it up and ran on an incline for 15 minutes.
    Drank all my water and added color to my meal - strawberries - - big and red and yummy. Thank you Wegmans! :drinker:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I really don't want to put my starting weight though, so maybe I won't officially sign up. I am very ashamed
    of the number.

    Never, ever feel embarrased! We are so very glad to have you as a part of our group. The best part of this site is the wonderful people we meet along the way. I hope you succeed in whatever goals you set for yourself. If you fall...get back up and try again. Trust me...I am a leader in that arena! Ha!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm in! I think I gained more than 10 lbs in the last few days... I had visitors for the weekend and now I can't get back on track... gggrrrr....

    Thanks again for these challenges AprilVal!!!!

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Off to do my crunches and reverse crunches, then hitting the shower.. :) hoping to get up early to do some working out in the morning.. if its nice after work tomorrow, I might go for a walk. :) I spent 4 hours cleaning today.. HEAVY cleaning..
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Ok, I think I want to join but I am so nervous about failing. I joined the 30DS challenge and failed after day two. I need things like these challenges to keep me motivated but the first time I mess up, I jump off the wagon. I worry that joining this challenge will be the same thing. I'm going to take a look at the H2O website and maybe that will help me make up my mind.
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I actually had some quiet time while daughter was sleeping today and sat down and made a spread sheet for this challenge for myself. I thought I would share. You wont be able to edit or anything like that but maybe highlight and copy and paste if you want to use it. I don't mind. It might help some people out. There is more tabs at bottom but not all are filled out right now cause its not time for those yet. :) Enjoy. Hope it helps someone out or even gives them an idea. I like to do this sort of thing to keep me accountable.


    Thanks for the spreadsheet - I copied and pasted some of it, and used it as the basis for my own tracking system in excel. I really like your system! Thanks for posting it for us all to see :)
  • autumn_lea85
    My starting weight is 172. I did 30 DS today and only walked one mile. I'm going to push myself as much as I can but I have two children and work full time as a nursing assistant so I'm pretty busy. I'm going to get as close to these goals as possible though! I can't wait for it to get alittle nicer up here in the Pacific NW. that will make walking easier with the little ones. I would really like to see myself lose atleast 10 pounds. Good luck to everyone!!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Is it to late to join?
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Ok, I think I want to join but I am so nervous about failing. I joined the 30DS challenge and failed after day two. I need things like these challenges to keep me motivated but the first time I mess up, I jump off the wagon. I worry that joining this challenge will be the same thing. I'm going to take a look at the H2O website and maybe that will help me make up my mind.

    This group is awesome and supportive and it is quite difficult to "fail" the H2O challenges. I think most of us try to do most of the challenges, but it depends on the week. I absolutely love the ideas, and some weeks I do every single one, but on other weeks, there might only be one I can do. Even if you "fail" a week, no one here would know it!

    And as for 30DS, just because it it didn't work out for you before doesn't mean it can't go better some other time. Trying things is a great way to figure out what works for your weight loss journey...and what doesn't!

    The 150 miles challenge is just that - a challenge for motivation. But we don't jeer and snicker at people if they only do 15, 90, or 140 miles. You do what you can. I hope you join us, but if not, good luck in your next challenge - and there is no "fail"!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    To EVERYONE. Catching up.. WHEW Find your username and read.. :)

    CLASSY35 - Welcome to the group.. You can do this, we are here for you.. :)

    brittanysmith101 - Welcome to the group. only do what your body can take hun. We are here for you, and we will keep you motivated as much as possible. :)

    autumn_lea85 - Welcome to the group. We are here to help motivate you in anyway possible. Let us know what we can do for you. If you are falling off the wagon, we will help push you a little further. Yay Autumn on your workout. Keep up the motivation and determination. In the end it will pay off.

    elysetoplin - Welcome to the group. Each number is for the week that I have set. Look forward to getting to know you. We are here to help keep you motivated.

    anglicw - Welcome to the group. Looking forward to getting to know you. We are here to help motivate you in any way possible.

    VanessaFaulkner- Welcome to the group. Youre signed up. :) Looking forward to getting to know you.

    cazzincali - Youre welcome. :) Looking forward to seeing what we can do this time around. :)

    pink_and_shiny - Thanks for being helpful as always. :) Thank you for your time and dedication with the spreadsheet, and website. Your help is greatly appreciated. :) Yay for the walk/run :)

    fitterpam- Lets nip this challenge in the butt.. :)

    ashley0616 - Happy to see youre in the challenge again this time. ;) looking forward to seeing what we can do this time around. :)

    linemansgirl - The weekend is bound to get the best of us. Do what you can this time. We know and understand that youre busy. :)

    nursee67 - youre welcome. And id like to thank your kids again for the help with the challenge. :) this time they contributed to the graphic. thanks again.

    violet_820 - Im happy to see that you are doing well with these challenges. Or they are atleast helping you a bit.. :)

    RonieLisbeth - Welcome to the group. Hope you enjoy the challenges. :)

    Alegria79 - Thank you, and youre welcome for upping the miles. I figure the weather is warming up, which may allow us more time to be outside walking. :) Looking forward to seeing whats we each have in us.

    emilysebastian - Thank you, glad you like the challenges this week. Cant wait to see how we look in 10 weeks. :)

    aprildauer - happy to see you in the challenge again april. Its ok for being mia, I have too been that way aside from making the challenges. Lifes been keeping me busy. Very good idea with the spreadsheet.. :)

    bjshooter - Yay bj, I hope we can make something of it this time. As usually you and i end up sick sometime during the challenge. Way to go on the pound down bj

    cenedria235 - Welcome back Cenedria, we understand you taking a break. I remember you saying you needed to do so. i hope you found what you were looking for. And you know we are here to help push you back into the grind.. :)

    Nikstergirl - Yay for giving pilates a try.. ;) Thats all we ask. Give it a try, if its not your cup of tea then move on. ;) Way to go on the 2 miles. the step ups, do you have anything thats a little high. The edge to the shower/bath tub. thats a hugs step up but its better than nothing.. lol. Step stool? milk crate that you can flip over? ect.

    kelly9579 - Welcome to the group, you can do it. We are here to motivate you. :) You don't have to put your weight but we arent here to judge. Weve had some pretty heavy people in the group, and its never been an issue. I promise. I had one time a person was uncomfortable with posing a picture, but they got over it. And they had a Long way to go. We are here we promise. Getting past the "embarassment" of your weight will help you. It will help you put that number in the past.

    pmkelly409 - Welcome to the group. Happy to see another new face in the group. Hoping you enjoy our challenges. :) Find you some videos on youtube, or if you have cable check ondemand. Thats where i get alot of my videos that I try. :)

    JeninBelgium - Hope you enjoy the ab challenges, although it may feel like im killing you. The challenges are going to be a little more intense this time. :) hoping to switch it up a bit. :)

    CrystalS - youre welcome. Atleast you will attempt the 150 miles. Thats all that matters. Maybe youll get some luck in there with weather warming up. remember you can do it walking, riding, ect.

    ChantalC1969 - Yay. I was beginning to miss you. Happy to see you here. Get up off that tail and get it a moving.. :) Get past those visitors being there. Take some time to relax and get a moving. Lets get those 10 pounds back off.. :)

    JustJenn419 - Welcome to the group. We are happy to have you here. If you EVER feel like you are failing, tell us and we are here to help you. maybe we can help yo uchange it up a bit ot make it not so boring for you. And just because you give up doesnt mean you fail. You can hop back on the bandwagon at anytime. You got it in you, you just have to find it deep within.

    annalobdell - Its never too late to join.. :) Jump in and see what you got. :) looking forward to getting to know you. If you need the motivation youre in the right place..

    Whew.. that took a while.. But I feel better now that Im caught up. I was feeling bad for not replying. :( eek.. trying to be a better group leader.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW: 301 (ugh back up into the 300's AGAIN)

    Started on the Crunches and Reverse Crunch challenge.. Only got 25 Crunches and 20 Reverse Crunches in. Boy am I out of shape again. :( It was killing my abs. Whew. Hoping I can step it up a bit so I can do it for the week. :) I havent started walking yet. I better get a move on that. haha.

    Cant wait to see what I can do. I need to stay motivated peeps. I wanna lose atleast 20 pounds before july 30th, for my family reunion. so push me ladies. REALLY push me. lol.