when should weights be incorporated?

hey again

when should i worry about including weights into my workout routine? i have been told that six weeks into a workout regimen is when weights should be added, any suggestions?


  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    You can (and should) start some kind of strength training from the beginning. Working on your muscles helps you to lose fat faster without compromising as much lean muscle mass. Besides that, muscles look pretty :love:
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    I think most programs will have you wait a few weeks to make sure you're not going to hurt yourself if you're just starting working out, but I agree with amberaz about lifting from the beginning.
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Actually weights should be the basis of everything. I have lost all the fat to uncover my abs by weight training and diet alone! I stay strict eating all week and weight train 5 days a week.
    The key though, is using weight that challenges you. Intensity is the name of the game.
    Use a weight that you have a very hard time completing the last couple reps...usually 8-10 reps is the best.
    Don't worry about getting "big"....women just don't have enough testosterone to do that.
    It will build a little muscle and that is what eats up the fat....
    If things are slow in the fat loss department still after a few weeks, throw in a couple shorter cardio sessions AFTER weight training.