Anyone brave enough...

kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
Anyone brave enough to go shopping on Black Friday? If so, what's your "gotta have it" item and what are you willing to do to get it?


  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Anyone brave enough to go shopping on Black Friday? If so, what's your "gotta have it" item and what are you willing to do to get it?
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Not I said the chicken...LOL We battled Black Friday a few years back and I swore I'd NEVER do it again! I'd rather pay $10 more for a gift than battle the crowds and the check-out lanes!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My mom & I have done it in years past before the kiddos came along. It is much easier if you start first thing in the morning & map out your stores & what you want at each. The only place we've ever had a real problem is Best Buy. Those folks are nuts.
  • NO! I am just not that brave. I rationed out my gift list this year and the bulk is behind me. Thank goodness.
    I don't want this to sound like an ad but I must share this website I just discovered for kids.
    Every item I looked at had same day shipping if ordered before 4pm CST. You can employ their shopping wizard & punch in the age, gender, interests, & price range of the suggestions.
    Here's the best part--you can choose the country you want the toy made in, and it is a long list of options OR you can select "Not made in China". I am a frequent on line shopper & this is the best site I have ever used:
    Try it, you'll like it.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    That website sounds fantastic! Thanks for the info!
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Very cool site antzyndam! I'll have to look it over more when my kiddo goes to bed.

    So, Becky...I won't be running into you at Eastgate?? I love to go just for the entertainment factor. If I get some shopping done great, but I won't tackle anyone for the last Tickle Me Elmo. :laugh:
  • My husbands Aunt is giving me money for the kids for Christmas...sooooo I plan on going out!!!
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    A lot of the Outlet malls start at Midnight and are open all night. I went last year with my dh's aunt and at first is was sooooo crowded. But then around 2 am, things started thinning out some and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. They had fabulous deals from midnight to 8 am. It was a lot of fun. Not going this year, but maybe do it again next year.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Not I said the chicken...LOL We battled Black Friday a few years back and I swore I'd NEVER do it again! I'd rather pay $10 more for a gift than battle the crowds and the check-out lanes!

    DItto on that!

    I actually did most of my shopping last year online. ( and plan on doing it again this year too) was great! Most companies offer free shipping and that is even a bigger bonus!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    no way! When I was 17 I worked in a retail chain called Zayre's, sorta like Kmart, only cheaper:laugh:

    It was the year of the cabbage patch doll and I had come in 3 hours early to set up the display right in front of the doors. Oh it was so pretty, stacked so the sweet mommies could choose the baby that looked like their kid.

    WEEELLLLLL we opened the doors and these maniac lunatics crashed right through us. They knocked an old lady down and nearly trampled her to death to get a freakin doll!!! I punched more than a few woman out of the way so my lil lady didnt get hurt further. I also grabbed 2 dolls and put them behind the desk. Once the dolls were gone, and my lil lady was getting into the ambulance, I laid the 2 boxes on the stretcher and stared my mgr down just incase he DARED to charge her.

    Bet there was a lawsuit on THAT one!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I hit the stores, depending on what was in the ad. My family would all sit around after Thanksgiving dinner and go through the ads and make our lists. One year, we all exchanged lists so that we could each only have to go to one or two stores. That worked pretty well.

    Now, my husband does all of the shopping online, so I don't feel the "need" to hit the stores. Sometimes I still do, but I find as I get older it isn't as important. When my 15 year old was a toddler, oh yeah, we had to get "THE TOY OF THE YEAR" and I always went for the sales. Remember Furbies? Yup, watched a lady get a black eye to try and get one. One of my friends worked at wallyworld, and they ended up taking everyone's name and number who didn't get one, and said that if they got more in, they would randomly draw names and offer them to those people at the sale price. I have to say, it wasn't so random, because I wasn't 100% sold on the furby idea for my son, so I didn't bother with putting my name in. When the Furbies came in, my friend gave me a call and said she set one aside for me. I would imagine with Walmart employees doing that for all their friends, not so many regular shoppers got called.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm kind of in trouble this year, I think. My son is nine and is on the brink of "is Santa real or not". He really wants to believe and I would love to let him stay a kid a bit longer. Some of his friends are so cynical already. He had saved some money and has been looking everywhere for Bakugan toys to buy with it. He recently told me, "It's okay, I guess they are really popular. I can wait til Christmas, I'll just ask Santa to bring me some." YIKES! I hope I get lucky...maybe I can use my big ol' bootie to push through the crowds.
  • I'm kind of in trouble this year, I think. My son is nine and is on the brink of "is Santa real or not". He really wants to believe and I would love to let him stay a kid a bit longer. Some of his friends are so cynical already. He had saved some money and has been looking everywhere for Bakugan toys to buy with it. He recently told me, "It's okay, I guess they are really popular. I can wait til Christmas, I'll just ask Santa to bring me some." YIKES! I hope I get lucky...maybe I can use my big ol' bootie to push through the crowds.

    Don't get hurt! Just buy online!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    no way! When I was 17 I worked in a retail chain called Zayre's, sorta like Kmart, only cheaper:laugh:

    It was the year of the cabbage patch doll and I had come in 3 hours early to set up the display right in front of the doors. Oh it was so pretty, stacked so the sweet mommies could choose the baby that looked like their kid.

    WEEELLLLLL we opened the doors and these maniac lunatics crashed right through us. They knocked an old lady down and nearly trampled her to death to get a freakin doll!!! I punched more than a few woman out of the way so my lil lady didnt get hurt further. I also grabbed 2 dolls and put them behind the desk. Once the dolls were gone, and my lil lady was getting into the ambulance, I laid the 2 boxes on the stretcher and stared my mgr down just incase he DARED to charge her.

    Bet there was a lawsuit on THAT one!

    Wow, what a story!!!

    I went Black Friday shopping last year and enjoyed it. However, there's never a "must have" gift on sale, so I'd just as rather shop some other time. I'll be working Black Friday (and shopping online :wink: ).
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm kind of in trouble this year, I think. My son is nine and is on the brink of "is Santa real or not". He really wants to believe and I would love to let him stay a kid a bit longer. Some of his friends are so cynical already. He had saved some money and has been looking everywhere for Bakugan toys to buy with it. He recently told me, "It's okay, I guess they are really popular. I can wait til Christmas, I'll just ask Santa to bring me some." YIKES! I hope I get lucky...maybe I can use my big ol' bootie to push through the crowds.

    Don't get hurt! Just buy online!

    Thanks for the great sites...I'm passing them along to the aunties and grandamas. I actually just "stumbled" upon some! I went to Walmart to buy some potatoes for T-Day and low and behold there they entire end cap filled with the little buggers! Yea! Santa does exist!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    no way! When I was 17 I worked in a retail chain called Zayre's, sorta like Kmart, only cheaper:laugh:

    It was the year of the cabbage patch doll and I had come in 3 hours early to set up the display right in front of the doors. Oh it was so pretty, stacked so the sweet mommies could choose the baby that looked like their kid.

    WEEELLLLLL we opened the doors and these maniac lunatics crashed right through us. They knocked an old lady down and nearly trampled her to death to get a freakin doll!!! I punched more than a few woman out of the way so my lil lady didnt get hurt further. I also grabbed 2 dolls and put them behind the desk. Once the dolls were gone, and my lil lady was getting into the ambulance, I laid the 2 boxes on the stretcher and stared my mgr down just incase he DARED to charge her.

    Bet there was a lawsuit on THAT one!

    Ugh, this makes me sick.
    This is why I hate Christmas. :grumble:

    No, I don't shop on Black Friday. I work on Black Friday. And in the future, I plan to not leave my house for any reason on Black Friday because I hate everything it represents.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    no way! When I was 17 I worked in a retail chain called Zayre's, sorta like Kmart, only cheaper:laugh:

    It was the year of the cabbage patch doll and I had come in 3 hours early to set up the display right in front of the doors. Oh it was so pretty, stacked so the sweet mommies could choose the baby that looked like their kid.

    WEEELLLLLL we opened the doors and these maniac lunatics crashed right through us. They knocked an old lady down and nearly trampled her to death to get a freakin doll!!! I punched more than a few woman out of the way so my lil lady didnt get hurt further. I also grabbed 2 dolls and put them behind the desk. Once the dolls were gone, and my lil lady was getting into the ambulance, I laid the 2 boxes on the stretcher and stared my mgr down just incase he DARED to charge her.

    Bet there was a lawsuit on THAT one!

    Oh wow! I so can relate to this one Jeannie my bud.....Cabbage Patch dolls came out when I was living in MD and worked at KayBee (sp?...long time ago! lol) Toy Store.... OMG.....totally crazy people!!! Folks were crashing through the glass doors....unbelieveable! All for a dolll stuffed with cabbage.....:huh: :grumble: :noway: :bigsmile:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    nah.... maybe to the laundry mat!:laugh: :huh: :sad:

    But seriously....well quite frankly I was serious on that note.....but I have gone out a couple times on the Friday following the Holiday...When I was a hard core ADDICTED rubberstamper....and our local store had a closeout that same day of 60-80% can bet I was sittin there waiting at 6am! GOtta loot...I can tell ya!!

    So now I sit here at my computer and post it to sell on ebay....:laugh: :laugh: :sad: :grumble: I still enjoy it but have decided no way do I need a store's worth of crap to have a hobby.

    Anyone else that's a stamper/scrapper on here will totally get where I'm coming from!:noway: :ohwell: :sick: :bigsmile:

    I did have alot of fun that day:drinker: .....ran into all my Sisters out and about at Michaels Crafts.....which was fun to see them all one by one in various aisles....:laugh: They had all come seperately with their friends so it really got to be funny the more family and friends we all ran into .......we all had breakfast (mostly so we could sit down...sheesh...standing in line is rather tiring...but I have to say my experience was a memorable one!) later in the morning after Michaels every hour special coupon deal.

    What's freaky is when you are holding coupons and having nothing left to buy but OMG you think it's a 50% off ONE! I can't waste it! To funny we consumers are:blushing: :laugh: :yawn: :noway:

    I too did my contribution to retail in my early years...and WHOA folks can be the nicest ever or the creepiest nastiest sure see the scrooges out their shopping...but I can see how it could wear on a person xmas shopping during the, talk about intense pressure to get all that kid stuff .....whew........

    That's why I could totally relate to Jeannie's Cabbage stuffed Kids story...omgosh, poor crushed hear about this EVERY SINGLE year..... crazy crazy!

    I look at retail in a whole new way having started out jobs in retail....I hope to never have to go that route again....noooooo way would I be a greeter at Wally World when I'm 102.... :sad:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Those of you that enjoy the craziness and fun with your family and friends shopping together.....GO FOR IT I say....have a blast!! It can be loads of fun depending on your mindset.... I kept my mind on humor mode the whole time so I made it:drinker: :drinker: .... ya pretty much just gotta laugh when folks are tearing at the toaster ovens because they are $10 off that day.... hmmm... cause really what else can ya do?:wink::laugh: :bigsmile:

    I say a toaster oven for $10 off is NOT worth losing a limb over, mine or someone else's! :noway: :wink: But hey...that's just me:drinker:

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: To all you hard working retail workers/managers...hang in there.....take a deep and kill em with kindness....there are some good folks that get up early for the fun..... our attitudes is often what gets us through the tough days!!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Without humor I'd simply be lost in more recent times......:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    NO! I am just not that brave. I rationed out my gift list this year and the bulk is behind me. Thank goodness.
    I don't want this to sound like an ad but I must share this website I just discovered for kids.
    Every item I looked at had same day shipping if ordered before 4pm CST. You can employ their shopping wizard & punch in the age, gender, interests, & price range of the suggestions.
    Here's the best part--you can choose the country you want the toy made in, and it is a long list of options OR you can select "Not made in China". I am a frequent on line shopper & this is the best site I have ever used:
    Try it, you'll like it.
    wow, sounds like a way cool site....neat idea....glad you shared.... I say online shopping rocks! I do love my cattys that come in the mail by the boatload this time of year though..... still love flipping through them!!:bigsmile: