Small changes that make a diffrence......imput needed. =)

Ok so I woke up and had an idea. Everyone here has diffrent eating styles and I think we should share. Last night on The Biggest Loser I heard a old contastant say to use hummus instead of mayo. I gave up mayo almost 5 months ago but it was nice to see a replacement. Also I heard something about avacado too. rambling is over.

Whats some ideas of things you have changed since changing ur eating habits? ANYTHING! Maybe it might hit home with someone.

One of mine is that I use laughing cow cheese and whole wheat ritz in place of my side with sandwiches and its super filing.

Also I make spinach and laughing cow cheese together in a pan as a side with my dinner.....
I'll post more when I remember some of my others!

(WOW, I sound crazy about laughing cow cheese huh? I am a cheese freak but I found a nice substituion!)


  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I look forward to some of the responses
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
  • heididormanen
    I always keep a bag of 100 calorie popcorn in my desk and most days when the afternoon hits I will make it and put it into a bowl at my desk.. gives me something to munch on for that mindless eating thing we do :)

    Replaced all the chicken stock in the house to Low Sodium and all natural stuff as well

    Got rid of most of the processed food and replaced it will the tools to make it home made.. no more rice mixes or noodles or any of that.. we just use plain rice and cook it in chicken stock

    Eat on smaller plates

    Don't bing the pot to the table.. serve up plates in the kitchen (and I do measure up the servings for me, my hubby and older son) and bring the plates to the dining room.. no one goes back for seconds

    I keep a pile of carrots or whatever on the counter when I am cooking so I much on those and not anything else.

    so obviously I can
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    This is probably a no brainer but I always use whole grain products if I can find them; you have to make sure the ingredient list says "whole grain," if enriched is in there than it's not really whole grain, it's just "flavored". Lol.

    I've found that if I don't tell people most the time they don't notice- especially in the case of pastas. And as an added bonus, my kids will be growing up eating whole grain, hopefully they won't have to wrestle with getting "used to it" when they get older like I did.
  • donnamariemoon
    I switched to "herb salad mix" with fresh tomato salsa instead of plain lettuce in my salads because the leaves and salsa have so much flavor, I find I use less dressing and higher calorie things in my salads.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    whole wheat and whole grain pastas. ground turkey for anything you usually have ground beef with. brown rice. salad dressing on the side.

    out to eat:
    Shrimp rather than chicken wings, more fish, lean steak rather than smothered chicken
  • destiny637
    I LOVE sweets! I found the SkinnyCow Ice Cream Sandwiches -- they are low in calories, fat and even contain fiber. My personal favorite is the Mint Ice Cream Sandwich, but they come in a variety of flavors. :)

    I look forward to hearing what everyone else does. . . .

    Have a great day!
  • tippietoes
    When making guacamole.. substitute 50% of your mix with green peas. The peas take on the flavour of the avocado, only with less fat. Sneaky & yummy rolled into one :)
  • erykah6115
    Yes I also use the hummus in place of chip dip and veggie dip its so much better for you. I replaced my diet pop with diet green tea so i still get my caffine fix during the lunch hour. And i still believe that drinking 2 big glasses of water before you eat really does help u eat less. Good Luck and i loved to hear what everyone else does for their small changes
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    This is probably a no brainer but I always use whole grain products if I can find them; you have to make sure the ingredient list says "whole grain," if enriched is in there than it's not really whole grain, it's just "flavored". Lol.

    I've found that if I don't tell people most the time they don't notice- especially in the case of pastas. And as an added bonus, my kids will be growing up eating whole grain, hopefully they won't have to wrestle with getting "used to it" when they get older like I did.

    THANK YOU! Enriched = crap, might as well be white bread, etc.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I chew sugarless gum while cooking so I don't munch and fill up before dinner (then eat dinner anyway) lol
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i use balsamic vinegar on my salad instead of other dressings, its healthy for you and i also take balsamic vinegar and cook it to make a glaze with garlic and i put it on fish and some veggies too tastes so good
  • YPabe
    YPabe Posts: 21 Member
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I always keep a bag of 100 calorie popcorn in my desk and most days when the afternoon hits I will make it and put it into a bowl at my desk.. gives me something to munch on for that mindless eating thing we do :)

    Replaced all the chicken stock in the house to Low Sodium and all natural stuff as well

    Got rid of most of the processed food and replaced it will the tools to make it home made.. no more rice mixes or noodles or any of that.. we just use plain rice and cook it in chicken stock

    Eat on smaller plates

    Don't bing the pot to the table.. serve up plates in the kitchen (and I do measure up the servings for me, my hubby and older son) and bring the plates to the dining room.. no one goes back for seconds

    I keep a pile of carrots or whatever on the counter when I am cooking so I much on those and not anything else.

    so obviously I can

    Eat on smaller plates, definitely! I've noticed that I'm a very visual eater and our regular dinner size plates just don't help me with that. I can "fill" my sandwhich plate and get appropriate portion sizes but if I use the dinner plates I almost always over eat. I also eat cereal and soups out of my coffee cups, once again, much smaller portion size and visually I'm getting so much even though it's still a correct portion.
  • heididormanen
    When making guacamole.. substitute 50% of your mix with green peas. The peas take on the flavour of the avocado, only with less fat. Sneaky & yummy rolled into one :)

    Even more yummy and higher protein.. use soy beans instead of peas
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Use nonfat plain Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. I've even used it on ground turkey tacos and it was great! I use hummus on my wraps. You should measure though because hummus is usually between 50-70 calories for 2 tablespoons. No processed foods. I make everything fresh. Definitely no boxed foods. I cook my rice in low-sodium chicken stock for added flavor. Very little salt. I use a lot of seasonings (salt-free) in most dishes to help with flavor. You can also squeeze a little lemon juice on steamed veggies in place of salt and it helps bring out the flavors. Ezekial bread in place of regular bread. Fat free frozen yogurt for ice cream, in moderation.
    I'll list more as I think of them. I've been doing this for years now so I have gotten creative. :) My husband likes it all too so that's a good sign! :) lol
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I have changed a lot! I eat much more food actually now, crazy as that sounds. I don't just eat carbs and leave the rest on my plate cuase i'm full. I eat way more vegetabls and fruit, drink way more water and am avoiding canned and processed foods as much as possible.

    When i eat a sandwich i eat one piece of bread. I use ezekiel bread now instead of whole wheat.

    I meausre out hummus or red pepper dip first. so i don't aimlessly dip.

    I don't let myself have almost any crackers or snacky foods and have begun avoiding high sugar bars like fibre1 as they all seem to make me crave more and more and more!

    I use laughing cow instead of mayo sometimes. Still working on this!

    Drink a glass of water before dinner, or two to help not overeat. I measure out my full plate and push the tempting dishes across the table. I try to fill my plate really full with salad, mushrooms or veggies, psychological i guess :P

    Put my salad in a mixing bowl with a few other veggies and toss with tbsp of my fave poppyseed dressing, coat well instead of finding it dry and wasting more calories on more dressing.

    Allow myself a few packets of nestea singles on days i can't get my water in.

    Make sure i don't go longer than 3-4 hours between meals. If we are eating a late dinner i allow a second snack so i don't binge.

    On days i have extra calories i mix peanut butter into my oatmeal. Super yum, very filling and healthy!

    My fave go-to snack right now is yogurt with berries on top and FF whipped cream. On days i have a really good workout i indulge in a bit of low fat granola too! (but find it hard to limit so mostly as a treat)
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    In response to mayo: plain greek yogurt ... Also, for veggies dip: plain greek w/ ranch seasoning.

    Cut up veggies/fruits asap - place in containers in the fridge. I find when I open the fridge I just have to take a grape out of our bowls. Celery and carrots keep very well - replaced them over chips. 100 cal popcorn, almonds, trail mix for light snacks. PB instead of butter on my toast. Or EVOO instead of butter for cooking.

    And my personal difference, no more cereal for meals. Snack or dessert only - and measured out!!
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    THANK YOU! Enriched = crap, might as well be white bread, etc.

    I know!! I burst peoples bubbles ALL the time about it. People get flustered when they say "oh, well this is whole grain" and I flip the box/ bag/ what have you and point out the "enriched" part. A lot of people blow me off but I am so glad I know better.

    I think it's some crap that companies are allowed to falsly label their products that way.