Inspiration? Motivation help?

mmkay007 Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I have always wanted to become healthy.
I feel like this time is it. I must succeed!
However, I am having a hard time finding inspiration. I'm starting med school in August, and I am in a wedding in September, but these don't seem to be enough to actually get me to stick with it.
I'm trying really hard, but when I cheat it is because I feel like a) losing weight is not gonna work this time, b) if it makes me happy why should I deprive myself of it? c) I should love myself the way I am.
I know these are just cop-outs, but it's hard for me to get around and through them.
I am in therapy for anxiety and depression and some personal things that happened in my childhood. I am working toward having a healthier image of myself, my self worth, and I am trying to accept that I am lovable and am trying to learn how to love myself.
So anyways, now that I've written a novel about my ever-so-interesting life story, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on staying motivated? Any suggestions on what I can look to for inspiration?
P.S. I have horrible social anxiety, so this is like the 3rd time I've wanted to post on here, but I have been to afraid until now. Sorry if I'm socially awkward.



  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome----try to view food as fuel and not as pleasure. Eat 6 meals a day, no processed junk. Just fruits, veggies, lean meat, and very little whole grains.
  • mak112388
    mak112388 Posts: 50
    you can add me if you would like for support :smile:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Decide that you are worth a healthier lifestyle. That is the best motivation there is. You are important and therefore you are worth the effort it takes to change your life. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need friends.
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    How about baby steps.. first off lets not think of this for just losing weight (and that it isn't going to happen this time). Lets start by just adding in some exercise and doing it for your heart... and also that "feel good" feeling afterwards.. That will improve your anxiety/depression already. As you see the weight slowly drop off, then that will just be a bonus! Best of luck to you and very happy to have you! You will love MFP!
  • Mark330
    Mark330 Posts: 75
    Welcome. We are all a bit socially awkward!

    A great way to stay motivated is to get on MFP and add lots of friends. They will coach you. Log on every day, and offer motivation to others. You will, in turn, get motivated yourself.
  • Welcome Mary!!! This site is great for support/motivation ... we all support each other since we are all on this journey together.

    Add me, if you like! :bigsmile:
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Remember one important thing through this whole process....weight numbers on the scale are extremely misleading! Judge only by inches and how your clothes fit.

    I have lost all the fat I needed to and uncover my abs while the sale went up a little. Muscle weighs alot...keep that in mind!
  • Hi! I too have issues with anxiety that I have been in therapy for, and I know that they affect my eating ect. I also knwo that my anxiety is ALWAYS better when I am eating right and working out HARD. The brownie tastes great and makes me feel good for about 5 min, then I feel crappy, have worse anxiety, and am kicking my butt for eating it. I just have to remember that the instant gratification is not worth it!
  • Im willing to help anyway I can including exercising & Diet... U can Add me
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Mary,

    My sister suffers from severe anxiety and depression. For her exercise helps because it allows her relax and gives her time to think. She is a journal writer and will often take a long walk or run to think things through and then she'll come back and write everything down in her journal. The workourts also help with her depression because they stimulate endorphines. You should love yourself 100%. And being on a diet isn't about depriving yourself. If you want something, have it, just have it in moderation. Maybe use a reward system. Only you can find the motivation to get started, but this site is great for encouragement and accountability. Stay positive and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • relicsloft
    relicsloft Posts: 18 Member
    The weight is a trap to keep you safe AWAY from others who could hurt you, so it lies to you... it lies to me too. People who have gotten fit on here, eating right and working out say "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"... i would at least like to see what that tastes/feels like, maybe i am depriving myself of being truly happy. And if i love myself i should take care of myself, why dont i want to take good care of my fabulous body?

    btw i just finished reading your post... i responded right away to the questions you asked yourself because i was going to post a similar thing about needing motivation myself! I think you posted everything i wanted to say... You inspired me!
  • Captaindj1
    Captaindj1 Posts: 1 Member
    I think one of the best things to do first is exercise!! Make a serious commitment to start an exercise routine and stick with it. I've also struggled all my life with my weight, and in the past I always focus too much on the weight loss (actual pounds lost)...this time I have put most of my energy in exercising. I've found that although I'm keeping track of calories, etc...on this website I'm not letting it get to me if i get on the scale and haven't lost anything. I can feel the difference in the way my clothes fit. It is a VERY slow process, but, i figure I've been going back and forth for over 40 years and it's not going to change overnight.

    I always used the excuse I didn't have time to exercise. I'm a single mother of 2 who works full time so I don't have much free time but I finally realized that it is important for me personally and as a mom to do the right thing for myself. So, I made sure to make time for me and actaully, it will be beneficial for my kids to see me making a great change in my life.

    Good luck!
  • mmkay007
    mmkay007 Posts: 7
    haha that is the same for me. i justify eating the brownie BEFORE i eat it, then afterwards I feel even worse.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How about baby steps.. first off lets not think of this for just losing weight (and that it isn't going to happen this time). Lets start by just adding in some exercise and doing it for your heart... and also that "feel good" feeling afterwards.. That will improve your anxiety/depression already. As you see the weight slowly drop off, then that will just be a bonus! Best of luck to you and very happy to have you! You will love MFP!

    ^^^ This... Overwhelming yourself with all the rules and thoughts of deprivation is just going to make it harder for you. Make one goal each week in order to work towards being more healthy or active. For instance, this week, your goal could be to track every bit of food for the whole week whether or not you stay within your goal. Next week, your goal could be to get your fruits and veggies in, or eat less processed food, or whatever you decide.

    Also, as far as deprivation goes, don't do it. If you know you want chocolate or ice cream or whatever, have a reasonable portion. Sitting there with "I want it, but I can't have it, I want it but I can't have it" running through your head is just going to lead to you giving in and binging. For me, pizza is a must have. So I try my best to stay on target all week and then once a week I have pizza and wings for dinner - and I don't have anywhere near a reasonable portion! LOL! But it's ok because that's what I've worked so hard for all week and I'm right back on track starting with the next meal/day.
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    Welcome! To stay motivated I find satisfaction in other things than just losing pounds. Much of that come with exercise. Seeing how much I have improved over a certain amount of time, seeing how much farther I can walk or run, or being able to beat a craving, or losing inches! make sure you measure your body, not just weight, it helps to see that you are making small improvements! Hang in there!
  • mmkay007
    mmkay007 Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone!
    I will try that whole smaller goals thing. And not depriving myself so I become obssessed with what I can't have.
    I am feeling a lot more optimistic already.
    Having a community for support really makes a difference, I think! :)
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Firstly, good on you for posting.

    Secondly, no-on here judges, everyone is so helpful and motivational! I am now addicted to this site.

    Thirdly, don't ever give up. You CAN do it!
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