venturing out of the shadows...

I have been on here for nearly 3 weeks and I have been wandering around reading the forums and peoples blogs but haven't commented to much so far and I feel I should introduce myself...

My name is Suzannah (Sooz to most people :) ) I am 23 and I am doing the Slim Fast diet - I know I should just change the way I eat and not substitute meals for a shake or meal bar but I had a lot of problems when I was about 17 with getting very obsessive with what I ate and how much and how much exercise I did to the point just before I turned 18 I would only eat a max of 800 calories and have to exercise of 1000 calories which is very unhealthy. I got over it and then when to uni and piled on the pounds. I have tried to diet since but I always start to get to concerned with cutting out as many calories as possible that I get scared I will go back to then that I stop and carry on as I always have.

I now hate the way I look to the point I barely even look in the mirror anymore becuase I am discusted with what I see.
The slim fast seems to be working becuase 2 meals are already set and I don't have to worry about calories for the whole day just one meal.

I have had a few slip ups as we all do and I am having this weekend off becuase its my other halfs birthday and I don't want to be worrying the whole time but so far I have lost 9lb which I am really pleased with.
I am aiming for 9 stone (126lb) and I am currently 12 stone 12lb (180lb). So I have a way to go before I get to my goal but I have seen so many success stories on here that I feel really optimistic that I will get there this time :)

This site seems to be full of lovely supportive people and I would love to get to know some of you and hopefully we can all help each other along the way and get to our goals :)


  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    That's awesome! You have a great plan!
    Good luck!
    Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other! I am 24-- so we are very close in age!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Welcome, glad you ventured out. I find people are more successful the more they interact.
  • captmarko
    captmarko Posts: 18 Member
    Way to go. I think the main this is what ever works best for you, as long as it is healthy. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. It helps everyone.